The arrival of Tian Dahe made the whole county house happy. Especially Wang Shi, she was so excited that she didn't have a good rest all night.

The next morning, everyone knew the news of Tian Dahe's return. Shangguan and Gongsun also came to meet Tian Dahe and said something about Wang's sleepiness.

Wang yawned and patted Lan'er slowly in his hand.

"Mom, since you are sleepy, take Lan'er to have a rest first. Dad, they are discussing frontier affairs, and we can't understand it here. Let's go and discuss the meals to be prepared for lunch and evening." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wang Shi glanced at Tian Dahe and saw that he also nodded slightly towards himself. Then she left with Lan'er in her arms.

Tian Yuqiao took he Shi and said he wanted to ask her for some new tricks.

He was held by his daughter, and his heart was as sweet as honey. After greeting the men with a smile, he left with Tian Yuqiao.

Now Tian Yuqiao is like the glue between the two families. As long as she is there, Wang and he will let her arrange. As soon as she felt bored and wanted to leave, she brought both mothers here.

"Hehe, Joe doesn't like to listen to their old men. Let's discuss our daughter's work. By the way, Joe, what kind of flowers do you want to ask me?" he said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao thought for a moment and said, "I want to learn how to play lotto. I can draw a general pattern, but I need my mother and mother to teach me how to do it."

Seeing her look like a curious baby, Wang Shi and he Shi all smiled. Especially he Shi, this is the first time that the little girl took the initiative to ask her for advice.

This should be what she should do as a mother, but now she can't tell her daughter the truth. After all, he promised Tian Dahe not to recognize his daughter.

Tian Yuqiao took a charcoal pen and drew on the paper. Soon a picture of Pisces embracing happiness jumped on the paper. In the middle is an inverted blessing word, and on both sides is the shape of two fish.

He Shi stretched out his head and was surprised. It was the first time she had seen such a complex complex pattern.

"Joe, how did you think of such a complex pattern?" Wang asked in surprise.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "it seems that my painting is a little complicated, but my mother and mother are dexterous people. Shouldn't such a complex be a problem?"

He frowned and stared at the pattern. Look very dignified, impressively have been absorbed in it.

Wang and Tian Yuqiao didn't bother her. After a while, he smiled and patted his thigh and said, "it's done!"

"Er ~ mother, what's the matter with you?"

He smiled and said, "I just went through it in my mind. It can be done. However, I need to study more time, and I have to ask your mother for help."

"Well, such a beautiful complexion, if I can participate in it, it will be good. It just happens that I also want to learn from my sister."

As soon as they hit it off, they began to study it with thick lines.

After half an hour, Xiaoyu reminded, "Miss, it's time to prepare lunch. You haven't said what you want to eat at noon."

"Mom, we should prepare lunch for Dad today."

"Oh, look at my brain. I forget it when I'm happy." Wang said with a smile.

Then she and he arranged the food together and asked Tian Yuqiao to ask Fang Wenhao, Wulang, gongsunyu and murongbo. Each of them had to order two dishes.

Soon, Xiaoyu sorted out the dishes we ordered in the front yard. There is also Tian Dahe, which was ordered by several adults. In this way, all the dishes on the table are ready.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and told old lady Chen, "eat these at noon. Look, we don't have to deal with them. Isn't that it?"

Mrs. Chen smiled, took the list and went to the kitchen. The woman in charge of the kitchen is literate. She used to serve in large families. Although she is old now, she still has some skills in managing the kitchen.

Wulang ran over with a smile and asked Tian Yuqiao when to have dinner.

"Look at you greedy cat. It's more round than gold. You still want to eat." Tian Yuqiao scraped Wulang's small nose.

"Hey, sister, you said you had a big plan before. What is it? Brother Hao'er was guessing before, and we each bet on a jade pendant. Why don't you tell me first!"

Tian Yuqiao deliberately said, "Wow, you don't learn well, you bet with people!"

"No, it's all made up by them. I just join in the fun. And we don't gamble. It's all the things brother Hao'er gave us. Let's play with them." Wulang said with a mouth.

Tian Yuqiao does have a big plan, but she seems to have told Fang Wenhao before. Now I'm afraid my brother will suffer a loss because of this. Fang Wenhao knows the answer and is willing to bet with others. If you don't want to give them something, just say it. Why win it back~

"In fact, it's nothing. I just want to sell beef jerky to all the places under your brother Hao'er's jurisdiction. He is ambitious and plans to annex the west side of the mountain to the original mountain in a few years. Naturally, my big plan is to set up all kinds of chain stores."

"What is a chain store?" asked Wulang with a frown.

"Well ~ it's just like the Xianxiang restaurant that our family opened in the imperial city. In the future, it will also be opened in all government cities, also known as Xianxiang restaurant. In this way, stores opened by the same family with the same name are even chain stores. Of course, we can let others open under our name, but I'm not going to do so at present." Tian Yuqiao said.

Both Wang and he help in the kitchen. After all, several secret dishes are not passed on. The two elder sisters also talked happily there. After this time, they were even closer than their sisters.

The servants only gave them a hand, while he followed Wang to learn the recipes of the Tian family.

"This is your family dish. I'm a little embarrassed," he said with a smile.

"Hey, what's the matter? All the recipes are left by master Huiyuan to our Joel. Joel doesn't care for oil smoke in the kitchen and doesn't like to take care of these things. The child is a man with great ambition, so I can only do these. We don't distinguish between who and who. We don't take you as outsiders."

He Shi listened to Wang Shi and his eyes were wet.

In the past, in the Imperial City, although the two families often came and went, they still couldn't let go after all. Now, after this adversity, the relationship between the two families has been brought closer.

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