Looking at the thoroughly burned County Lord's house, people's eyes showed fear. Even the guy who has eaten human flesh like heisaner can't help feeling numb when he thinks of the scene that happened before.

At this moment, his ears seemed to be still filled with the painful cries and screams of those people in the fire.

However, look at the little girl in front of her. How powerful her heart is. She was not scared to cry. On the contrary, there is a feeling that those people die too fast and haven't enjoyed it yet.

Bean sized beads of sweat flowed down both sides of his nose. When the cool wind blew, he suddenly felt a chill.

Fortunately, the aunt didn't intend to kill herself. She was a little devil.

Tian Yuqiao said she didn't care about Heisan's proposal to build a house in another place.

Liangzi also said, "county Lord, I'm afraid Feng Shui is bad here. After all, so many people were burned at once. Moreover, God was angry. I'm afraid it's unlucky. My subordinates also think it's better for us to build a house in another place."

Tian Yuqiao gave him a white look and said, "you don't know. In fact, the land here is very fertile. Don't you see that the grass can grow so lush? And the ashes of these people are the best crop nourishment."

People trembled when they heard the speech. Hei san'er knelt down at Tian Yuqiao's feet and said, "county Lord, we are willing to pledge our allegiance to the death ~"

One by one, they all swore that what would happen if they dared to betray the county Lord.

Tian Yuqiao was also a little speechless. His heart said that he burned several bad guys? And they were all blocked by thick smoke. It was just that the cry was a little scary. Why did these people become so scared?

"Well, well, I've been tossing about for most of the day, and I'm tired. I'll find an inn to rest, and I'll give it to you. Dig all the scorched land and send it to the county Lord's fief to pile it up and keep it as fertilizer at the beginning of next spring."

After she put down these chilling words, she left a slim and graceful figure for everyone.

Mrs. Chen and they had already rented an inn. After Tian Yuqiao went in and washed briefly, he ate something and took Xiaoyu to sleep together.

To tell you the truth, she's not afraid. It's fake. However, I'm used to the scene of war, so I can be so calm.

"Miss, tell the maidservant what you did to those people?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

Tian Yuqiao turned his head towards the inner wall and pretended to be asleep.

"Tell me, miss." Xiaoyu still doesn't give up.

"Don't make any noise. If you make any more noise, I'll let you sleep in another room." Tian Yuqiao threatened.

Five days later, the guards worked so quickly that they soon "dug three feet" and transported the scorched ruins on the top floor to Tian Yuqiao's fief.

Although the number of 1000 mu is huge, once it is scattered to several farmers, one can't get much.

The wheat and rice in the field don't grow very well, and no one is harvesting now. Tian Yuqiao is a little confused about this.

"County leader, my subordinates have found out everything. Lai scar and his group go back to rob everyone's food every autumn harvest in the past two years. So ~ everyone only collects enough food for their own family, and the rest is left to rot in the ground or be robbed."

Wang sighed and said, "Hey, instead of helping others harvest and waiting for others to grab the ready-made ones, I'm afraid I'd do the same. Joel, you can't punish them for this."

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "Mom, don't worry. Now Lai scar has been caught by me. I think no one will make trouble again."

Liangzi then brought a trembling old man. From his dress, although he was very poor, he looked like a scholar.

"Old immortal Zongyu, I've seen the county Lord."

Liangzi said, "county Lord, this is Li Zheng of this place. Your fief is within his jurisdiction."

"Li Zheng, please sit down. Can you tell me what's going on here?"

Tian Yuqiao asked Xiaoyu to bring Zongyu some snacks and make a pot of hot tea.

Although he was a little afraid of Tian Yuqiao, he kept looking at the snacks. Even the sound of his swallowing was heard.

"You eat first, and we'll talk after eating." Tian Yuqiao left and went to the next room.

Liangzi smiled, patted Zongyu on the shoulder and said, "you always eat more. It's all made by the county Lord himself. You can't buy it in the imperial city."

Hearing the speech, Zongyu didn't care so much. He directly reached out and grabbed the dessert on the plate, put it into his mouth and took a big bite. Then I narrowed my eyes comfortably and drank another cup of tea, so I didn't choke.

"Oh, I'm really ashamed. It's been more than a year. There's no surplus food at home. We don't have food at home. It's a joke to tell."

"Old man, what's going on?" Liangzi asked with a frown.

He knows that the county leader is next door, and the sound insulation effect here is not very good. The county leader can certainly hear his conversation here.

"To tell you the truth, it's Lai scar's bastards. Originally, he had a few slackers. They were all gangsters in our county. Now they are even more unscrupulous while taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Hu people at the border. Colluding with bandits seems to have more than a hundred people. The people don't talk about life, and the county magistrate is forced to death by them."

"Yesterday, God sent a disaster to the county master's house. Have you heard of it?"

Hearing the speech, Zongyu immediately sat upright and patted the dessert residue on his hands. Then he solemnly said, "we all heard that there are two young students in Chuang Tzu. I just saw that scene yesterday. I heard that it is also related to the county Lord. At this time, they were meant to harm the county Lord. Unexpectedly, they were taken away by God, ha ha ~"

He laughed like crazy, and then he said, "heaven has eyes, and we can have peace for some days in the future."

Tian Yuqiao just came from the next door and asked Xiaoyu to pack the rest of the snacks for him. He was pathetic enough, so he didn't ask much.

"Liangzi, tell the people in Chuang Tzu to hurry and harvest the crops in the field. Lai scar, they are dead. You should spread the good news as soon as possible."

In less than three days, the whole Fengyang County, and even several towns and villages under its jurisdiction, people all began to spread that Lai scar had messed up the punishment.

Those farmers who had been frightened out of their courage now began to rush to harvest crops. If they delay, they know what the consequences will be.

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