Li and Tian Guihua are now dependent on Tian Yuqiao's family. However, Wang didn't care much about them. He just came to greet Li during the day.

Every time Wang comes over, she is not alone. She must hold Lan'er together. Anyway, from her house to this side, there are corridors along the way, and there are thick felt curtains on both sides of the corridor to keep warm.

When Li Shi saw Lan'er, he thought she was his second son reincarnated. She was born to seek revenge, so he dodged his eyes. I didn't say what I wanted to say to beat Wang.

"The second daughter-in-law, if you have nothing to do in the future, you don't have to come and accompany me. Our wife and I just live here for a few days. Don't you still have dignitaries in your family? You have time to accompany them."

Wang smiled and said, "Mom, this daughter-in-law doesn't deserve it. As a younger generation, I should come to salute and say hello to the elders. Our family has lived outside these years and hasn't been filial to the elderly. Now you always come with flowers. I should be filial to you."

Seeing Wang's words, Li's feeling was like swallowing half a fly in his throat. She didn't hold her words, nor did she say them.

"Second sister-in-law, you don't have to come here in the future. My mother can't see the child in your arms." Tian Guihua said bluntly.

After Wang left, Tian Guihua said to Li, "Mom, I know you're always uncomfortable living here. Why am I not? Fortunately, I met a steward of the Chuang Tzu yesterday and asked him about the emperor's residence. I plan to leave tonight..."

When Li heard the speech, the wrinkles on his face burst into flowers with laughter. He said repeatedly, "OK, OK! Let's do as you say. Now we can't count on the boy surnamed Zhou. Now we have to go. It doesn't matter if things don't work. Anyway, you're new here and you're in the wrong place. In the face of your second sister-in-law, the emperor can't do anything to you."

The two ladies have made up their minds and will attack the emperor tonight. At that time, no matter how to say, this sweet scented osmanthus is the first woman to climb the Dragon bed. Why can't she give the title of a concubine.

Both mother and daughter were a little excited. Li Shi and Tian Guihua began to pound and pull tightly.

What when the window manages cloud temples and pastes yellow on the mirror. After a long time, Tian Guihua couldn't see it on her head. With some singers on the stage, I don't know how many hairpins and hairpins are inserted in my head.

"Mom, I feel like my head weighs more than ten kilograms." Tian Guihua dragged her head intentionally or unintentionally, for fear that her neck would be broken.

Li Shi smiled and said, "this makes us rich and noble. My mother heard that people in the palace have a lot of jewelry. The other people's one can hold more than a dozen valuable things for us. We don't have much valuable things, so we can only wear more. This is more solemn."

"Mom, are you really sure that the emperor would like to dress like this? I think he likes Joe's girl very much. Joe doesn't dress so grand and rich." Tian Guihua said with a frown.

"Hua Hua, just listen to your mother. At that time, he was a poor boy. Naturally, he didn't know so much. Now his identity is not what it used to be. Now he is a high emperor. Naturally, his vision will improve. Just go."

Li Shi said, but also took down a silver hairpin on his head and put it on Tian Guihua's head. Now Tian Guihua couldn't find a place to insert things on her head. Li stopped and put the hairpin back on her head.

In this way, Tian Guihua walked towards Fang Wenhao's yard with a big head weighing more than ten kilograms.

She had already figured out the road, so it was naturally easier to deliberately bypass the servants of the Tian mansion.

After all, this is the county Lord's house. Except for the guards patrolling outside, all the people in this house are just ordinary servants. Therefore, Tian Guihua easily avoided everyone's eyes and ears and smoothly touched Fang Wenhao's courtyard.

Fang Wenhao now lives with Wulang. Tian Guihua has to find a way to support Wulang.

Thinking of this, she slipped back down the same road.

"Hua Hua, why did you come back so soon?" Li frowned and asked.

"Niang, that smelly boy Wulang is with the emperor. They live together. It must be my second sister-in-law who deliberately asked Wulang to slip his beard for the emperor. If you don't support him, I'm afraid it's difficult to get things done."

Li Shi said, "it's easy to do. I'll ask my servants to call Wulang later and say I miss her."

"OK, I'll change into the maid's clothes and send a bowl of pimple soup to the emperor later. When childe Zhou and I were there before, there were still some powder left. I'll use it for the emperor this time. I don't believe he won't take the bait."

When Tian Guihua said this to Tian Yuqiao, Tian Yuqiao was secretly hiding in Wulang's study.

"Wulang, I'm sure we'll find you later. Why don't we go now to avoid their trouble. It's better to solve this matter earlier." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Originally, she negotiated with Fang Wenhao and asked Tian Dahai to take office quickly. However, even so, Li still depended on Tian Fu and refused to go.

In order not to leave this scourge alone, Fang Wenhao finally agreed to let Tian Dahai hand over with the next county magistrate before going to the north.

"Joe, are you really leaving like this? Leave me here alone and let your shameless old aunt harm a little seedling like me?" Fang Wenhao was bitter and sad.

"Hehe, you are the emperor! You can't even make my aunt such a second-hand goods. I think you should not be the emperor at all." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wulang also said, "sister, let's hurry. I'm afraid something unsuitable for children will happen here. We're still young and not suitable to participate."

"Our Wulang is more courageous than you. Hey, ask for your own blessing, my respected emperor."

Tian Yuqiao then waved his sleeves and took Wulang away, leaving Fang Wenhao alone, grinding his teeth in the cold wind.

After seeing his sister and brother leave, Fang Wenhao angrily smashed on the table next to him.

"It's hateful. It's not so bad. Even if you count me up, do you still think I'm the wild boy who was picked up? These two villains!"

As soon as his eyes turned, he suddenly thought of a better way, so he hurried to the yard next door, his face full of bad intentions.

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