Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu have successfully infiltrated the hinterland of the Hu people without much trouble. Now they are in a deep tunnel. It is not only parallel, but deep down, and then twists and turns to the opposite.

If we track those people here, I'm afraid tens of thousands of people may not be enough. Because there are many forks, you will get lost if you are not careful.

At that time, once dispersed, it is likely to be broken one by one by those Hu puppet soldiers.

Tian Yuqiao frowned and said in his heart that no one can catch up with them. The earth vein structure here is like a spider's web. There are pools in some places. If you don't pay attention, you will die.

At night, Tian Yuqiao was resting with Xiaoyu when he heard a sound of footsteps outside.

"Miss, there's something." Xiaoyu whispered.

Tian Yuqiao pressed Xiaoyu's mouth with his fingers and said, "Shh, keep quiet and listen to them."

The footsteps soon stopped, and then I heard a voice from a hole nearby.

"We'll take these people from poison King Valley first. Go back and tell the great wizard to wait there first."

The voice was familiar, but Tian Yuqiao couldn't remember it for a moment.

I heard another man say in unskilled Chinese, "young master, this can't work. Before, the little one stole a group of girls from the big wizard for you. It's too expensive for you to refine drugs? Now people know that we catch girls everywhere. We don't release the girls at home, and we haven't caught many ~"

"Well, I'm not difficult for you. Take twenty for me this time, and take the rest back to your great wizard?"

"Young Lord, you're not embarrassed. It's no different from asking for my life. I've only caught less than 40. You're going to walk 20 at once, more than half of them."

The debate between the two sides was fierce, but they soon reached a consensus.

"Well, I don't want to embarrass you. Just this time, I'm going to go. I don't seem to have enough poisonous insects in my hand. You know, my father and those elders are old foxes one by one. I still have some difficulties in controlling them. I need the help of a great wizard. I have to help you say a few words at that time."

"It's natural. The great wizard is happy to cooperate with poison King Valley to improve the poisonous insects in the hands of the great wizard."

"Hahaha, well, it's settled. It's really nice for a great wizard to have such a sweet dog leg like you."

Their conversation ended, followed by another sound of footsteps fading away. Then he heard the hu man angrily say, "you're a fucking dog leg, I bah. People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts. It's a dog thing to murder his own father and uncle. It's good to pretend to be a calf in front of me ~"

Tian Yuqiao almost couldn't help laughing, but fortunately, at this time, I don't know who farted, which covered up her laughter.

As soon as she breathed a sigh of relief, she found that Xiaoyu made a more shy expression.

The next day, they were tied with hemp rope and walked forward like a large string of zongzi.

When Tian Dahe and Fang Wenhao learned that Tian Yuqiao had just entered the snow mountain, he disappeared. Suddenly, he was upset and almost brought someone to kill him.

Fortunately, the gold was put back by Tian Yuqiao at the first time and passed the note she wrote.

In fact, she also plans to draw a map here, but she is a road fool, so there is no way. At that time, she can only let gold bring people.

After another three days, a deep pit suddenly appeared in front of them. There were torches on the four walls, and in the middle of the pit was an altar made of stone.

The altar was surrounded by human skulls, and according to Tian Yuqiao's judgment, those should be the skulls of underage girls. Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a burst of cold on her back.

In the middle of the altar, a pile of skeleton towers were piled up. The skeletons were placed neatly in the shape of a pyramid.

However, when Tian Yuqiao and others had just been brought over, the head lit up.

Light green light came out of the eyes and mouth of each skeleton, which made it dark. Several timid girls were immediately frightened to cry by the strange scene in front of them, and others directly sat on the ground.

Those who escorted them all withdrew and then closed the stone gate, the only access here.

With the dull sound of the boulder landing, it was completely quiet here. The little girl who was crying dared not cry at once.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the young master of poison King Valley came here in person. It's disrespectful."

"I don't deserve it. Now I'm going to succeed in the experiment there. I'd better ask the great wizard to help me. This time, be sure to configure me with more pills, otherwise the old people will soon wake up." long Shao hugged his fist and said.

Tian Yuqiao found the so-called great wizard from behind a dark shadow. He was covered in a wide robe.

Only a white hand bone was exposed, and there was no skin on it.

"You know, now we need to absorb the Qi and blood of those girls to regenerate muscles and muscles. Now the local people have almost caught it. Your boy always comes to me for autumn wind. Why don't you say to send me more children?" the great wizard said in a hoarse voice.

There is no need to carry people behind their backs in their dialogue. Chiguoguo took Tian Yuqiao and her captured girls as furnishings.

Yes, they are going to die, and the way of death will be cruel. The consequence of being taken away by long Shao is that he used it to refine medicine. If you stay here, it may become those skeleton decorations on the edge of the altar.

Nima, both horizontal and vertical are dead.

Tian Yuqiao has space in hand. There is no problem in saving his life at the critical moment. But if so, her biggest secret will be exposed. She really doesn't intend to do so.

She kept searching in the empty world with her hands. Fortunately, she got some gunpowder before. However, it is in the hinterland of the mountain after all. If the gunpowder really explodes, it may cause the mountain to collapse. It's no different from suicide to bury yourself alive.

Yu Guang accidentally saw the bodies of the young girls who had just been drained of blood. Tian Yuqiao decided to fight with the big wizard this time.

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