Fang Wenhao showed his last card, that is, the identity of the prince in his previous life. This makes Marquis Wu like being struck by lightning, but now the dragons have appeared. It is naturally easier to accept what to revive the soul by borrowing the dead.

After being stunned, he asked Wen Hao to bow down. Fang Wenhao quickly stopped him and said, "no, uncle. Now my identity should not be exposed, otherwise I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble. Now that you know who I am, please go out of the mountain and settle the world for me."

"Ah, all right. Your father gave me my old man's life at the beginning. Although I can't blade my enemies now, now that you have given all those villains justice, I should work for you. I'll walk with you again while my old bone can move."

"Thank you, Shibo!" Fang Wenhao said and bowed down.

Marquis Wu quickly helped him up with both hands, and this scene was seen by Prince Jing.

After the two old men murmured to one side, Prince Jing's face changed a few times. Then he followed Marquis Wu and went to the elegant room next door with Fang Wenhao.

After the two men made a great ceremony to Fang Wenhao, Fang Wenhao drew up a decree on the spot to restore their official positions. Not to mention this, they were also granted the post of minister for orders, so that they could help revitalize the imperial platform.

Everyone here is happy, but the two old men know Fang Wenhao's identity, but he and Wang are still in the dark. They both wondered about the changes of marquis Wu and Prince Jing, but they didn't say much.

After returning to their yurts, he asked, "Sir, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Marquis Wu sighed and said, "Oh, you can't say. In a word, I have a reason to go back to the imperial city. Don't ask. After the new year, let's start back. Don't keep the young emperor waiting."

Prince Jing, now he lives in a yurt with gongsunyu and murongbo. Each person has a compartment. It's convenient to talk to each other and live comfortably.

"Dad, why do you suddenly want to go back? We've all discussed before, and will we live with sister Qiao in the future?" Gongsun Yu asked in wonder.

Murongbo also said, "yes, uncle, I haven't had enough fun here. If Xiaoyu goes to the imperial city with you, I have no reason to stay here."

Prince Jing sighed and said, "Hey, it's hard to say. Anyway, I have unspeakable reasons. Since I have promised your majesty, let's all go back. Not only me, Xiaoyu, you and Qingfeng, but also have to be officials in the dynasty. In this way, we can live up to the holy grace."

Gongsun Yu was immediately depressed. He quickly waved his hand and said, "Dad, it was agreed before. I just inherited your title. As for being an official in the DPRK, I never thought about it."

At the same time, Shangguan Qingfeng is complaining to his parents that he doesn't want to be an official.

Wuhou angrily taught him a lesson, and he advised him to have a rest.

"Mom, it's not easy for us to find sister ya'er now, but we can't just go back. You've been thinking about it for so many years, and you're finally reunited with your sister's family. I don't want to go. Now I like it here, especially the food cooked by sister qiao'er."

Watching his son say such words, he couldn't help laughing.

"When did you become so greedy? Now you have found your sister and are so close to my mother's relatives. To tell you the truth, I don't want to go back. Who knows what your father heard from the emperor, so he suddenly changed his mind."

Many people didn't sleep well this night because everyone had something on their mind. Only because Fang Wenhao was excited, he dragged Wulang all night to talk about how he would develop his grand cause next.

Until Wulang was too sleepy, Fang Wenhao's excitement had not passed. Today, he really drank too much wine, which led to abnormal excitement.

The big secret buried in the bottom of my heart for several years finally came out, and suddenly there was a feeling of unloading a heavy burden. Suddenly, he was very relaxed. He was as light as a cloud.

Tian Yuqiao didn't sleep much this night. She was happy for Fang Wenhao and worried.

It was not easy for several families to live together. Now the godmother and her family are leaving again. It's empty to think about it.

As for Fang Wenhao's invitation to himself, Tian Yuqiao was actually unwilling to go back to the imperial city. After all, too many people died there before. This time, she took a special look at the place where she used to live. The gate of the courtyard was stained red with blood~

In her opinion, it is definitely a dangerous house compared with her current county house. She only burned some damned villains, so she was not worried that God would punish herself. But in the Imperial City, the whole city is full of killed civilians and soldiers. They die unjustly!

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but feel cold in his back at the thought that there might be ghost crying all night.

The next morning, Fang Wenhao had breakfast and asked someone to drive the carriage. He hurried to the city with only a few guards of Hao Tianjun.

He bought a lot of snacks and fabrics and took them to the other village of the Fang family, where his father, emperor and brothers and sisters now live.

Tian Yuqiao was sewing with Wang Shi. She planned to sew a playful pie star doll for LAN er. As a result, the porter came and reported that the old lady of the county magistrate's house had come.

Wang was stunned when she heard the speech, and then she said "ouch". I looked down and found that my fingers were pierced. A drop of bright red blood came out. Wang quickly put his injured finger in his mouth and held it in his head.

"Oh, mother, why are you so careless?"

After checking Wang's wound, Tian Yuqiao found that it was OK. She said to Xiaoyu, "let my milk wait in the West Cross Hospital. Say I'll go with my mother later."

As soon as Li Shi came over, he began to set up his mother-in-law's spectrum. When she heard that she was going to wait in the West Cross Hospital, she was immediately angry.

"Hey, I'm so old and sharp eyed that I won't be treated well. My son is gone, and my daughter-in-law is also unfilial. Everyone knows to take care of her mother's family. Oh, hey, these are wolf hearted and black hearted white eyed wolves ~"

Tian Guihua hurriedly advised: "Mom, now we come to beg our second sister-in-law. Don't scold."

"I think highly of her when I scold her. What kind of thing is she? Now your fourth brother is the county magistrate, and she is at best the mother of the county Lord. She is still my daughter-in-law no matter what she says. She dares to neglect me like this. It's unfilial."

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