Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao, with a group of friends raised in the virtual world, wantonly engage in destruction in poison King Valley. The reason is very simple and the purpose is very clear. That is to eradicate all the villains and puppets here and avenge the little broken tail.

The little broken tail opened the way for Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao all the way. However, its unique way of opening the way with dragon fart made Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao feel very ashamed. However, it was the best and most convenient way to get rid of the poisonous fog, so I had to endure it.

At the periphery of poison King Valley, shortly after Tian Yuqiao entered, two teenagers arrived at the mouth of poison King Valley with a large number of old men and middle-aged people.

The two boys were black and white. The black faced boy said to the white faced boy, "I didn't expect that they were the ghost of poison King Valley again. We can't bear anything. We were afraid of the poison fog here, but I didn't expect that the poison fog here was much thinner."

"They used the combination of poisonous insects and poisonous insects to control the emperor, which destroyed our family. Not only that, but also many humeral ministers were persecuted."

"Hey, this time, we Yaowang villa has made a lot of money and promised to return a small pill for everyone who came to help attack poison King Valley today."

"People are working hard for you. Your boy is not only black in face, but also black in heart."

The two talking teenagers are murongbo and Gongsun Yu.

While fleeing, Gongsun Yu and Prince Jing were scattered. Later, when he was about to be hacked to death, he was saved by an elder of Yaowang villa.

However, the elder only knew how to refine medicine, and his kung fu was very general. If he didn't get a bottle of soft bone pill powder from Tian Yuqiao with his elder identity, I'm afraid the elder would die.

Then the elder sent out a loud arrow, and the guests of Yaowang mountain villa who got the news rushed towards the place of the incident one by one as if they had seen a baby.

The kindness of Yaowang villa is not so good. They can do anything to get pills. Now I found that some disciples of the mountain villa sent a distress signal, and they were all eager to take credit for it.

It was precisely because those people were eager to make contributions that Gongsun Yu was saved.

After murongbo learned about chaotang, he immediately asked people to investigate. As Gongsun Yu said, the emperor and many court ministers were poisoned.

Once poison King Valley succeeds, their Yaowang villa will be the first to suffer. In order to deal with this matter, he specially invited the old owner to help.

All the people who came with him this time were Jianghu people except the elders in Yaowang villa who had good Kung Fu. These people were willing to be thugs for Yaowang villa, so they immediately attracted thousands of people.

"Bo'er, I must go and have a look at the latest poison bug from poison King Valley. Let's go quickly. If it's late, I'm afraid they'll find us."

"Second elder, you have worked hard to study their poisonous insects. Now it will be much easier if we find a way to remove poison King Valley with the imperial court. Without those poisonous insects, you don't have to bother to study." Murong Bo said.

"Bastard, I've studied it for months. Now I'm really unwilling to let me give up."

At this time, Tian Yuqiao had entered the central hinterland of poison King Valley, because she had been here once before. Although she was a road fool, they still had a good memory.

I went to the small house where long Shao lived before. There was no one in it.

Then Tian Yuqiao asked Jin to help find it. However, there was a large area of poisonous fog, which blocked Jin's sight.

Originally, the clairvoyance of gold can be seen through, but the poisonous fog here is very unusual, and it is difficult to see through the gold.

Caicai is like entering a deserted land, but its main task is to protect Tian Yuqiao. After all, Tian Yuqiao's other cards were raging in different places at this time.

Naturally, those people in Yaowang villa know that the poison fog is extraordinary. They all cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief. There is their special antidote in the handkerchief.

Naturally, Tian Yuqiao had just passed the place where they went. But now the poisonous fog around is gathering here, but the poisonous fog on this road is still relatively thin.

"Strange, how can I feel that this road is deliberately opened up for us?" Gongsun Yu frowned.

Murong Bo also found something wrong. He listened sideways and said, "it seems that there is the roar of wild animals and the scream of people."

"Bo'er, it has long been said that the old monsters in poison King Valley like to refine poisons with advanced beasts. It is said that they have caught a dragon before."

"What the elder said is that I made a fuss. However, we should still be careful. After all, this is poison King's valley. We must not take it lightly." Murong Bo told the guests.

Along the way, I didn't encounter too much obstacles. On the contrary, the more I go forward, I can find that the soil on the ground is bright red.

The seven elders lowered their heads and poked in the soil with their black fingernails. After smelling the soil under his nose, he said, "it seems that there has just been a bloody war here. The soil smells of human blood, and it's not just a person."

Hearing what he said, people immediately became vigilant. Protect Gongsun Yu and murongbo, for fear that some monster will fall from the sky.

Although they didn't know the way, they walked all the way in according to the route that Tian Yuqiao had taken.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao has arrived at the place where long Xiaotian lived before, that is, the valley master's house of poison King Valley.

Although there are people inside, they are all like wood carving and clay sculpture. His expression was dull, with a trace of reluctance and incomprehension in his eyes.

Especially long Xiaotian, what a man he was before. The big poison king, who can frighten all Jianghu people, has turned into a wax man, thanks to his precious son.

Long Shao didn't know where to hide. Later, Tian Yuqiao called Xiao Ruan and asked him to arrange Gu insects to check.

There are countless poisonous insects here, both natural and fed by King Valley. At first, Tian Yuqiao didn't use poisonous insects. He just didn't want the people in poison King Valley to find out.

It doesn't matter now that we have frightened the snake.

Soon Xiao Ruan told Tian Yuqiao that long Shao had found him. He was under a cliff behind the valley. You can climb down a cane. It is a secret cave in the middle of the cliff.

Tian Yuqiao brushed his lips and said in his heart that no wonder he couldn't find the boy. He really could hide.

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