Li came to the county master's house to find fault. He wanted to make a name for Wang. She relied on her mother-in-law identity and the identity of the Lord of Tianhai county.

This time, Li was going to come and beat Wang's as a mother-in-law. Although she had something to ask Tian Yuqiao for help, qiao'er was not a good talker, so Li chose to use circuitous tactics, that is, hold Wang first, and then she would not be afraid that Tian Yuqiao would not bow.

The wishful thinking crackled, but it was defused skillfully by Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother.

Yes, it was originally a slaughterhouse. The smoke burned for several days. After hearing people mention things here, Li immediately frowned, as if there was a smell of charred bodies everywhere.

"Mom, let's go. What's the matter? Let the second sister-in-law go home and say it at that time." Tian Guihua whispered.

It's not that Li doesn't want to go, but that her legs are soft, like noodles, and she can't get up at all.

Seeing this, Tian Yuqiao quickly asked Xiaoyu to come over: "Xiaoyu, hurry up and let someone help the old lady to rest behind. Quickly tell them to prepare a banquet in the kitchen. We should entertain the old lady and aunt."

Xiaoyu answered and left with a smile. Tian Guihua desperately wanted to help Li leave, but she was also a little afraid, and Li continued to fall because of her soft legs.

There was no way to help Li, so she had to let two thick women with big arms and round waist help Li and her to have a rest.

They were almost carried away all the way. If they didn't know that this was their second sister-in-law's house, Tian Guihua even thought she was going to be kidnapped.

After resting on the soft couch for a while, Li regained some strength. Waving his hands carelessly, he shouted, "second daughter-in-law, I'm not with you. I just hit second daughter. He gave me a dream. He said he didn't want to see me and let me leave his house."

Wang took Lan'er in his arms and said, "Mom, in order to close my eyes on the other side of the river, don't I adopt many children here. For the sake of this child, he won't mess with the river. Don't worry, he was the most filial to your second old man. This time, I'm afraid he didn't see his father because he didn't come here."

Hearing Wang's words, Li immediately turned his eyes and fainted.

"Niang!" Tian Guihua panicked.

Let's get busy, pinch people and scratch the soles of our feet! That's what woke Lee up. However, as soon as she woke up, she pointed to Lan'er and said, "hurry to get the baby away from me. The more I look at her, the more I think she looks like a river when I was a child. I think she probably came from the river. This is because I asked him to become a soldier and wanted to avenge me and his old sister."

"Milk, it seems that my father didn't die on the battlefield." Wulang kindly reminded him.

It was good that he didn't remind him. Under this reminder, Li's body shook more evenly. The whole body trembled and turned pale.

"I ~ am wrong. I deserve to die. Second son, I'll go back and burn paper money for you. Please let me go. For my sake, you can't come to me."

Li Shi actually knelt down in the direction of Lan'er, which immediately stunned Wang Shi.

Now she is holding Lan'er, that is to say, Li is kowtowing to herself. Moreover, this head was knocked hard, and there was no perfunctory element at all.

Before long, Li's forehead was bruised. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao and Wulang reacted at the first time, which lifted Li from the ground.

After pressing her back on her bed, Tian Yuqiao said nervously to Tian Guihua, "old aunt, my milk looks very ill. I've asked someone to call a doctor. I'll come and see my milk later."

Sure enough, before it was time for a cup of tea, an old doctor with a goatee came in.

The big hardwood medicine box looks old.

"County Lord, I don't know who in the family needs treatment?"

Tian Yuqiao pointed to the pale Li over there and said, "it's my milk disease. I'm afraid I'm frightened."

After two more polite words, the old doctor began to feel li's pulse.

Everyone waited quietly for the old doctor's following. Soon he smiled and arched his hands: "Hehe, the old lady's health is not bad. It's because she's getting older and eats too much fat, which is difficult to break. In the future, just give the old lady less fish and meat. I'll give her a prescription to help digestion first, and then a plaster to calm her nerves."

It was said that there was no big deal for Li. Tian Guihua was relieved and breathed a sigh.

However, Li's illness really makes people laugh and cry. Now Tian Dahai's life is on the right track. It's normal to have servants at home and fish for every meal.

Unexpectedly, Li's illness caused by falling off the chain and greedy eating was found out in the county master's house.

Li's side heard the doctor's words. Perhaps he felt embarrassed, so he deliberately turned his head and pretended to be asleep.

But with the cold hum from time to time in her nose, Tian Yuqiao knew she was pretending to sleep and used this move to ease the embarrassment.

Xiaoyu quickly made the medicine according to the prescription. It was Hawthorn sugar water.

Wang intended to serve Li's Hawthorn soup himself, but Tian Guihua stopped him.

"Second sister-in-law, my mother is afraid of the child. You'd better take her away. I'll serve here. You can do whatever you should do. When my mother is ready, we'll go back later."

Tian Yuqiao's eyes turned and his heart said he couldn't let them go back so that he wouldn't have to go to the county government with Wang at that time.

It's not that she is not filial, but when she has the final say, she will suffer.

Tian Guihua looked a little different, but she still said the purpose of their coming.

"Joel, I was supposed to make friends with the governor's son Zhou, but later both became engaged. Now his father is still guilty of serious treason because he participated in some court affairs. Although his family has not been beheaded, their property has been confiscated ~ if I follow him, I have to ask the fourth brother to support one more in the future."

"Auntie, it's all your private business. Is it important to come to my mother?" Tian Yuqiao said.

"Er ~ that's what I want to say. My mother means to quit the marriage, but the Zhou family depends on us now and doesn't agree with anything. We can't help it, and the fourth brother can't use his identity to oppress others. You are the county leader, Joe. You can do it."

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