Li Tieniu and others have returned, and Tian Yuqiao can leave at ease. After discussing with Wang, she decided to go to the border first and see tiandahe in Tianshui city.

Wang's thoughts during this period are all about his own man, worried that he can't eat enough and wear warm clothes. In particular, the climate here is cold early, and it is particularly cold in winter.

"Joe, help your mother bring some more thick clothes for your father. I don't know if it will be much colder there than here. And this fur is newly sewn by your mother. You can also bring it by the way."

Looking at Wang's nagging, like a diligent little bee, busy packing up things there, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

"Mom, dad is a marquis. There are many people waiting on him. Don't worry, he won't be cold or hungry."

"No, my mother is always worried. Qiao'er, why don't my mother just go with you?" Wang suddenly changed his mind and wanted to go with Tian Yuqiao.

"Mom, it's windy and dusty in the northwest. If you go there, you'll have to take care of your family. Lan'er still needs someone to take care of him at that time. I'm afraid it will make trouble for his father."

After thinking about it, Wang finally nodded and said, "Hey, that's all right."

Then she went on to clean up. Busy and happy, as if his love for Tian Dahe had to be expressed by packing up things.

At night, Tian Yuqiao led Xiaoyu and jumped directly onto Honghong's back. Flying in the cold high altitude is really not a comfortable thing. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao wrapped himself and Xiaoyu in a wolf skin mattress.

In her own words, they looked like pancakes with two hams. Tightly wrapped from head to foot.

"Hey, it seems that I have to find a way to make a dragon car for Honghong, otherwise it's too uncomfortable." Tian Yuqiao said in a stuffy voice.

Xiaoyu said with a smile, "Miss, it's good for others to have a carriage when they go out. We all ride the dragon. Why do you dislike it?"

Honghong blinked her big eyes and looked wronged. Long long is wronged, but long long just doesn't say.

The speed was accelerated. In less than an hour, it was over Tianshui city.

Now that the emperor agreed to let Tian Dahe recruit troops by himself, Fang Wenhao came with all Hao Tianjun. The salary given by the imperial court is also a great wealth.

Although there was not much money and food that could really reach them under layers of exploitation, it was better than nothing.

The guard of the city gate naturally knows Tian Yuqiao, because he was brought out by big head's men.

"Miss Joel, why did you come here at night? It must be golden rings again. They are not sensible." the man said with a smile.

"Elder brother, take me to see my father. I don't know if he has slept." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Not yet. The war here is tense recently, and the Marquis usually goes to bed late." he said, and took Tian Yuqiao and Honghong to the Marquis house in Pingxi.

The so-called Hou house is actually the place where the great prince lived before. It's not particularly gorgeous, but fortunately, it's no problem to keep out the wind and rain.

Compared with other civilian residences in Tianshui City, he is already very good here.

As soon as Tian Yuqiao came to the door, he saw the figure on the paper in the window swaying. She told the man to leave first, while she stood at the door and listened for a while.

Just listen to Fang Wenhao's voice inside and say, "the Hu people are completely crazy now. They are fierce and not afraid of death when they fight."

Tian Yuqiao knew that those people must have been controlled by the new great wizard.

There was also a big head inside. He seemed to be analyzing the reasons for the failure of previous battles.

Then Tian Dahe said, "it's getting late. It's the first heavy snow today. Go back and have a rest first. We'll discuss the specific things tomorrow."

Tian Yuqiao pushed the door in and said, "Dad, brother Hao'er, Brother Big head."

At the beginning, several people in the meeting thought that someone didn't understand the rules and dared to break in without authorization. When they heard Tian Yuqiao's beautiful calling voice like a lark, they were full of energy.

The first one who came out was Fang Wenhao. He pulled Tian Yuqiao's sleeve and asked with concern, "is it cold? Come in and bake the fire. This is our own coal. It's really warm."

Big head also greeted Tian Yuqiao with a smile, and then he didn't go.

Tian Dahe smiled at his daughter and said, "Joe, you must be cold and hungry this big night. Come on, Dad, let someone cook some noodles for you."

Tian Yuqiao's eyes brightened and said, "Dad, this is what my mother asked us to bring you. In this cold day, I think it's better for us to eat hot pot, and we have food in the heaven and earth bag."

The big head smiled and said, "ha ha, Joe, come here. Sure enough, there are delicious food. Fortunately, I didn't go, otherwise this kind of good thing won't come to me."

"Big head, look what you said. Why can't we eat alone? We are all our own people. Why do we talk about two families?" Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

This side said to be ready, and soon the copper pot was supported.

The boiling red soup in the soup, with the continuous rolling of the water spray, the bright red chili peppers, like boats, fluctuated up and down in the soup.

The bottom of the pot was prepared by Tian Yuqiao with great care, and yellow butter was added to it. The fragrance filled the whole conference hall, and the three men like tigers on the battlefield couldn't help falling for it.

The sound of big head swallowing saliva, the movement of Fang Wenhao's mouth, and the laughter when Tian Dahe checked his baggage.

The red charcoal fire under the pot kept crackling, and the whole room seemed to be a symphony concert.

Tian Yuqiao was already a little hungry because she hadn't had time for dinner. As soon as he said he would come to the border, Wang forgot everything and began to tidy up.

"Well, everyone takes their own dishes, and Joel is responsible for getting dip for everyone." Tian Dahe ordered.

The big head also said, "Oh, I haven't tasted Joel's craft for a long time. It's good. I can't help drooling."

Fang Wenhao said angrily, "big head, be careful. Don't let your saliva flow into the pot."

Everyone roared with a smile. Xiaoyu helped to serve and soon brought a large wooden basin of freshly washed vegetables. As for beef and mutton slices, there is no shortage in the West.

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