Behind the poison King Valley, in a cliff. It is a naturally formed cave, where the top secret of poison King Valley and the treasures accumulated over the years are hidden.

Now the poison King Valley has been plagued by dragon Shao. Even the poison fog protecting the valley has been cracked by xiaoduanwei. Those elders who were poisoned by poisonous insects began to wilt one by one because they could not be maintained by subsequent poisonous insects, just like addicts who were addicted to smoking.

Seeing that the situation is bad, the only place long Shao can think of is here. After all, many organs have been set up to ambush here through the operation of his father and grandfather. Only the successor of the valley Lord knows how to open it.

In order to escape smoothly, he did not hesitate to send all his men out to resist Haotian army. Now there are four beasts, which consumes part of his strength.

The poison King Valley man is not good. Now he has sent out a distress signal. However, the five poisons sects that usually associate with them have come here, but they all want to come to play in the autumn wind and want to take advantage of the chaos.

That's poison King's valley. There are countless poisonous herbs and refined poisons in it. Once they get these, maybe they can develop their sect into the second poison King Valley.

People don't show weakness, but they still restrained a lot when facing Yaowang villa. After all, they are all playing with poison. They still have some ways to restrain the poison fog in poison King Valley.

In this way, they sneaked into the poisonous fog one after another and deliberately avoided the people of Yaowang villa.

Xiaobai, together with the three bear gadgets, can be said to be overwhelming. Whether they are from poison King Valley or not, they will attack indiscriminately as long as they are not their own.

The wailing sound was continuous, and at this time, the people of Yaowang villa had followed Tian Yuqiao's footsteps to the deep inner courtyard of poison King Valley.

"It seems that this place has been looted, and the elders seem to have become puppets," Murong Bo said with a frown.

The elder said, "anyway, we'd better find their prescription. Then we won't be afraid to encounter their poison again. After all, many people in the Jianghu have poison here."

"Well, that makes sense. Let's look everywhere now." Gongsun Yu nodded.

As soon as there was an action here, I heard a "Ao Wu", and then a big white haired tiger appeared in front of the crowd with bright eyes.

If it wasn't Gongsun Yu's face, it is estimated that the people of Yaowang villa will suffer this time.

"Yes ~ Xiaobai! Xiaobai, I'm Xiaoyu. Don't attack us. We are all friends of Joel."

Everyone in Yaowang villa retreated one after another. Only Gongsun Yu came forward with an embarrassed smile and went to have a relationship with Xiaobai pan.

Xiaobai snorted coldly with his nose and shook his big tail with disdain, even if he said hello to him.

Turning back excitedly, he said to murongbo and Yaowang villa, "look, Xiaobai still knows me."

Then they followed Xiaobai and killed all the way.

"Eh, isn't that the old Xie monster of the empty mountain? Originally they were allies with the poison King Valley, but now they also brought people in to fight, smash and rob." the second elder Leng hum.

"What shall we do? Those guys are not good things. Now they want to take advantage of the fire."

Murongbo, as a young leader, has the right to make a decision. He directly waved his hand and said, "everyone follows Xiaobai. Those who encounter evil ways along the way will be killed. If we miss this opportunity, we will have no chance to fight side by side with the tiger king in the future."

The people of Yaowang mountain villa immediately cheered up as if they had beaten chicken blood. Naturally, they have never seen such a big tiger. Moreover, the white tiger is also very human, especially when he sees Gongsun Yu riding on the back of the tiger. The look of pulling the wind makes others itch.

Murong Bo followed Xiaobai with a black face.

"Don't blame me for talking about you. Since Xiaobai is here, Joe must be not far away. You still need to find an antidote here. Don't patronize me. It's no use looking at me. Xiaobai likes white faces and doesn't like black charcoal heads like you." Gongsun Yu began to hate.

"Don't be complacent. Don't fall down and become a cripple." Murong Bo cursed.

Xiaobai ran all the way with the group of tails behind him. But Xiaobai's nose worked very well. He took them to search for a lot of poison along the way.

However, it does not allow those people to go in before themselves, but it must be selected before they are allowed to go in. Otherwise, it will roar people back mercilessly.

If it's hard to roar, Xiaobai will use his tiger claws to shoot people and spit blood directly. Gongsun Yu and murongbo both know that this is because Xiaobai is merciful, otherwise the man will die.

"Brother Bai, please be gentle. Those people came with the black boy to help Joe." gongsunyu smiled and comforted.

Xiao Bai snorted coldly and swept up a stone on the ground with his tail. "Pa" hit a guy who tried to break into the corner gate to find treasure, and the scream suddenly sounded.

After several times, no one dared to provoke uncle Bai's tiger power again. All of them honestly followed behind to clean the battlefield, while Xiaobai picked a lot of powerful poisons and asked Gongsun Yu to help it put them away.

That was the gift it promised to give Caicai, because Tian Yuqiao was lazy recently and didn't give Caicai to refine poison. So once Caicai is greedy, he can only think of other ways.

This time I came to poison King Valley to clean up. Xiaoduanwei was the most excited, and Caicai was the happiest one. Because along the way, it has eaten the poison here. It can be said to be a feast.

Not to mention that, he also asked Xiaobai and the three bear things to help him search for poison. Eating alone is not enough. It has to be packed and taken back to eat slowly.

Tian Yuqiao naturally knows about Caicai's dialogue with those guys. She has no other reaction except for the amount of help. Who makes himself lazy, and those little friends eat goods.

It's also my own harsh treatment of wealth, which makes it so immoral.

Tuan Tuan, Da Hui and ER Hui all carry huge baskets. This was prepared when Tian Yuqiao enslaved them to help harvest corn. Now it's a direct bargain.

They can walk upright by themselves, and their claws are easy to use, so this time they are much easier to search than Xiaobai.

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