Tian Dahe came to the county master's house all night, with a strong cool breath. When Wang saw him, he quickly helped him take down his wolf skin cloak and put it aside to sweep the snow off with a brush.

"Lan'er, her father, go to the stove and bake a fire to keep warm." Wang said with a smile.

Tian Dahe is on his way day and night. Now he has a broken beard, but he still smiles with big white teeth and looks at the little girl in the small cradle.

Wang asked someone to fetch hot water. After washing Tian Dahe's hands and face, she determined that the cool air on Tian Dahe had dissipated. Only then did she let him close to his sleeping daughter.

"Look at this girl. She looks like you. You don't know. The old lady came here before. She trembled at the sight of Lan'er." Wang said with a smile.

Tian Dahe frowned and asked, "my mother has been here?"

"Well, yes. She saw it at a glance and said that the child was like you. At that time, I didn't know what to say. I had to lie and say that I picked up the child."

"Oh, I see. My mother must have found that Lan'er looks like me when I was a child? That's why she was so afraid."

Wang nodded and said, "it's not why. She was so scared that she almost sat on the ground."

Tian Yuqiao and Wulang waited outside for a while because they didn't want to disturb their parents to talk about the past. However, the sister and brother were waiting outside and found that they seemed to be forgotten by their parents.

Wulang sniffed and said, "sister, I'm a little cold. Let's go in."

Tian Yuqiao also felt a trace of coolness and wanted to step in. At this time, a big hand next to her grabbed her arm and said, "Godfather is back. Naturally, I want to go in and say hello."

Looking around, Fang Wenhao was laughing badly. Instead of wearing a Dragon Robe, he wore a brocade cotton robe with silver flowers. There was a jade pendant hanging around his waist, which was impressively left by the old eunuch when he was there.

The three knocked on the door twice outside and got the consent from inside before they entered the house together.

After they all saluted Tian Dahe, they took their seats.

Xiaoyu soon came with a food box, opened it layer by layer, and soon a table of small dishes appeared in front of the hungry Tian Dahe.

Exquisite crystal dumplings, soft glutinous rice, two rice porridge boiled with millet, and a plate of steamed beef jerky. Four plates of pickles, including crispy cucumber, sweet crispy radish, garlic eggplant and shredded cold kelp.

There are also several pickles, which is also Tian Dahe's favorite. A plate of their own sauce, a handful of chives cut to the length of their index finger, cut into strips of water radish, cut into segments of tender cucumber, and their own pickled golden pickled cabbage heart.

Tian Dahe took another reluctant look at the sleeping Lan'er. He didn't care about the king, minister, father and son. He rolled up his sleeves and sat at the dinner table.

"Children, don't laugh at me. Your father and I have been drinking the West and north wind outside these days. Hey, I finally see hot food." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

Then he pinched three steamed stuffed buns and threw one into his mouth.

The crystal steamed stuffed bun with thin skin and big filling can see the color of the filling inside through the steamed stuffed bun skin. Beef stuffed with mushrooms, with carrots and golden corn grains.

Tian Dahe couldn't care so much. He took a bite of steamed stuffed bun and then drank a mouthful of porridge. Fortunately, the porridge is thin, so he just drinks water.

"Kaba" eat a mouthful of green onions, and then take a water radish to eat. He took another pickled cabbage heart and said, "you know me very well. I've been greedy for this pickled cabbage core for a long time. It's so sour and refreshing. It has to be our child's mother. The food is delicious."

Looking at him, the three children couldn't help swallowing their saliva. Even Tian Yuqiao wanted to go to dinner with his father, but he looked hungry for a long time. Forget it, he'd better not grab food with his father.

"Eat slowly. Fortunately, the steamed stuffed bun is small, or you won't have to choke." Wang smiled and helped Tian Dahe touch his back while putting pickles in the atherosclerotic bowl.

"Hey, you don't know. It's really hard to leave you. I'm not afraid of the climate over there. What I'm most afraid of is the food. Hey, it's too miserable. They can make thieves taste anything good."

Looking at his man's complaint, Wang's eyes showed a trace of heartache.

Fang Wenhao said, "godfather, it will be better in the future. Hao Tianjun no longer needs to hide, and you and godmother don't have to separate in the future."

"Er ~ you don't say I forgot. Now Hao'er is the emperor. Look, I forgot to salute his majesty when I saw the food."

When Tian Dahe finished, he put down the dishes and chopsticks, and wiped his oily hand on the side of his handkerchief.

Seeing that Tian Dahe was going to salute himself, Fang Wenhao hurried forward to hold his arms and said, "godfather, I'm an emperor in front of outsiders, but in front of you and godmother, I'm still the Hao son of that year. This will never change. Don't discount my life."

The father and son tore up again for a while, and finally ended in Tian Dahe's failure.

"Good boy, you won't change as soon as you finish talking. You dare to press your Godfather on the chair with so much energy." Tian Dahe deliberately stared and said.

Fang Wenhao scratched his head in embarrassment and returned to the simple and honest boy a few years ago. The Tian family laughed as if there were no emperors here.

The Tian family reunited, but now it was too late. After eating and drinking, Tian Dahe simply cleaned up and slept next to Lan'er.

Wang sent three children out and said, "your father is too tired. Go back first and let's pick him up tomorrow."

Fang Wenhao and Wulang send Tian Yuqiao back to the yard first. Xiaoyu naturally follows Tian Yuqiao. Then the two teenagers went to Wulang's yard to have a rest. They walked very briskly all the way.

"Brother Hao'er, you went to see the emperor before. What did you say to him?" Wulang asked curiously.

Fang Wenhao sighed and said, "Hey, I went to kowtow to him and told him about the burial of those dead concubines after the transformation of the lower palace."

"Oh, so it is. In fact, if he hadn't trapped me in the imperial city and didn't let me reunite with my parents, I think he was also a good man."

"Hey, it's all over. Wulang, don't think about it. He's just an ordinary old man now." Fang Wenhao sighed.

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