Tian Guihua was diagnosed as pregnant, which made her pale. It's reasonable to say that every time she finished with Childe Zhou, she drank medicine. How could it be?

I'm in a bad mood. It's humiliating. I'm pregnant before I get married! Tian Guihua couldn't sit still, as if what was sitting under her ass was not a soft blanket, but a needle felt.

Li Shi naturally saw his old girl's embarrassment, so he got up and said he wanted to leave.

Tian Yuqiao was naturally pleased with their practice. So they arranged for someone to send them out and brought them some gifts.

Unfortunately, however, when they first came to the gate, they saw a bright yellow carriage coming towards them.

Soon the carriage stopped and a handsome boy in a Dragon Robe came down. The young Li and Tian Guihua still have some impression. Isn't it the wild child who was injured and picked up by Wang?

"Second daughter-in-law, is your family going to invite a drama team or what? Why is someone playing the emperor?" Li rubbed his eyes and asked.

Before Wang answered, the bodyguard and the boy at the gate immediately knelt down and said, "see your majesty!"

Li Shi was stunned immediately, and Tian Guihua's body could not help shaking.

"Is this ~ really the emperor?" Li Shi saw that Wang Shi and Tian Yuqiao didn't kneel down. Naturally, she couldn't kneel down.

"No, he is a singer. We are rehearsing." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Li's face became more beautiful, but Tian Guihua was not. She heard Tian Dahai say something about chaotang before. Although it's remote here, Tian Dahai is the parent official here. She can get some news occasionally.

She knew that the new emperor was chosen by the dragon, and she was still a young man. Now, seeing this scene, she began to have her own little calculation in her heart.

He said to Li, "Mom, I think the second sister-in-law is pretty good here. We finally came back and only saw the West Cross courtyard. We haven't been to other places yet. Why don't we stay here for a few more days and send someone back to tell the fourth brother later."

When she finished, she kept winking at Li Shi. However, Li Shi had long been frightened by the name of the "dangerous house" here. She didn't want to stay.

But looking at the eager look of his baby girl, Li Shi had some heart. It's just blocking the door. It's not going in or out.

At this time, Fang Wenhao had come near the gate of the courtyard. When he saw Li and Tian Guihua, he didn't salute his younger generation, but nodded slightly.

This is already very polite for them.

Li pointed to Fang Wenhao and said, "isn't this the wild boy you picked up? He didn't go to be a soldier. Why did he change to singing?"

"Poof ~" Tian Yuqiao covered his mouth, but still smiled without image. Looking at Fang Wenhao's face after being regarded as an actor, Tian Yuqiao's stomach took a puff, which was full of laughter.

Sure enough, Fang Wenhao's face was black, and Tian Yuqiao seemed to be able to see countless black lines hanging from his forehead.

"Milk, it's getting late. I'm afraid my fourth uncle will be worried if he doesn't go back. I'll arrange someone to take you back now. It's cold and slippery. It's hard to go." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

She intended to send away the two gods of plague as soon as possible, but Li suddenly changed her mind.

"Joe, I've thought for a while. I'm going to stay with you for two days and then go back. I think your yard is very good, much better than the backyard of our county yamen." Li said.

"Milk, our house is a little unclean this night. If you want to live here, you might as well come back with my aunt after my mother finds a mage to spend the night." Tian Yuqiao said.

Tian Guihua said, "look what you said, Joel. You all live here, and naturally we can live here. We don't live here much. It's a big deal. Let's send someone back to get rations."

Hearing her say this, Wang's face couldn't hang. Tian Yuqiao did not let them continue to block at the gate, so he ordered people to take them back.

At night, gold was still arranged in Li's house.

"Mom, I'm afraid the wild child picked up by the second sister-in-law is the new emperor. The fourth brother has been inquired about before. It's the suburb opposite to the county main house. The people living there are the emperors and princes of the previous dynasty."

"Oh? I remember. My mother planned to let you marry there before. Naturally, I know this." Li nodded.

"Yes, I don't think it's a fake carriage now, and the fourth brother also said that he sent someone to inquire about it and said that the new emperor's name was Ji Hao. The one we saw outside just now, I remember that the second sister-in-law seemed to call him Hao'er Hao'er before." Tian Guihua recalled.

Li's eyes lit up immediately, and his hand holding Tian Guihua was a little tighter. He said, "Hua Hua, do you mean that the boy we just saw outside is ~"

"Shh! Mom, we can't talk nonsense any more. If he is really the emperor, let's live in a big courtyard with him now. If I can take the opportunity to make love to him these days, your identity will rise with the tide in the future."

Li Shi immediately smiled knowingly and seemed to forget the dark wind outside the window. What evil houses and wronged souls were all left behind by her for a moment. The first thing in my mind is my future glory and wealth, as well as the noble identity of the emperor's mother-in-law.

"If I marry the new emperor then, you'll be a first-class Mrs. Gao Ming. That's much more than Joe, the county leader. Anyone who sees you will bow down and kowtow."

"OK, OK, OK. Hua'er, my mother is counting on you now. I think that's the case with your fourth brother. I've seen it here when I'm a county magistrate in such a small and shabby place. It's not as rich as our hometown." Li said with a look of disgust.

Tian Yuqiao was clear about their plans. The next day, she told Wang Shi and Wulang everything Jin told herself. Of course, all this is behind Fang Wenhao's back.

He was not an outsider, so Wang told him about it. He Shi sighed, "Hey, how can your old lady think so? Don't say your sister-in-law has had an affair with others, and the child is pregnant. Even if she doesn't do that, the emperor won't choose her."

"Who says no, it's just wishful thinking." Tian Yuqiao curled his lips and said.

She didn't know why. When she knew that Tian Guihua had an idea of Fang Wenhao, her heart was sour.

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