Two people carved two dragons. Such a wind pulling team unexpectedly appeared over the poison King Valley.

There is a poisonous fog at the bottom, so no matter the people in poison King Valley or Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao outside the valley, they can't see each other.

In order to go in and catch long Shao, Tian Yuqiao had to bite the bullet and planned to break into poison King Valley with his little friends.

Fang Wenhao was really surprised when he first saw Honghong. Later, when he saw the little broken tail, he was not so nervous.

Now looking at the two dragons, which are much larger than before, he felt some emotion.

"Joe, if ordinary people see our lineup, they'll probably worship you as an immortal."

"Yes, especially now Honghong. They have grown up. They don't look like black loaches, but more like dragons." Tian Yuqiao smiled.

Honghong and xiaoduanwei two dragons have nothing to say but tears.

"Little broken tail, do you know how to break the poisonous fog here?" Tian Yuqiao asked.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Duanwei said, "it's very simple. I can dispel them. It's just that you need to make some preparations. After all, it's not necessarily 100%. In case, you'd better cover your mouth and nose before entering the valley."

Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao thought it was all right, so they took out two silk handkerchiefs from the virtual world. He took a pink one and handed Fang Wenhao a green one.

The color "green" was not so sensitive in ancient times, so Fang Wenhao didn't think about it. Since it was given to him by Joel and there was a sweet smell on it, he was naturally happy to accept it.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao covered his mouth and nose first, Fang Wenhao was reluctant to arm himself.

When both of them are ready, Honghong and Honghong are slowly close to the bottom.

Caicai and Jinjin went to check first. After confirming that there were no powerful experts, Tian Yuqiao came in.

In case, Tian Yuqiao put Xiaobai and the three bears in advance. They have been ordered in advance to act recklessly and destroy wantonly.

After getting the order, a group of other little friends all ran towards the poison King Valley. Tian Yuqiao took a smoke from the corners of his mouth and watched them go first. After that, he had to mourn for the people in poison King Valley.

"Joel, let's hurry in too. With them making chaos in it, things must be much easier to succeed."

"OK, this time I will let poison King Valley know how powerful it is and avenge xiaoduanwei."

Tian Yuqiao could obviously feel the shock of the small broken tail, and then its dragon breath was a little confused.

"You don't have to be nervous, little broken tail. Don't worry if the master says he wants to avenge you. She has many means. If she can't do it, you have sister Hong Hong to help you." Honghong said angrily.

Xiaoduanwei usually doesn't admit that Honghong is her sister, but today she was too lazy to argue with Honghong. She nodded with tears.

JINZI sent a message to Tian Yuqiao, saying that the guys sent in had gone to four different directions and began to create chaos. Tell Tian Yuqiao that he can go in, and then Tian Yuqiao enters poison King Valley with two dragon belts and ox forks.

As soon as the little broken tail entered, it "slipped" to the front. Then he saw that it was moving the broken dragon tail towards the front. Fortunately, he kindly reminded Honghong to hold her breath.

At the next moment, its action made all the creatures present despair, because it actually put a long fart in it!

Like a fire extinguisher, the poisonous fog was dispersed by the small broken tail dragon fart. Soon a winding road was formed in front of Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao.

Tian Yuqiao helped her forehead, heaven and earth conscience. Fortunately, she let her cover her mouth and nose with a handkerchief before, otherwise she didn't know what to do now.

Fang Wenhao stood with a black face and a sword, posing in a cool shape. However, only he himself knows his mood at the moment, which is really a despair.

The previous jade seal was enough. Now he thinks it's a "dirty thing". Now, in order to dispel the poisonous fog, a very immoral dragon has adopted this method!

Now Fang Wenhao has an idea in his heart, that is, "heaven will lower the great responsibility and people, avoid suspicion, work hard, stink his mouth and nose, disgust his heart..."

Without the existence of poisonous fog, the sight suddenly became clear. The little broken tail quickly took the two people to find long Shao. It won't forget the smell of that terrible man until death.

For revenge, the little broken tail directly turned into a giant dragon, which was seven or eight feet long. Desperately shake the dragon's body and destroy all the surrounding buildings and poison fields.

Compared with destruction, red naturally does not show weakness. Since it promised to help xiaoduanwei revenge, it killed and punished all the way.

If you encounter a tree, pull up a tree, and meet a person, then directly throw it into the sky with a dragon tail, and let him ride a roller coaster back and forth for several times. Only then did you allow the person to fall freely, and then fall to the ground and become scum.

"Oh, it's terrible. They would have regretted being bad guys when they knew they would die like this?" Fang Wenhao sighed.

"It's not why. Since you choose to follow the villain, you should be ready to be thrown into scum." Tian Yuqiao said with a mouth.

"Ha ha, I don't know why. As long as I'm with you, there are dead mountains and blood everywhere. I also think it's a scenic spot." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'd better say a few words less to avoid the smell of blood and the smell of a small broken tail coming into my nostrils." Tian Yuqiao said unhappily.

Although she felt that she had been molested by a little boy, this feeling was sour and sweet, and even she had some expectations. But I don't want to be chased by him so easily. After all, I'm still young and have a long future.

She seems to like the feeling of being aloof. It seems that only in that way can she see more clearly what Fang Wenhao is like.

Xiaobai is in a medicine Valley in the East and destroys all the bamboo buildings there. As for the people there, it did no harm and left a small broken tail to vent their anger.

Tuan Tuan ate all the way, and ate those load-bearing materials. If it's wood, chew it directly.

Poison King Valley is like spring all the year round, so most of the buildings here are made of wood or bamboo. This makes Tuan Tuan play. Although it looks the most cute, it looks harmless to humans and animals. Its destructive power is actually the strongest.

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