Tian Dahai soon recruited enough people, from constables to yamen servants, even prison officials. In this regard, he also specially sent a document to the magistrate, who let him live on his own and give him a monthly salary according to his head at that time.

The Yamen is finally complete, and the Li brothers and haotianjun can go back.

That day, Tian Dahai specially went to the county master's house with everyone. He also bought many gifts for Wang's family. The main ones are for his little niece Lan'er. After all, the little girl is the eye of the Tian family.

After arriving at the county Lord's house, Tian Yuqiao had a letter for a long time, so he asked people to arrange a banquet to entertain his fourth uncle.

"Oh, come on, fourth brother. Why do you buy these old things? It's too strange. Our family doesn't like this." Wang said with a smile.

"Second sister-in-law, these are mainly bought for Lan'er. I know there is no shortage of food at second sister-in-law's house, so I didn't buy those for you."

Although Tian Dahai occupied most of the resources of the Tian family, Tian Yuqiao generally had a good impression of his fourth uncle, otherwise he wouldn't have borrowed people and silver at the beginning.

After eating in the County Hall, Tian Dahai got a report from the Yamen that someone was beating drums in the Yamen. Please go to the court as soon as possible.

Tian DA and Haydn wrinkled their brows and wondered who he really was. He didn't understand anything. Knowing that the county magistrate is not here, I still have to let the county magistrate come out and be promoted.

Seeing his displeased look on his face, the Yamen immediately said, "Sir, the man said he was your sister-in-law ~"

When Tian Yuqiao heard the speech, he was on a whim and said, "Mom, we didn't know that ye Nai had come before. It's better to say hello to Ye Nai. By the way, I also want to see what grievances my uncle and mother have."

Wang Shi is a little speechless. In fact, she doesn't intend to see the people in the old house of the Tian family. But even so, her daughter has opened her mouth, and she can only follow it.

"Well, I'll clean up now. Fourth brother, wait for us first. We'll go to the city with you to greet my parents when we pack up."

Wang changed into a lotus colored embroidered jacket and gave LAN er a set of one-piece cartoon elephant cotton clothes.

After asking Mrs. Chen to pack up some gifts, she took her comfortable super luxury carriage and went to the county government with Tian Dahai.

"Joe, why do you have to see your master?" Wang asked in some confusion.

"Hehe, actually, I'm just curious about what my aunt is going to do. Although no one knows us in the northwest, it's not good if we don't go to see the elders over there."

Wang nodded and said, "what you said is also true. This time, my mother thought less."

"Hehe, mom, people say that one pregnancy is stupid for three years. At first I didn't believe it, but now ~"

Seeing Tian Yuqiao laughing back and forth, Lan'er also giggled. Seeing that he was laughed at by the two girls, Wang immediately pinched Tian Yuqiao's face and patted the little girl's little ass.

After laughing for a while, the mother and daughter soon arrived at the county government. They went in through the back door. After all, they didn't intend to be seen by too many people.

Tian Dahai went to change into official clothes, while Wang and Tian Yuqiao took advantage of this time to say hello to Mr. Tian and Li.

Wang stayed in the back house with Lan'er and accompanied Li and Tian Guihua. Tian Yuqiao secretly hid behind the screen next to the lobby. Tian Dahai also put a chair for her there.

"Come and tell the accuser to go to the court." Tian Dahai patted a startling wood, full of official prestige.

He saw that the visitor was indeed Gao. Now that her injuries had healed, she had the strength to come and beat the drum and complain.

"Lord Qingtian, make decisions for the people's women. The people's women are wronged ~"

As soon as Gao came up, he knelt down in front of the hall and began to cry. When the newly recruited yamen servants on both sides saw it, they immediately knocked out neat drums on the ground with the water and fire stick in their hands.

He shouted in unison, "mighty!"

"What's your grievance?"

Gao said, "Sir, I'll sue Tian Dajiang, the eldest brother of the county magistrate. I'll sue him for abandoning his daughter-in-law. He abandoned his wife and son ~"

After she finished fighting Tian Dajiang that day, after a few days of publicity, she calculated to find a job in the city. Fortunately, her portrait did not hang long at the gate of the city, but was covered up by the notice of the county magistrate recruiting yamen servants.

However, she suddenly learned that Tian Dajiang was really rich, and he bought the house in the county. It's also said that Tian Dajiang made friends with the magistrate's son. It's said that the man will be a small official for him in the future.

Originally, Gao was disappointed with Tian Dajiang, but at the thought of becoming an official wife in the future, the temptation was too great. Therefore, she went to the Yamen to play drums today.

Xiaoyu also came together and winked with Tian Yuqiao.

When Tian Dahai heard this, Gao said it was his family's business. Looking at the people watching the bustle outside the yamen gate, he suddenly felt a burst of dryness and heat on his face.

"This is a family affair, so it doesn't need to be tried in the court. Come and leave the court and bring the plaintiff to the back Yamen."

When Tian Dahai finished, he shook his sleeve and left.

"Miss, I haven't seen enough. It's over now?" Xiaoyu blinked and disappointed.

"Come on, it turned out that the uncle found a concubine. The aunt really dares to mess around."

It was precisely because of Gao's mischief that Wang gave an excuse to leave. Before Tian Yuqiao saw the result, he was pulled into the carriage by Wang and returned to the county house.

"Mother, why are you so anxious? My milk can still eat you now?"

"Qiao'er, I always think we've kept it from them about your father's life. I'm a little uneasy, so I'll take advantage of your uncle's business and slip away."

Tian Yuqiao returned to the county house. As a result, the sky suddenly changed, and then it snowed heavily.

Wang covered Lan'er for fear that his little girl would be frozen.

"The old man is really strange. When we left, it was all right. Why did it change as soon as we came back. Hey, it's not as good as ours." Wang began to complain.

"Mom, let's have hot pot at night. I haven't eaten it for a long time." Tian Yuqiao suggested.

Wang looked at the north side and sighed, "Hey, I don't know if your father has anything to eat. We eat and drink all day, but he wants to drink the West and north wind at the border."

Seeing that he accidentally touched Wang's sentimental nerve, Tian Yuqiao quickly turned off the topic and began to ask her about embroidery.

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