Fang Wenhao's succession ceremony was very grand, and the most brilliant thing was the birth of the divine dragon and the lotus of scattered wealth. Only the officials of the etiquette department know what's going on, while others don't.

They were all ordered to shut up and no one was allowed to divulge any information.

In the future, these people would not work in the ritual department. All of them were arranged by Fang Wenhao to go to the grassland camp of Southwest Hao heavenly army. In this way, he can be at ease. Fortunately, he also paid the toll to those people and asked them to live in the West with their family.

Everyone is very grateful that the new Emperor didn't kill them. After receiving the silver, he took his family and left for the southwest overnight. Along the way, Hao Tianjun's people were responsible for escorting them, so Fang Wenhao was not afraid that they would escape halfway.

All these people became the attendants of the emperor and went to the southwest to reunite with the emperor's family. Fang Wenhao intended to arrange this. After all, Hao Tianjun was a reckless man. He was worried that his father and emperor would be difficult to get along with them, so he arranged for these officials of the Ministry of rites to come with their families.

Over there, he also asked someone to send a letter in advance and ask someone to build a residence for the supreme emperor alone. It is located in Fengyang County, opposite to Tian Yuqiao's main office. These officials of the Ministry of rites became the Grange makers of the supreme emperor.

The inauguration ceremony was particularly boring. Tian Yuqiao was sleepy looking at the red tape.

Those court officials, seeing that Fang Wenhao, a country born emperor, had such a clear grasp of Royal etiquette, immediately changed their views on him.

"After a few days of etiquette instruction, the new emperor can do such rules. It seems that his majesty is really born to be an emperor."

"Yes, I still remember that both the eighth Prince and the ninth prince made mistakes when offering sacrifices to heaven last year. Now our new emperor is really excellent compared with them. It seems that the new emperor is the Royal orthodoxy, and the princes of the previous dynasty are the villagers."

Naturally, they said these things in private, and they were still drunk and speechless, otherwise they didn't dare to say such treacherous words.

Tossing late, the succession ceremony was finally over.

Fang Wenhao was also a little tired, and Honghong was taken away by Tian Yuqiao. As for the tributes, as well as the unfinished meat dishes prepared by the imperial dining room, they all became red and small broken tails.

Two dragons with a tiger and three bears ate happily in the virtual environment. Seeing that they ate happily, Caicai couldn't help but hold a bottle of poison and began to eat. It's like eating peanuts and peanuts.

Three days later, the emperor went to court for the first time. This time it was the great dynasty, so many officials with insufficient grades came.

These people all brought tributes to congratulate the new king, so the literary words they said naturally revolved around the divine dragon and the real dragon emperor.

Fang Wenhao listened to those words of praise and praise. Later, he was tired of listening to them. But this is a compulsory course for the emperor, and he must sit there and bear it.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao secretly hid behind his tall dragon seat. He sat on a soft couch with a soft cushion behind him. While eating snacks, I listened to the ministers say something irrelevant.

For the first time, she thought it was hard to be an emperor. She had to listen to lies every day, and she had to sit there and pretend that she loved listening. Alas, it was really not easy!

Looking at Fang Wenhao sitting on the hard dragon chair, although she had the idea several times to move the Dragon chair back and melt it and make it into a gold ingot, she still held back.

When Tian Yuqiao was about to fall asleep, she heard Fang Wenhao cough twice. This is their code, that is to say, if Fang Wenhao coughs, he's going to talk about serious things.

Tian Yuqiao tried his best to listen to Fang Wenhao's "serious business" in the end.

Then a small eunuch came to read the edict, and the content and wording were very complex. However, what is said inside is that Fang Wenhao told the world that there will be only one empress in his harem, and he will not marry any concubines.

Seeing the ministers frowning one by one, Fang Wenhao explained, "the ministers don't know. This is also the meaning of immortals. Although I am the son of heaven, I don't dare to disobey the meaning of heaven. This dragon can bless and naturally bring down disasters. For the country and the people, I can only sacrifice myself."

Looking at the way he frowned, those pedantic ministers believed it.

The succession of the royal family was a very important thing. Ministers had the right to ask the emperor to accept the imperial concubine. After all, if there are more princes, the successors to the throne can also choose more.

Now when Fang Wenhao said this, everyone was speechless and had to kneel down again. After three hooves, they congratulated the emperor one after another.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help turning his eyes. He said that he had been listening to so many boring classical Chinese for most of the day. He wanted to tell himself that there was only one queen in his harem. He was really speechless.

I vaguely remember that I once seemed to say to him that if you marry in the future, you must ensure monogamy. Maybe that's why he said so.

It's hard for him. I haven't left him. After all, I'm still young. I'm only twelve after this year. He is now the emperor. He has countless choices. He has decided so early. There is only one person in the back palace. Alas, it's true~

After Fang Wenhao made people read the edict, he pricked his ears to listen to the movement on the screen behind him. When he heard a sigh, he was very upset. He didn't know why Joel sighed.

Most of the reason why I want to seize this country is to take care of the person I care about, and that person is right behind my dragon chair. Now the little girl sighs. Doesn't she like herself?

Fang Wenhao's face changed several times, and he was not in the mood to listen to those people flattering himself, so he waved his hand and announced to withdraw from the court.

When only he and Tian Yuqiao were left in the hall, he took Tian Yuqiao's hand and asked, "Joe, this will was specially said for you. As you said before, if you want to marry someone, that person must have a special liking for you. I always remember it."

"Er ~ no, I didn't..."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer. Because she saw that Fang Wenhao's eyes seemed to be angry, and the hot eyes seemed to melt the icebergs.

"I'm still young. There may be changes in this matter. When I'm twelve next year, we can try to communicate." Tian Yuqiao said with a red face.

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