Tian Yuqiao and more than 30 other girls were all taken to an underground altar. The gold hasn't been brought, because it's hard for the big army to infiltrate.

Fortunately, the altar here needs to be prepared, which is why the great wizard chose to join hands with the people in poison King Valley.

If he wants to restore his body, he must use poison to restrain the damage caused by the evil magic. With such a method of attacking poison with poison to maintain their own lives, the two people have become a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.

Long Shao's body became rigid because of his careless use of poison when he was young. People are not human and ghosts are not ghosts. Now only using poisonous insects can make his body move freely.

Now he finally gets the help of the great wizard and can act like a normal person. Naturally, he wants to collude with him.

Now they have a common goal, that is to catch the little girl.

The big wizard wants girls, which is naturally used to refine witchcraft, while long Shao plans to test them. The young girl in poison King Valley would not follow him, so he put his hand here.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help shaking with anger after eavesdropping on all the contents of their conversation. Fortunately, in this way, she even hid herself as well as other girls nearby.

The only difference is that she is angry, while others are frightened. Including Xiaoyu, she turned pale with fear. She didn't even remember that the beautiful pupil of the fake version of the nine yuan nine package mail had faded and should be changed.

When it was time to eat, someone came in and gave each of them a share of food and water. Not to mention, maybe it's because they know they're going to die, so the food is relatively rich, and there's meat in it.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but pie his mouth. He said in his heart that he didn't expect the people here to know how to match nutrition.

She doesn't intend to eat the food here. Who knows if there will be insects in it. So Tian Yuqiao threw himself and Xiaoyu's food into the virtual environment, and then took out some other things to eat.

The light was dim because there were no torches in the place where they were held. Girls are crying and enjoying their last meal, and no one has mind to pay attention to others next to them.

Most girls are used to it. Now they have to eat as much as they can. Tian Yuqiao glanced over the place, but found that there was a little girl, biting her teeth and staring at the things on the plate, but she didn't eat what these people gave her.

Tian Yuqiao was curious, so he leaned over and asked, "why don't you eat?"

The Hu girl looked at Tian Yuqiao in surprise and said, "why is your Central Plains saying so well?"

"Eh, you are also from the Central Plains?" Tian Yuqiao asked with some wonder.

The little girl shook her head and said, "no, I'm Hu. My father is Hu Shang, so I know how to speak some Central Plains dialect. Er ~ it's you, you're not Hu?"

Tian Yuqiao didn't argue when he saw that he had been exposed. He smiled, nodded and said, "yes, my parents are very poor. They sold me here to Hu people as a child bride."

"Oh, it's really miserable. In fact, my life experience is similar to yours. My father also appointed a marriage for me, and I don't like it very much. Just because of this, I ran out willfully and secretly. As a result ~ hey, I didn't run if I knew I would be caught. I'd marry someone I didn't like."

After they were silent for a while, Tian Yuqiao asked in a low voice, "why don't you eat?"

"I'm afraid they poisoned me, so I don't dare to eat what they gave me. Fortunately, when I was just caught, I took some food with me because I ran away from home. Now I've finished all my food. I'd rather starve to death than eat what they gave me."

After Tian Yuqiao asked about some things about the Hu people, he found two steamed buns and a pickled crisp cucumber from the virtual environment and handed it to the girl.

"Eat it. My mother made it for me. Don't worry. I still have a lot. I've hidden them secretly." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Thank you, my friend. My name is sonny. If we can all live this time, I will worship you and become sisters."

Watching her wolf down two steamed buns, she choked her eyes up. Tian Yuqiao quickly brought her a bamboo tube filled with virtual lotus pond water.

Sonny gulped down the water before he belched contentedly.

After eating and drinking, she smiled shyly at Tian Yuqiao, revealing two small dimples, which looked very cute.

"My name is Joel. Nice to meet you."

The friendship between the two little girls came so quickly. Especially after learning that Tian Yuqiao was the child's adoptive daughter-in-law, sonny felt that they were in the same situation, so he regarded Tian Yuqiao as his good sister.

When she was full and energetic, Tian Yuqiao asked her what she knew.

"Why is this great wizard so bad? The two sons of the former Hu leader don't know what's going on now."

Sonny said, "they both have no ability, so they can make the great wizard succeed. Just like the young man who cooperates with the great wizard, he is very powerful and calculated his father. I was arrested earlier than you, so I know that the young man has great ambition. He wants to unite with the great wizard to control the court in your central plains."

Tian Yuqiao frowned at this. When asked again, sonny shook his head and said he didn't know.

Knowing that there may be people controlled by poison King Valley in the hall, Tian Yuqiao began to worry about his godfather.

Although Marquis Wu has made great achievements in war, he is too straight after all, so it is easy to offend the villains in the court. Moreover, as the mainstay of the imperial court, he and Prince Jing are most likely to be the first target of long Shao.

With worry, Tian Yuqiao was in no mood to chat with sonny. Back to her original position, she estimated that it should be night now, so she and Xiaoyu crowded together again.

Sonny also secretly touched it and curled up beside Tian Yuqiao. Maybe she thought the little sister who looked a few years younger than herself could give her some sense of security.

The three are crowded together. It's warm. And Sonny didn't have that earthy smell. His clothes seemed to have been washed with soap horn slurry, which made Tian Yuqiao feel very comfortable.

Nothing happened at night except the occasional whistling wind.

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