Fang Wenhao was in an awkward situation. Facing two old foxes who didn't want to ask about the world, he racked his brains and couldn't persuade them in the end. On the contrary, he was a little uncomfortable. He could only turn his eyes to Tian Yuqiao for help.

Tian Yuqiao also had some helplessness. He had to spread his hands and said he had no way.

Wang Shi hurriedly said, "Hao'er, you've just arrived. My mother will let someone clean up the place. You can squeeze with Wulang first. As for what you just said, let's find a way slowly. Don't worry too much. Alas, they're not easy."

Tian Yuqiao sighed and said, "Hey, I've spent most of my life for the imperial court, and I'll end up separated from my wife and children. If it were me, I wouldn't want to be an official in the imperial court again. The most important thing is that we're like a paradise now, and they've completely liked it."

Fang Wenhao hung his head and didn't know what to do. Once Honghong came out, he was invincible. How come people don't eat him this time?

Originally, I wanted to be good. First, I used the dragon to support my face, and then kowtow to everyone. This belongs to corporal Li Xian. Unexpectedly, they still can't move them. It seems that they can only show their last cards.

At night, Wang held a family banquet. Naturally, he called everyone over. At this time, Fang Wenhao looked like a good baby.

He sat with Wulang and examined Wulang's knowledge, and then they muttered together.

They all say that they don't eat or sleep, but this obviously doesn't exist in the Tian family. Except for that kind of special formal occasion, everyone is very casual at other times.

Now, the two families, Prince Wu and Prince Jing, are not regarded as outsiders by Wang. Usually when they were in the Imperial City, the three families were like what they were like. Now that the two families are in trouble, Wang naturally treated them better.

At the banquet, everyone pushed glasses for lamps. As long as we don't mention letting them go back to being officials, it will be very harmonious.

"Wulang, brother Dang promised you that he would let you be a general. Now with your knowledge, you can be said to have both civil and military skills. Let alone be a general, you can count even among civil servants."

Although the little guy is in a good mood, he doesn't dare to be big. He hurriedly said, "brother Hao'er, now you are the emperor, so you can't talk casually. My mother said, let me stay at home with her and my father, and I'm still young and not suitable to be an official. If the emperor hadn't appointed me a bachelor's official before, I wouldn't have been nearly killed in the imperial city."

"The palace is fun, especially in the Treasury. There are many fun things. There are night pearls as big as fists and gemstones as big as eggs. There are also many sabres and swords. I can't help but want to sleep in it."

The little guy's eyes lit up obviously, but at the thought of his mother's instructions, he still shook his head and said, "Hey, when I grow up, I will go to get fame. At that time, I can help brother Hao'er in a fair way."

Fang Wenhao took out an exquisite small dagger from his arms. It looked more beautiful than the gold knife before Wulang.

"You see, this is what I collected from the Treasury. You must like it. I brought it specially for you this time. How about it?"

The little guy took the dagger with a smile and played with it for a long time before he accepted it with a smile.

"Five Lang, you must go to the palace to play while you have time. Now there is only one person in the palace. So many palaces are idle. And the winter in the other side is not so cold here. Now I has the final say. When it comes to spring, I will pick you up with your mother and live in the house."

After thinking for a while, the little guy said, "my mother can't live without my father, and my father can't give up my mother. My mother can't give up me. Anyway, our family can't give up each other."

Fang Wenhao helped his forehead and said that his future brother-in-law was really difficult. However, he believed that he would be able to persuade Wulang to move the Tian family back to the imperial city. It would be more perfect if we could persuade Wang to live in the palace and take her as the Empress Dowager.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up a radian.

Tian Yuqiao thought he had a muscle cramp and smiled at a pig elbow.

After dinner, they sat in the warm Pavilion, enjoying flowers and drinking tea. Fang Wenhao rushed to Marquis Wu and took out his jade pendant.

"Do you remember this jade pendant?"

When Marquis Wu saw it, his face suddenly changed. "Are you going to dig the tombs of the twelve princes?" he shouted

Seeing that the old man was so angry that his veins burst on his forehead, Fang Wenhao said, "when the twelve princes were three years old, they accidentally broke a glass lamp given by the emperor in your house. At that time, you always said that it was damaged by brother Qingfeng in order to calm down. When the twelve princes were seven years old, we went out hunting with you..."

Fang Wenhao said several things, which were secrets only known to the twelve princes and the marquis. Marquis Wu was stunned and stared at Fang Wenhao with the eyes he had looked at Honghong.

"You ~ who are you?" Marquis Wu's voice trembled and excited.

Fang Wenhao lowered his voice and said, "to tell you the truth, my real name is Fang Wenhao. Now my pseudonym is Tian Yuhao. Everyone knows my nickname is Hao'er, but few people know my big name."

Looking at the ghost like expression of marquis Wu, Fang Wenhao leaned back. Fang Wenhao couldn't help laughing.

Then he said, "I was really killed by my eldest brother that day, but then I woke up again. After waking up, I found that my appearance had completely changed and continued to live in another person's body. I hated the eldest brother in my heart, so I established Haotian army and vowed to avenge myself ~"

Wuhou is trustworthy. Fang Wenhao played in their house since he was a child. It caused a lot of trouble, and these things were stopped by Marquis Wu. Even Shangguan Qingfeng carried a lot of black pots back to him.

Marquis Wu was like thunder, but the eyes of the young man in front of him were clear. In retrospect, it was somewhat similar to the expression of the twelve princes when they were young.

Although he couldn't believe it, he couldn't help believing that he could tell so many secrets.

"Uncle Shangguan, please go out of the mountain to help me. I know this requirement is too much, but please consider for the common people in the world. I can't let no one use me. If those mediocre people rise to the top, I'm afraid it will be unfortunate for the common people."

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