After some words, Tian Yuqiao finally achieved excellent results. On the premise of friendly trade, let Barbara send troops for her.

Now that the two sides have reached an agreement, they have begun to make arrangements.

Tian Yuqiao changed into the kind of clothes worn by the little girl of erhu, and Barbara frowned.

"You look strange. Most of our grassland tribes have brown eyes or blue eyes. People will see your big black eyes at once. Don't be caught as spies if you can't steal chickens at that time."

Tian Dahe nodded and said, "well, I think it makes sense. Joe, I'd better forget it. Let's look for it carefully. We'll always find some clues. You don't have to risk yourself."

Tian Yuqiao waved her hand and said she was going to make careful preparations. Then she took Xiaoyu and left.

After returning to his residence, he directly locked the gate of the courtyard and asked Xiaobai to come out as a doorkeeper. Xiaoyu watched in the outer room, and Tian Yuqiao hid in the empty realm.

She plans to make an ancient version of Meitong, but the materials are scarce, but fortunately she has plenty of medicinal materials that can be used.

Dyed the cicada wing with mulberry. When she was half dry, she put the faded cicada wing beautiful pupil with some blue in her eyes.

When Xiaoyu saw her doing this, she was too frightened to say a word.

When she had finished, Xiaoyu said, "don't tell me, miss. You really look like a little girl from Hu people now."

"It's just that this thing is dyed with mulberry and can't last too long. Moreover, it's not very comfortable to cover my eyes, so I have to make more pictures. Once it's mixed in, I won't have to take so much trouble."

When Tian Yuqiao appeared in front of the crowd again, even Barbara was stunned. Especially Fang Wenhao, he thought that the little girl with light blue eyes looked exotic and lovely, with a touch of enchanting.

"Joe, I don't agree with you," Fang Wenhao said with a straight face.

"Why? Haven't we all discussed before?" Tian Yuqiao was a little depressed.

"You ~ anyway, I don't want you to go. You are so beautiful. What if you are liked by those shameless Hu people." Fang Wenhao continued with a straight face.

"Oh, don't worry. I just want to get in. I'll get rid of this at that time. It's dyed with cicada wings. It can't be used for too long. It's very uncomfortable when I look out now."

Well, Fang Wenhao finally failed. Tian Yuqiao took Xiaoyu. They all pasted the ancient version of cicada wing Meitong, which was mixed with the warriors of Horqin tribe and mixed into the territory of Hu people.

Originally, there was a war between the two places, so it was impossible for businessmen to pass here. Only the caravans who don't know the situation occasionally break into the battlefield by mistake.

This time, the people in Horqin wore the clothes of Hu civilians, while Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu dressed up as their family members.

People gradually infiltrated in groups, so it did not arouse much suspicion of the Hu people.

For such a phenomenon, Tian Yuqiao thought that the great wizard was overconfident, so she didn't take precautions against people from outside.

Just let those puppet soldiers check their identity, all dressed up as Hu civilians, so they successfully mixed into the hinterland of Hu.

At the beginning, people didn't find that Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu were girls, which was also arranged by Tian Yuqiao on purpose. Because if it is too obvious, it will arouse the suspicion of others.

On the third day of entering the hinterland of the Hu people, she had a deliberate dispute with Xiaoyu. They didn't quarrel, lest they spoke with the wrong accent, and they didn't know Hu language.

They tore each other's headscarves directly, and soon showed their dark and beautiful long hair. It was discovered that they were actually girls.

Because most Hu men shave their heads, they only tie a thin braid like a mouse's tail on their head, and use a hay stick or thin wire plate inside, which can be made into the shape of a scorpion hook.

Hu people think that such a hairstyle will be more handsome and deterrent.

So Tian Yuqiao's hat fell off and immediately revealed the stuffing. Other Hu people pointed to them and chattered. Although Tian Yuqiao couldn't speak, she could still understand some words. After all, she had lived in the Hu camp for some time before.

I haven't eaten pork. I see pigs running everywhere every day.

Behind him, Barbara's guard whispered, "Miss Joel, there are Hu soldiers among them. They have found your identity. I'll talk to them later. You don't have to talk and just keep crying."

Tian Yuqiao nodded silently, and then followed them to find a place to eat.

As soon as I sat down and ate, I heard a riot outside. Other Hu people who ate in the booth were scared and fled because they knew that the soldiers were catching the saint for the great wizard again.

There were also some women, all of whom cast a sorry look at Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu.

What came was a group of five Hu Han soldiers. They rushed in directly. After chattering, they wanted to take Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu away.

There are also many Horqin tribe people nearby. They pretend to be civilians here and are watching.

The order they received was that as long as Tian Yuqiao and they were not in danger, they could not do it easily.

After some fighting, several Horqin leaders pretending to be Tian Yuqiao's father and uncle were beaten down by others. In fact, they did it on purpose so that Tian Yuqiao could be successfully robbed by them.

Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu kept crying, and the mulberry water flowed down their faces. Fortunately, she took a spare Meitong with her and secretly changed it when she was caught and locked up with other little girls.

At last she muddled through, and she breathed a sigh in her heart.

However, where they are now locked up, the terrain is very special. The surrounding grass has been burned, so there is a big flat land around.

The Horqin people who had planned to follow Tian Yuqiao did not dare to approach at this time. Fortunately, with gold, Tian Yuqiao can keep in touch with Fang Wenhao.

The next morning, they were transferred again. This time, I entered the deep snow mountain.

It turned out to be a snow mountain tunnel. She doubted that it was a mineral vein and was dug into a tunnel. Otherwise, in this era, no one will want to dig a tunnel.

No wonder those Raptors can't be found. They all go into the mountains. How can they be seen outside?

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