The whole imperial city was very noisy that day. It had been dead since the last coup in chaotang. Today, the prosperity of the past has been restored, and people have got up early to watch the excitement.

"By heaven, the emperor decreed that the Dragon fell into a dream yesterday and heard the immortal's will. Today, the dragon will come from the east gate. The dragon will carry the emperor around the city for a week, and all the people need to worship ~"

Eunuchs issued decrees at the four gates of the Imperial City, which provoked a crowd of people to watch the notice just posted outside the gate.

"My God, your Majesty the emperor dares to say too much? How is this possible?"

"Yes, it's just a fantasy. It's just a dream. How can you take it seriously?"

"Not necessarily. The new emperor is young and promising. He can quickly stabilize the current situation in times of crisis. He must be the real dragon."

"Yes, I also heard from the old people that the emperor's majesty is the reincarnation of a real dragon. Now maybe there is a divine dragon in the sky to send the new emperor to the throne."

People have different opinions. Most of them maintain a skeptical attitude towards this. Only a few people have knelt down very piously in advance to prepare for the arrival of the dragon.

Today's red, there is a huge red flower hanging around the neck, which makes the etiquette officials sad. After a night of tossing and using a lot of red silk, I tied such a big red flower.

In fact, it was Fang Wenhao's idea. Tian Yuqiao once stopped it, but it failed~

"Qiao'er, Honghong is so beautifully dressed today." Fang Wenhao smiled and helped Honghong straighten the big red flower under her neck.

"Yes, it's well dressed. Are you sure it can fool the people?" Tian Yuqiao asked.

"It's absolutely OK. These people are very concerned about gods and ghosts. Now there are red lights on the stage. It's estimated that those who question me will keep their mouths shut." Fang Wenhao said firmly.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the glittering red dress and was helpless for a moment. The precious stones in the Treasury, but those that shine, are all made into strings of decorations and hung on the red body.

This body of jewels can blind people's eyes from a long distance.

However, Fang Wenhao was very satisfied with this, and Hong Hong was even more excited. It also kept showing off and blowing at the little broken tail in the virtual environment, which made the little broken tail unable to recover well.

Tian Yuqiao helped his forehead and said in his heart that these two guys are really wonderful. Honghong was damaged by Fang Wenhao.

"Be careful, don't make your moves too big later, so as not to lose all the decorations. Each one is very valuable. If you lose it, I won't pull your scales ~" Tian Yuqiao pretended to be ferocious and threatened.

After Fang Wenhao ordered again, eunuchs began to make arrangements in and out.

Honghong, who was dressed up, was taken into the virtual environment, while Tian Yuqiao took a carriage to the east gate of the imperial city. It was already a sea of people. Fortunately, the royal guards opened the way, and Tian Yuqiao's carriage could get there safely.

Honghong was secretly placed in a forest outside the eastern suburb. When it was time, suddenly there was a rumbling explosion from the four city gates.

Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu are at the east gate. They find a golden lotus exploding on the gate. Countless copper coins fall out of it and fall down.

This was studied by Fang Wenhao. Explosives are buried in the Golden Lotus. However, the explosives have been adjusted, so they don't have much lethality.

All we have to do is blow up the lotus petals outside so that the copper money inside can be spilled.

"Auspicious omen, this is auspicious omen!"

A dragon sang across the sky and a black dragon came from the sky.

The reason why the Golden Lotus scattered money is to attract everyone's attention and prepare Honghong for flying at that time, so as not to be discovered by people.

Sure enough, people's eyes were attracted by the copper money all over the ground. They all knelt down and picked up the money. Both adults and children were picking up copper coins on the ground. Naturally, no one found that Honghong actually flew up from the woods in the eastern suburbs. They thought it came from the sky.

Someone with sharp eyes suddenly found a long, windy and glittering thing in the sky.

Red and red danced their teeth and claws at the east gate, and the ring earrings jingled. Those precious stones were enough to blind people's eyes.

Fang Wenhao had long been wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and a gold hollow Kowloon crown. Originally, he was sitting on the tower. When he saw red, he got up and jumped down the city.

They were so frightened that they cried out, and the timid man closed his eyes. They were all worried that the emperor was looking for death. If the Dragon didn't catch him, wouldn't he fall to death?

However, the bloody scene did not happen. Honghong caught Fang Wenhao just right. Moreover, a beautiful dragon swayed its tail at the gate of the city and swept down the copper money that had not completely fallen from the Golden Lotus.

"Oh, my God, it's lucky for the dragon to bring wealth!"

"Yes, the new emperor is the Lord of the Ming Dynasty. This is the real dragon and the emperor."

People congratulated one after another. Even the great Confucians who had questioned Wen Hao of the other party before also knelt down one after another and dared not tell anyone about it any more.

According to the previous arrangement, Honghong had enough to drive Fang Wenhao from the east gate. After being worshipped by the people, Honghong shouted twice and flew towards the south gate.

At the south gate, the copper money in Jinlian was also swept down, and then it was a good life. Finally, it didn't fly to the palace with a long sound until it took a week around the city and had enough.

A large number of officials had already stood there. When they saw that the dragon was indeed born, they immediately knelt down. The ass was much higher than the head, for fear that it would neglect the dragon in the sky and lead to natural disasters.

He shouted loudly, "long live my emperor, long live, long live ~"

Fang Wenhao was calm from beginning to end, as if the dragon was his own brother.

Look at the square in front of the palace hall and prepare the tribute for it. Honghong blinked and sucked. She didn't know whether to eat or not?

Just thinking, Jin Jin suddenly stood on its dragon horn and explained Tian Yuqiao's orders to it.

When Honghong learned that Tian Yuqiao wouldn't let him eat those tributes, she suddenly wilted. Fortunately, Fang Wenhao asked Jin Jin to help convey his meaning, saying that he would add food to it when there was no one. Honghong was happy again.

A black dragon with colorful gemstones hung on his body circled the palace for three times before landing. Then Fang Wenhao's succession ceremony officially began.

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