Tian Guihua's attempt to climb the Dragon bed offended murongbo of Yaowang villa. At this time, murongbo is still a new human with Longshao blood in his body, with great Qi.

Directly ask someone to take Tian Guihua back to Yaowang villa, and you'll be one more person to test the medicine. For Tian Guihua, although he knew it was Tian Yuqiao's close aunt, he also knew something about the Tian family, so he naturally had no reason to get used to such a shameless aunt.

This time, it was also in line with the original intention of venting his anger to Tian Yuqiao, so he asked people to take this scourge away directly.

Then Tian Yuqiao met murongbo alone and asked, "what are you going to do with the bitch last night?"

"I was going to take her to test the medicine, but after all, it's your aunt, so I'm going to give her a chance."

"Oh? What kind of opportunity do you want to give her? Do you want to accept her as a child?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

Murong Bo said angrily, "come on, how can I want that kind of withered flowers and willows? The nine elders of our family can't do personnel anyway because of a personal drug test. Now your aunt happens to have a child in her stomach. I'm going to give her to the nine elders to give him a queen."

"Poof! You're just matchmaking for others. I don't know whether the elder is willing or not." Tian Yuqiao said silently.

Murong Bo smiled bitterly and said, "elder nine is not picky at all. It's your servant who was sent there. I'm afraid he can't stand it."

Tian Yuqiao asked curiously, "Oh? How do you say that?"

"That's right. Elder Jiu has a strange personality because of his body. He usually likes to kill those little white mice used for experiments. It's hard to say if he sent someone this time."

Seeing him faltering, Tian Yuqiao seemed to guess something, so it was hard to ask again. Some sex toys keep popping up in her mind ~ forget it, just think she thinks too much.

Li's side fainted after learning that a servant of the Tian family was killed alive because he accidentally broke into the emperor's other courtyard.

Then she woke up without waiting to pinch her. When he woke up, he sat on the cold ground with red eyes, fanning his face and crying.

Tian Yuqiao admired Li's point. She could cry and talk at the same time. When normal people cry, they are often speechless, and Li is an exception. She can cry and scold the street.

Apart from the fact that Tian Guihua inherited 80% of her ability, the other Tian family were not so lucky.

"Oh, my God, I brought my daughter to see my daughter-in-law. Unexpectedly, my poor daughter was killed alive ~"

As soon as she cried, she soon attracted many servants. People were all confused, so someone ran to report to Tian Yuqiao and Wang's son.

"Madam, miss, it's not good. The old lady is crying in that hospital. It is said that her daughter was killed."

Wang and he looked at each other, while Tian Yuqiao bowed his head and said nothing.

"Joe, why don't we go and have a look?" Wang said to Tian Yuqiao in an inquiring tone.

"Mom, I'm afraid I'm old and confused! Didn't my aunt live with her well? When did she become a servant of our family? Everyone saw it yesterday. It was a servant with dishevelled hair. It has been found out that she worked part-time in our family."

Tian Yuqiao was right. It was a widow who helped with part-time work in the Tian family who lent her clothes to Tian Guihua yesterday and got 500 copper coins.

Since she wants to do so, she has to pay a price. Now the widow has been sent by Fang Wenhao to the Horqin tribe and married her to the herdsmen there.

"Hey, I can't just let your milk make so much noise. Let's go and have a look." Wang continued.

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "let's go and have a look. Does mother want to follow?"

He Shi waved his hand and said, "I won't go there. After all, it's the Tian family's business. I'm an outsider. It's inconvenient to get involved."

When the mother and daughter went to Li's Hospital hand in hand, they immediately saw Li sitting on the ground. A handful of snot, a handful of tears, shawled, the snot on the chest has been frozen hard, bright~

"I shouldn't have brought my daughter here. The good girl is gone. God, you can just kill me with a thunder. I'm sorry for the second family. I can't let my daughter lose her life ~"

Wang quickly let the two women pass and helped Li up from the ground.

"Mom, hurry into the house. It's so cold on the ground outside." Wang frowned.

Li also kicked around and lost his shoes. If Tian Yuqiao hadn't hid in time, the shoes would have been thrown on her.

After entering the house, Wang asked someone to wipe Li's face and change his clothes. One side comforted: "Mom, it was a short-time worker of our family who was killed. Who are you crying about?"

"The second daughter-in-law, I beg you. Let me see the flowers." Li Shi slipped down the couch and knelt down directly to Wang Shi.

Wang was surprised and wanted to escape, but Li grabbed his skirt.

"Mom, what are you doing? The flowers are gone? Isn't she back to the county?"

Li wiped his nose and said, "Hey, she said yesterday that she wanted to see what the emperor looked like. She was worried about the bad influence of the past, so she asked someone to borrow a servant's clothes. She also kindly made a bowl of pimple Soup for the emperor. Unexpectedly, she never came back..."

Wang pretended to be surprised and said, "Mom, just tell me about it. It's not difficult to see the emperor. Why should she go so late? The emperor has just ascended the throne. He's worried that someone will plot an evil plan and kill his head within two meters. How good is that?"

Tian Yuqiao also advised: "milk, all this seems to be a misunderstanding. But this matter is related to the emperor after all. You must not talk nonsense, otherwise once the emperor investigates you for a crime of lax discipline, don't say you are old, even my Lord and fourth uncle will have to cut off their heads."

Although Li Shi said she had a good life for a few days and became an old lady for a few days, she still knew nothing about things in the court. Now, hearing Tian Yuqiao's bluff, he suddenly wilted.

As if all his strength had been evacuated, he was paralyzed directly on the cowhide blanket.

Wang Shi and Tian Yuqiao helped Li Shi up on one side and persuaded him again.

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