Tian Guihua and Li didn't have a good rest all night. The empress turned out the light, lowered their voice in the room, and muttered to discuss how to make Tian Guihua a noble man.

Although the voice was not loud, it could not escape the ears of gold.

Their elaborate conspiracy has become the talk and joke of Wang and he over there.

"I don't know what your old lady thinks. Your sister-in-law is no longer a big girl. Don't say you want to marry the new emperor. Even if you marry an ordinary family, they may not be willing to marry her." he smiled.

Wang sighed and said, "Oh, her old aunt's child is spoiled by her milk. She used to care for everything. Now she's the sister of the county magistrate again, and I don't know how lofty and generous it is."

As Fang Wenhao was saying this, Fang Wenhao came to greet Wang. He Shi, the godmother's sister, also got him to worship.

"Oh, Hao'er is coming. Sit down quickly and don't be polite." Wang smiled and said.

"Hehe, brother Hao'er, I'm afraid you don't know yet. Now someone is making an idea to be your imperial concubine." Tian Yuqiao said with a hint of provocation.

Fang Wenhao was stunned. After thinking about it for a while, he remembered. In the past few days, the girl in the county Lord's house seemed to be the little aunt she saw at the gate yesterday. She didn't look right at herself.

His face changed. He pulled Tian Yuqiao aside and asked, "Joe, is that your old aunt? I found her eyes straight when I was at the gate yesterday. At that time, I thought it was your new old woman and girl. I wondered how you could choose such a person to serve ~"

"Poof! If my grandma and my aunt know this, I don't know if they will spit blood with anger. You really think that they are at least the mother and sister of the county magistrate now. How can you be regarded as the new servant of my family?" Tian Yuqiao laughed.

"Well... In my opinion, although their clothes are luxurious, they don't look as good as your big servant girl in temperament. The little jade beside you looks more temperament than your old aunt." Fang Wenhao said firmly.

"Oh, you have a crush on our Xiaoyu?" Tian Yuqiao winked at the stars.

Fang Wenhao felt as if he had seen a ghost. He waved his hand nervously and said, "no, no! I'm just making an analogy. Joe, don't worry."

Seeing that his nervous face was red and Tian Yuqiao stopped teasing him, he asked, "what are you going to do next? If you really make some scandals at this time, it's not easy to explain when you go back to the imperial city."

"The reason why she dares to make such a mess is because she has a brother who is the county magistrate. It's too much. If it weren't for your friendship with the godmother, I would have let them out." Fang Wenhao's teeth itched with anger.

When he was near the mountain village before, he knew that the people of the Tian family's old house were running against him everywhere. Later, fortunately, I joined the army and didn't bring them more trouble.

Now the old woman and the naughty little aunt dare to marry herself when they know they are pregnant. It's a dream.

"Hey, now they don't know that my father is still alive. Now we are all in the same county. It's really troublesome." Tian Yuqiao held his cheeks in his hands.

"Qiao'er, I have a good way to make the godmother's face shine." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Oh? What's a good idea? Tell me about it." Tian Yuqiao was still listless.

"Well, I'm going to promote your fourth uncle. Now Godfather has just recovered a large area of territory from the Hu people. Now I'm the emperor. We discussed before, and he decided to dedicate that land to the imperial court. This is also a great event after I ascended the throne, and the Hu people need to go to a festival envoy ~"

Tian Yuqiao immediately understood. So he said with a smile, "that's a good idea. Let my fourth uncle take my milk to the Hu people. Moreover, the official position of Jiedu envoy is several grades higher than that of the county magistrate. Although it's colder there, it's the only way. It's a big deal to give more gifts."

After they had discussed it, they went back to the inner house and told Wang and he what had just been discussed.

"Now, Hao'er, you are the biggest official in the world. You can do whatever you want. On the surface, you are also promoting her fourth uncle. I think she won't say anything at the milk side." Wang smiled.

He also nodded and said, "that's a good idea. It's best to let him take office today so as not to have a long dream. There's also the matter of your Godfather. He's going to the north to take office this time. He's afraid he's going to hand over with Pingxi Hou. This matter has to be handled well."

"Hey, I'm really sorry to mention this. I'm going to transfer my godfather back to the Imperial City, and I'll give the boss to garrison in Tianshui city. After all, the conditions in Tianshui city are not as good as those in the Imperial City, and I can't bear to let my godfather and godmother eat wind and sand here." Fang Wenhao said.

Wang said, "you can have this filial piety. There's nothing wrong with your Godfather. As long as our family can live together, it doesn't matter where it is."

"That's a deal. I'll send a letter by flying pigeon and let Godfather leave for the imperial city today. Godmother, please clean up here and go together after three or five. Anyway, there's a dragon car here, which is very convenient."

Tian Yuqiao glanced at him and said, "you can use my things to give people a favor. You changed my car into that without my permission."

"Hey, don't care too much about these details. Let's go back first. After the new year, it's not too late for the Marquis and the prince to go again. I also know the poisoning before the second old man, so let them keep them for a while." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

He Shi said, "well, we're a little embarrassed. Living in Joel's house, people have left, and we're still here. It's more or less unreasonable."

"Godmother, I may be here with you for a while." Tian Yuqiao said.

Wang asked, "Joel, won't you come with us?"

"Now it's all our territory here. I still have a lot of things to arrange," Tian Yuqiao said.

Fang Wenhao was in a good mood when he heard her say this and said, "I just want to meet the leader of Horqin tribe in person. The Hu people also need to comfort them in person. Joe, why don't you go with me? It's good for us to be half alone."

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