A group of old men discussed for a long time, but they didn't find a suitable way to kill the great wizard.

It's not that they want to save Hu civilians, but because those civilians have sent representatives to say that if they help save their daughter, they are willing to surrender to pingxihou and pay tribute to pingxihou from now on.

This temptation is great, and even from the moral point of view, Tian Dahe wants to get rid of the scourge like the great wizard. After all, there are girls in his family, especially Lan'er's birth, which makes his heart softer.

He can't bear people who will harm the little girl if they move. So this time he stopped attacking the Hu people temporarily, but wanted to catch the thief and the king, and get rid of the great wizard first. Naturally, those Hu soldiers were not worried.

"Dad, I'm going to send a big gift to the great wizard of Hu people." Tian Yuqiao smiled slightly.

Tian Dahe frowned and said, "no, Joe, you can't make trouble with me."

"I'm serious. They're catching little girls everywhere. Dad, you're just about to find their nest. I'll put on the clothes of a little Hu girl and be caught by them."

Fang Wenhao was so excited that he stood up and shouted, "it's absolutely impossible. It's too dangerous."

The big head also said, "yes, Joel, we all know what you mean, but it's really too dangerous."

"You don't have to persuade me anymore. At the thought that those little girls about my age will be caught by the old thing, maybe they will become living dead. Don't worry, I have the ability to protect myself. Moreover, I will leave a mark for you all the way. Just follow and protect me secretly."

After a heated debate, Tian Yuqiao finally speechless with his three inch tongue.

From the morality of human relations to the conscience of heaven and earth, she is about to say that she can save all the people in the world. In order not to delay her turning herself into a virgin, Tian Dahe finally nodded.

After the generals were dissolved, only Tian Dahe and Fang Wenhao were left. They advised again, but they were of little use.

"Dad, you let someone contact Barbara and tell them that our two families are going to swallow the Hu people together and ask him if he has the courage to eat this big piece of fat."

Fang Wenhao's eyes lit up. After all, his Haotian army had cooperated with Horqin tribe before, and the effect was really good. Although in terms of individual combat effectiveness, Haotian army should be slightly better, once fighting in the grassland and snow mountains, it still needs the people of Horqin tribe to be skilled.

"OK, I'll go myself." Fang Wenhao nodded heavily.

"Well, it would be easier to protect Joel if their people could join in. After all, we all have black eyes, and they have blue eyes." Tian Dahe was a little relieved.

Jin Huan took him, so Fang Wenhao soon brought back news from Horqin tribe. He said that Barbara agreed to cooperate and put forward some conditions.

"Brother Hao'er, what conditions did Barbara mention?"

"He said it's OK to ask them to help, but after all, if there is a war, he will die. He wants half of the land of the Hu people."

Tian Yuqiao frowned and asked, "how did you reply to him?"

"I'll discuss when. This time he will bring a thousand people in person, and then he will come to discuss with godfather in person."

Tian Dahe frowned and said, "we seem to have lost some money by giving them half of the land. We originally planned to let Hao Tianjun take over Hu people's territory to develop forces. Without strong enough strength, Wulang may be in danger."

"Dad, don't worry. I'll take care of the negotiation with Barbara. He has a big appetite. He wants to win half of the land of the Hu people with only a thousand people. It's really beautiful." Tian Yuqiao said flat.

In fact, she already had a plan in her mind. If Barbara didn't cooperate obediently, she would close the workshop at that time. In fact, even without their help, I have a way to make the big wizard's nest jump.

I just want to be more secure, so I plan to cooperate with him. I didn't expect this guy to be so philistine and want benefits everywhere.

Three days later, Barbara took his carefully selected Horqin warriors to Tianshui city. He alone entered the city, while those people set up tents outside to rest.

Barbara was not worried that the big river would be bad for him, so he took only ten soldiers and went into Tianshui city with a laugh.

His arrival naturally received the most enthusiastic hospitality. He was tired of roast mutton and beef jerky for a long time, so Tian Yuqiao made him some steamed stuffed buns filled with horse meat.

There is a lot of lard and Chinese cabbage in it. The taste of horse meat treated with virtual lotus pond water naturally becomes very unusual.

It was the first time Barbara had eaten that kind of steamed bread with stuffing. It took a big bite.

That big meat bun with the size of his fist has thin skin and big filling. He bit off half a steamed stuffed bun. The oil flows down the corner of my mouth. It looks very sloppy.

However, he didn't care at all. He wiped it on his mouth with his big hand, and then threw the remaining half of the steamed stuffed bun into his mouth.

Xiaoyu was surprised to grow up and felt that Barbara didn't seem to be eating steamed stuffed buns, as if his voice was a bottomless hole. He threw the steamed stuffed buns in and went straight down.

"MMM ~ delicious. The steamed stuffed bun tastes good. It's a pity that we don't have wheat there. Hey, it's better for you in the Central Plains." Barbara sighed.

With that, he pinched another steamed stuffed bun in one hand, began to bow left and right, and soon ate up half a basin of steamed stuffed buns.

The ten people he brought with him didn't eat much different from him. They all seemed to be hungry for several days. He gobbled up all the portions Tian Yuqiao had prepared for Tian Dahe.

No way. When the hungry wolves were full, she went to top their stomachs and couldn't hold anything anymore. Only then did she make a small stove for her father and them.

In the evening, we finally sat together and began to discuss.

"Lord, I only care that you want half of the erhu people's land to rule. It's not too much. I promise I'll be very friendly with you and won't occupy Tianshui city." Barbara said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao said, "my father has discussed with the civilian family owners there before, and they are willing to surrender to us. By then, the whole Hu territory will be my father's people. Moreover, they just take refuge in my father, which has nothing to do with the emperor. Besides, they have been given a lot of territory before, unless you promise to pay tribute to my father."

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