Tian Guihua roughly explained the intentions of her and Li, and Wang and Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but help their forehead. It's been a long time, but it's because they were close to the magistrate's son. Now their father has fallen down. They want to dump their bags.

Typical snobbish, worship high and step low!

Tian Yuqiao despises such people most. However, she has such a group of relatives. What can she do? In the face of such a situation, she can only find a way to get away.

He scratched his head, made a lovely appearance that was in line with her current age, and said, "Oh, old aunt, although I got an official of the county head, it's also a false name. Don't say I don't have real power. It's not convenient for me to help old aunt retreat at my age."

Wang Shi also said: "yes, Hua'er, our qiao'er is not only young, but also a younger generation. Adults' marriages are all ordered by their parents and matchmakers. It's inconvenient for qiao'er to come forward. I don't know. I thought Lao Tian's family were young and made decisions for their elders. Isn't that a bad rule?"

Tian Guihua said, "we really can't help it, otherwise my mother can't afford to beg my second aunt."

See, her overbearing nature is back. Originally, when living with Tian Dajiang's family, Tian Guihua had been cleaned up by Gao's family. How long have you lived in Fengyang county now? It immediately picked up the old problems before.

Domineering has been her pronoun. Now she is old enough to talk about marriage. She is still so reckless. Maybe it's because she's been an official for a few days. Now she's more confident if she's unreasonable.

Wang Shi said, "Hua'er, it's not that my second sister-in-law doesn't want to help you. You should go to the matchmaker to withdraw from your marriage and come to our family. I'm an orphan and widowed mother, and it's not suitable to go out, is it?"

"Li'er is such a Li'er, but you also said it before. The men living in the family are either princes or princes. It's inconvenient for you, aren't they? As long as you help, it's not their business?"

Tian Yuqiao is a little speechless. Yes, it's really a word. But why should people say that for you? Who are you.

When Wang mentioned the matchmaker, Tian Guihua remembered that she seemed to be Tian Dajiang.

"My eldest brother helped me as a matchmaker. Now he doesn't know where to go. He disappeared after he knew something had happened to the magistrate. There are only his two concubines left at home. Now he is waiting on my mother in the Yamen."

"What? You said he took concubines?" Wang asked next. Isn't Tian Dajiang a slave? How can he take concubines?

Tian Yuqiao quickly grabbed her words and said, "congratulations on our milk. Now there are two more eldest daughter-in-law to serve. Mom, we have to send a supplementary gift, don't we? Let's hurry to prepare and let the old lady stay here and have a good rest with me."

After making such an excuse, the women slipped away, leaving only Tian Guihua sitting beside Li's couch.

Li pretended to sleep, but he actually fell asleep. When she woke up, she asked, "Hua Hua, where's your second sister-in-law? Why did she hang us here?"

"Niang ~ it's all because you fell asleep just now, otherwise things would have been done." Tian Guihua said with a purr.

At this time, the old doctor who gave Li's pulse came again. After giving Li a new diagnosis and treatment, the girl Xiaoxi said, "I don't think the old lady's complexion is very good. Just take the doctor's hand and show her?"

Li Shi didn't care what it was. As long as she didn't spend money, it was natural to have a look, so she promised for Tian Guihua.

"It's just that our Hua'er is a big girl's family and an official's lady. You can't let a man touch your wrist. I've heard of what kind of hanging wire to feel the pulse. I haven't seen it yet. I don't know if the doctor can? If he can't even do this, it means that he can't do medicine. We have to change a doctor for us."

Xiao Xi was also stunned by Li's request. The heart said that the old lady was really unusual. No wonder his wife and young lady didn't like to come over.

Thinking of Tian Yuqiao's previous orders, Xiao Xi smiled and said, "Oh, I'm afraid we can invite such a miracle doctor in the Yamen? We, the small family of the county Lord's residence, can't invite such a person."

In addition, the little girl who came to serve inadvertently turned her mouth and said that the old lady who wanted to come down was very particular. Her county head didn't say so much. You think you're the Empress Dowager?

After Jin Jin told Tian Yuqiao what happened here, Tian Yuqiao laughed angrily.

And the "quack", who was accused to his face that he would not hang a thread to diagnose his pulse, left angrily with a large medicine box.

On the way, Xiaoyu stopped him and gave him ten Liang silver with a smile. Then he talked to the old doctor again and sent the angry old man away with a smile.

"Hehe, miss, you didn't see that the doctor was so angry with the old lady just now that his beard was pouting up. It's interesting to think about what else to hang silk to diagnose his pulse. I think they are now the family members of the county magistrate, and their airs and style are even bigger than the new emperor." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"It's not so bad. I take myself too seriously." Xiaoxi echoed.

Xiao Xi is the daughter of Lan'er nanny. Now Wang arranged to serve Tian Yuqiao. Xiao Xi is also very clever. She is still young, so Tian Yuqiao doesn't intend to entrust her with an important task.

After a while, the woman over there who waited on Li came to report that Tian Guihua suddenly changed her face and looked very uncomfortable.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and hurried to go there himself. If something happens to her old aunt in the county Lord's house, she will be bad. It's strange that she won't be wronged by Li.

Fortunately, she also learned the method of first-hand pulse diagnosis. After checking Tian Guihua, she was stunned to find that Tian Guihua was happy!

"Uh ~"

Seeing Tian Yuqiao's appearance of wanting to talk and stopping, Tian Guihua was a little worried. He grabbed Tian Yuqiao's hand and said, "Joe, what's wrong with me? Maybe I've got some incurable disease. You don't look right."

Tian Yuqiao held back his amazement and said, "aunt, I don't know whether to congratulate you or what to do ~"

When she said this, Tian Guihua's face turned white.

No one knows better what she has done herself. After counting the monthly events, it's true that several days have passed and haven't come yet.

But she has taken measures before. She drinks medicine secretly every time. How can she have it? It's good to have children, so you don't have to worry that the childe won't want himself that week. It's also good to marry your son at that time.

But now she is the party who wants to withdraw, so the child can't say anything. Fortunately, the month is still small, so it's not difficult to kill the child.

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