Li thought Tian Guihua was really killed by the emperor, so he howled at Tian Yuqiao's house. Her personality of relying on the old and selling the old was incisively and vividly interpreted by her, but her behavior has no effect in the county government.

There is no one here to let her handle. It's not the time to rely on the old house of the Tian family in the mountain village. This is not her Kang, let alone her nonsense.

Fang Wenhao followed the voice and had long lost patience with such an old witch, so he said to Wang: "godmother, now things have been handed over at the county yamen. Now let's send the old lady back to the county yamen. If we delay the reunion of mother and son, it's not good."

In Li's strong protests and curses, she was finally carried out by someone. It was placed in a very comfortable and warm carriage. Next to it, there were two women with waist as long as a grinding plate. They were very "intimate" to protect Li's side.

"Get out of here, you all get out of here! They are all wolf hearted things. Now my son is gone and my daughter has been killed by you. This will not let my old woman live ~"

"Old lady, are you stimulated by something? Why don't you have a rest? After crying for so long, you must be thirsty."

The woman on the left said, regardless of whether Li was thirsty or not, she took out the water hyacinth that Tian Yuqiao had handed her before. The water inside was poured into Li Shi, choking her out of her nose, and no one cared.

Tian Yuqiao made the water. He was worried about Li's shouting and scolding along the way, so he added some calming drugs to the water. Naturally, this is a perfect match for murongbo. Some tranquilizing drugs are added to it.

Sure enough, Li's eyelids felt heavy after drinking water. After a while, she had fallen asleep and snored gently.

No wonder she slept so fast. After all, she didn't sleep much last night because she was worried about Tian Guihua. Now she has been crying for most of the day, and she is very tired. Old people can't keep up with their spirit.

When the carriage arrived at the county yamen, it was also setting up. Tian Dahai has handed over his official duties with the next county magistrate. He is in a hurry to go to the office of Hu people.

In fact, he was an official with no real name. It sounded good to say that he went to the northwest Hu people for the emperor to supervise the government affairs there. But everyone knew that he was sent by Fang Wenhao in disguise.

The reason is very simple, so that the people in the old house of the Tian family can stay away from Tian Yuqiao and them, so as not to cause trouble.

Now Tian Dahe is also very open. He is also very sad about Li's practice. Anyway, now the old house thinks he's dead, so he'll just be a dead man.

Fortunately, Tian Dahai has an official position now. Whether he has rights or not, fortunately, his salary is enough for her and old man Tian.

Now there is one less sweet scented osmanthus, and a family of four will be enough. Now Mr. Tian is making arrangements for Tian Dahai's marriage. Wang sent Mrs. Chen alone and sent a congratulatory gift to Tian Dahai in advance.

"Fourth master, this is given to you by our wife and the county leader. It is said that you may not settle down in the future, and your wife may not be able to get there when you get married. This is one hundred Liang silver, which is my wife's intention. Here are also a pair of jade Ruyi and a box of jewelry, which are reserved for the fourth wife as makeup."

Tian Dahai received the things sent by old lady Chen and asked her to go back to help thank Wang and them.

"Please go back and take a message and say that I remember the kindness of my second sister-in-law. I was very grateful for lending me money and people last time. Now I'm even more embarrassed to give me something." Tian Dahai said with a red face.

"Madam also said that it's not easy for you to support the second old man, and we won't give less. In the future, we will send festival gifts to the second old man from Horqin tribe every year. These are all our wife's filial piety."

Tian Dahai nodded and said yes, and then he was called over.

The departure of the Tian family has no impact on others. Everyone still lives day by day. But Tian Yuqiao's family is relieved. Tian Dahe can live upright in the future without pretending to be dead.

When old lady Chen came back and reported the story to Wang and Tian Yuqiao, Wang sent her to rest.

"Mom, we have given enough money this time, which can be regarded as filial piety for my father. If people like my aunt are not around me, it seems to be good for everyone. Just let her go to Yaowang villa to harm others. She has almost lost the face of the Tian family."

He Shi said, "Hey, your sister-in-law is really. I heard someone report that she wore a headdress for many years and dressed like a vase."

"Hey, according to Hao'er, there's medicine in that bowl of pimple soup. Unexpectedly, she's young and a big girl who hasn't come out of the cabinet can get that kind of inferior medicine." Wang said reluctantly.

"Niang, brother Hao'er has issued a decree, saying that the northwest Festival envoy cannot leave there without a decree. That is to say, my fourth uncle can only stay with the Hu people." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Hey, are we going too far?" Wang said with some entanglement.

"Big sister, you're wrong. Your mother-in-law and sister-in-law did wrong this time. Although the word filial piety is greater than heaven, your mother-in-law is really not an ordinary person. You don't need to have any ideas. This time they offended the emperor. It's good not to behead." he comforted.

Tian Yuqiao found that he's character has changed greatly since he suffered a great disaster. He Shi, who was gentle and weak before, disappeared. Instead, he had a strong character.

He's such a change is because she found her own daughter. She is now open to everything and no longer limits herself to death with those dogmas and rules.

Now you don't have to do good deeds everywhere to pray for your daughter, because her daughter lives well and healthy.

Without this layer of concern, he's more confident and open-minded.

Now nothing is more important than family reunion. As for others, say what others like.

As soon as Tian Dahai left Fengyang County, the horse team of Tian Dahe had arrived.

When he arrived, it was time to turn on the lights. Seeing that he had worked hard all the way, Wang hurried to cook him some hot noodle soup.

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