With a big hedgehog head on her head, Tian Guihua hurried to another hospital where Fang Wenhao lived with a bowl of seasoned pimple soup. Because murongbo never looked up, she didn't see each other's face and didn't dare to stare at others.

In his heart, he regarded murongbo as his majesty and served him carefully.

Watching murongbo finish the big bowl of pimple soup, she waited for the drug to attack there. However, after a long time, I didn't see any difference.

When I was wondering, I found that the man in front of me suddenly raised his head. Two wolf like lights burst out of a pair of eyes!

"Have you poisoned here?" Murong Bo asked in a gloomy way.

"I ~ didn't, I didn't dare." Tian Guihua hesitated and didn't know where to put her hands and feet.

Murong Bo looked at the oddly dressed "servant" in front of him and didn't fight at once. How dare you give him medicine! If it were nothing at all, he would be very defensive. But now this is the county master's house. I didn't expect to be on the road.

Seeing this, Tian Guihua immediately softened her body and turned upside down towards murongbo, making a little bird like person.

"Oh ~"

Murongbo and his dislike turned sideways and let Tian Guihua slip to the ground in front of his nose tip with a bad smell of fat and powder. There was no sense of pity for jade, which led to Tian Guihua's direct fall and shit.

Now he had no time to pay attention to the shameless bitch in front of him, but took out a bottle of Qingxin pill from his arms. This was given to him by Tian Yuqiao before. He was never willing to eat. Now I can't do without eating. I can only bear to eat one, and then carefully put away the bottle.

According to his understanding, although the toxicity was great, he was soon suppressed. Maybe it's related to the blood in the body. Some ordinary poisons can't work on him at all.

The benefits of blood exchange are still quite many. If you really say it, he would also like to thank long Shao!

Tian Guihua got up from the ground, and the objects on her head jingled to the ground. She couldn't care to pick them up.

She can't miss such a good opportunity.

Seeing the man's face turn red, she thought it was a toxic attack. Murongbo was angry at this time. He seemed to have returned to his taste and thought of who pit himself.

The heart said, you Fang Wenhao, is it great to be an emperor? He must have known in advance that someone was going to climb a high branch, so he deliberately hid in his house and let himself bear all this for him.

One side was flushed with anger, while the other side, Tian osmanthus, unknowingly, paved towards him again.

At this time, Fang Wenhao and Shangguan Qingfeng had already come to the yard. Then Tian Yuqiao and Wulang came together, and the four saw the projection on the window in the house.

That feeling really makes people think. Tian Yuqiao subconsciously covered the little guy's eyes with his hands, and even hoped that he could have two more hands, so that he could cover the little guy's ears.

And Fang Wenhao over there raised his hand and covered Tian Yuqiao's eyes. Such a height difference is really harmonious.

Tian Yuqiao is looking up to jin'er. This is the living spring palace in front of him! Unexpectedly, she felt her face covered by two big hands. She was so angry that she wanted to bite open those hands.

"Qiao'er, you and Wulang are still young. You'd better stop making fun of what's going on here. It's getting late. Go back to bed quickly, or the godmother should be worried." Fang Wenhao whispered.

The little guy said, "Hey, brother Hao'er, you seem to have made a mistake? This is my house!"

After listening to the little guy, everyone was stunned. Fang Wenhao remembered that this was the place where Wulang studied and rested. It's just a quiet place, but now it's defiled by others. Think about it, he has a sense of guilt.

With a bang, a chair flew out, followed by Tian Guihua.

Her hair was scattered, and all kinds of headgear were still falling down all the way. Tian Yuqiao helped her forehead. Fortunately, their clothes were neat.

Seeing Murong Bo coming out with a cold face, he roared, "since this is the servant of the family, I'm not polite. Now she has told me that she wants to marry me. I don't know whether your majesty can give me this bitch?"

"This is the county Lord's house, and I don't count." Fang Wenhao quickly explained.

Tianyuqiao naturally knew who the man was, but now her face was blocked by her hair and she was wearing the clothes of Tianfu girl, so she pretended not to know: "OK, I promised, I'll give her to you, let her go."

When Tian Guihua came back, she knew that she had recognized the wrong person! However, when she wanted to ask for help from the real emperor, her mouth had been covered.

The two rough women made her strong and half as strong as men. Tian Guihua's mouth was blocked with a sour rag, and then he drove her out of the door. According to murongbo's instructions, he directly asked someone to drive a carriage and send her back to Yaowang villa.

Murong Bo tidied up the folds on his collar, snorted coldly and went out. When passing Fang Wenhao, he stared at him and said, "are you finished appreciating your painting?"

Fang Wenhao awkwardly touched the tip of his nose and said, "Er ~ it's true. The painting has been left in Prince Jing for him to enjoy slowly."

Tian Yuqiao could even feel the smell of gunpowder in the air, as if the surrounding temperature had dropped several degrees.

"Wulang, go back to the house and have a rest." Tian Yuqiao winked at Wulang.

The little guy nodded heavily and said, "well, it makes sense. It's not suitable to stay in the place of right and wrong for a long time, sister, you should go back quickly."

Tian Yuqiao went back and told Wang what had happened here.

After feeding Lan'er with milk, Wang said, "Joe, how is this possible? Our servants know the rules very well, and there is no such thing!"

"Hey, who knows. It's called the forest big. There are all kinds of birds, and people will change." Tian Yuqiao said helplessly.

Early the next morning, Li cooked two black circles under his eyes and waited for Tian Guihua to come back, but there was no movement.

She was very happy because her daughter didn't come back. The only possibility was that last night was over!

Li's side was complacent. Outside, someone shouted with gongs and drums: "last night, there was a bitch in the family who disturbed his Majesty's rest, and he has been asked and beheaded by the emperor. All the officers should take warning, and there should be no place to go beyond..."

Li's face turned pale as soon as he heard this.

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