Tian Guihua's head was dressed up by Li, like a pick full of sugar gourd. Fang Wenhao also knows Tian Guihua's plan for tonight. In case, he decides to be a villain this time and lead the war to the next door.

Next door lived King Jing's father and son and Murong Bo, which Fang Wenhao didn't like the first time he saw, so he specially held a roll of paintings this time.

At the next yard, Fang Wenhao smiled and gave the painting to Prince Jing. After a while of greeting, he found murongbo.

"Brother Murong, I heard that Joe changed your blood this time. I don't know how you feel now? Is there anything wrong?" Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

Murong Bo was a little stunned. After all, the guy who smiled innocuously was the emperor.

"Hehe, thank you for your concern. Joel takes care of me very carefully. After the blood exchange, it's red dates and medlar to repair my body every day. I'm afraid there's something bad in the boy's body."

Fang Wenhao heard what he said. The original sense of guilt disappeared.

"That's good. By the way, there are several bottles of poison in my house, which were obtained from the Hu people before. I know you are an expert in this field, so I suddenly remembered it and decided to ask you to come and have a look."

Murongbo was interested as soon as he heard the word "poison". Originally, I thought Fang Wenhao came to find himself at night, but now these are nothing.

"Well, I'll go and have a look," Murong Bo said, and took the lead in walking out.

Fang Wenhao said, "go by yourself first. The painting on my side needs to be appreciated with Prince Jing. I'll go back later."

Murong Bo didn't doubt him, so he said "Oh", and then hurried to the yard next door.

He likes to be quiet when he studies drugs, especially poisons. After all, he is the one who makes the antidote. Now some things of long Shao are integrated into his body, so now he plans to study the antidote and poison together to try whether he has improved his ability in poison.

Thinking about studying medicine, he sent away the people in charge of guarding the door.

"Don't come in and disturb me. Go and have a rest. There's no need to serve here."

People are naturally happy. Who is willing to guard outside the yard in cold weather. One by one they left with a smile, and the gate was not locked, because after all, this was the emperor's residence, and the emperor was studying the picture scroll with Prince Jing next door. Naturally, he wanted to leave the door for his majesty.

It is precisely because of this that Tian Guihua can take advantage of it.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao and Wu Lang were accompanying Li Shi. They talked about the boring topic of thieves. Tian Yuqiao had already yawned thirty-seven times. The little guy counted it for her, and then smiled and gestured to her.

Li Shi said, "Joe, Wulang. It's too late. Why don't you sleep here tonight."

Tian Yuqiao and the little guy were immediately inspired. Is it really good for the heart to say so?

After the two brothers and sisters looked at each other, they all shook their heads slightly.

Tian Yuqiao said, "milk, I have to go back to take care of Lan'er at night. My mother also feels that her eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to my father. Because her family is poor and can't afford it, she was left outside. My mother saw Lan'er and said it's like seeing my father ~"

Hearing what she said, Li Shi was immediately afraid. Looking at Tian Yuqiao and Wulang again, it seemed that they were possessed by ghosts.

"Well, you go, you all go. I don't need you to accompany me. Hurry up." Li waved his hands carelessly.

"Milk, it's nothing that you asked us to come here. You want us to accompany you? If you're really afraid, I'll send you back to the county government tomorrow. Just as my fourth uncle has been promoted, you can help pack your bags or something." Wulang said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao also said, "yes, milk, where has my aunt gone? She knows that the old people died here. It will be more lively at night. How can she leave the milk in the house?"

When they came to the county house this time, all the servants they brought went back to deliver the letter. Then I heard that Tian Dahai was promoted and his family needed help to clean up, so now there is no one to serve Li's house.

Originally, Wang arranged two maids for her, but because the two women had big plans to discuss, they naturally didn't want outsiders in the yard.

Now Tian Guihua has left to do big things, leaving Li alone. Naturally, she is afraid. So she took advantage of Tian Guihua's opportunity to open Wulang. She just had reason to find someone to accompany her.

Although she felt that Er Fang's family was not pleasing to the eye, compared with fear and guilt, she now thought that Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother were not so annoying.

If she hadn't heard them mention Tian Guihua, she wouldn't have sent people away so soon.

After the two brothers and sisters left, Tian Yuqiao immediately covered his mouth and smiled silently.

"Come on, let's go to brother Hao'er to see the excitement." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

At this time, Tian Guihua has successfully entered Fang Wenhao's other hospital. What she had planned to do to support people is now saved, because the gate of the courtyard is wide open and there are no servants outside.

After a long breath, she walked in with a bowl of pimple soup.

It's not her intention to be artificial, but the feeling of top heavy. She's really afraid that if she's not careful, she'll fall into the soup bowl.

After walking in, I saw a figure shaking in the room. At this time, she was wearing the clothes of the servants of the Tian family. Naturally, she came under the guise of sending supper to the emperor.

After walking in with soup, Murong Bo didn't look up at her, but continued to study the bottles and cans on the table.

Tian Guihua quietly put the pimple soup next to the table and said, "this is the pimple soup cooked by the maid. The eldest lady asked you to send it. It says you still work hard at night ~"

The other murongbo didn't hear it, but he listened to the sentence "sent by the eldest lady".

So he said, "well, I see."

"The eldest lady also said that this thing should be eaten while it is hot, or it will taste wrong when it is cold." Tian Guihua continued bravely.

Murongbo was in a good mood, so he picked up the bowl of pimple soup and ate it. Not to mention, he is really hungry now. After all, it takes a lot of brains to study poisons.

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