Now what Fang Wenhao lacks most is cash, and he is unwilling to accept the loan scheme proposed by Tian Yuqiao. After all, he is a man and the man with the most respected status in the world. Fang Wenhao's self-esteem does not allow him to do that.

"Brother Hao'er, my golden knife is very good. I heard that with this, I can marry the princess of Horqin tribe. Why don't I sell it to you and exchange it with a palace in your palace. When you marry the princess, she will bring a large dowry." Wulang said with a straight face.

He looked like a kid, and the others laughed. The smile on their faces is different. Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao smiled helplessly, while the others smiled proudly from their hearts.

Fang Wenhao winked at Wulang and said, "Wulang, don't talk nonsense. The style of your golden Dao is really good. It's estimated that you can sell it at a good price if you make some like this."

"Are you sure you don't want to marry Princess Keya? She's a princess. I've seen her. She looks a little black. Oh, no, she's not black before brother Bo. She looks very good." the little guy said solemnly.

Murong Bo on one side suddenly turned black. A piece of crab leg meat that was supposed to be caught for the little guy was directly sent to his bowl by him.

As if the crab leg was an enemy, he ate it hard.

After the banquet, everyone dispersed one after another. Fang Wenhao stopped Tian Yuqiao and Wulang. Tian Yuqiao had to follow them to Wulang's residence.

"Qiao'er, what happened in poison King Valley has hurt many people, and many people in Haotian army have died as a result. Their families need to settle down well, and the silver money you lent me before has been used by me to buy seeds and fertilizer ~" Fang Wenhao said with some bad intentions.

"Hey, I don't have much water in my hands now. Why don't you give me back all the gems I put on your side. I'm going to make them into beautiful jewelry and sell them to the officials of the court at a high price." Tian Yuqiao suggested.

"That's a good idea, but the officials are limited. Moreover, those rich officials have been robbed by people in poison King Valley before. Now I promoted the remaining people in the imperial court from Haotian army later. They really don't have much money."

"Well, I'm going to open the trade routes on the border. That is to sell our things outside, and then bring them back to sell. This time, I should be able to earn a lot of price difference." Tian Yuqiao said.

Fang Wenhao thought for a moment and said, "I don't trust you to do this. It's better to leave it to the big head."

"That's not good. Big brother's eloquence is not as good as me. And you should know how many cards I have. Don't worry, my safety is not a problem. What I'm most worried about is that I can't make money."

Looking at her little look of depression because she was worried that she couldn't earn money, Fang Wenhao immediately couldn't help it. He stretched out his hand and pinched her face twice.

Tian Yuqiao was stunned and would open his salty pig's hand with a slap. But after all, she was slow and didn't hit her.

Wu Lang showed his star eyes towards Fang Wenhao. He was so envious! Usually, his sister pinches his face. He really wants to pinch his sister's face.

The little guy kept coming to Tian Yuqiao's side, but he was scared back by Tian Yuqiao's roar.

"Well, if you don't learn well, you should learn from him." Tian Yuqiao said angrily.

"Elder sister, I just want to feel what it's like to pinch someone else's face. Now the only person I can pinch is Lan'er. My mother still looks so tight that I don't have a chance to start." the little guy said bitterly.

"It's too late. Don't be wordy. Let's give the matter down quickly. I've thought it over. Go to my fourth uncle first and try to set up a chamber of Commerce in Hu people's side. Every month or a few months, sell our things there and sell the felt and wool produced by Hu people in various cities." Tian Yuqiao said.

Fang Wenhao nodded: "well, I'll make you an imperial envoy and give you a Shangfang sword. In addition, you have a death free gold medal in your hand, that's the third grade of the official! Do you want to give you another imperial edict like my presence?"

Tian Yuqiao glanced at him obliquely and said, "I'll forget it. It's too ostentatious. Just appoint me an imperial envoy. Then I can decide for you and cooperate with them."

"It's natural. I'll strongly support whatever you do. Hey hey, mine is yours anyway, whatever you do. But be careful. Your token can mobilize local troops at any time." Fang Wenhao said.

"OK, give me my official dress and seal first." Tian Yuqiao said proudly.

"How can I carry this ~ thing with me? Here's my sword. It's the imperial sword. You can punish any official below me."

Fang Wenhao then took off a gorgeous Golden Dragon sword from his waist. There were countless cat's eye diamonds on it, which glittered and caught people's eyes.

"No, I remember the Shang's sword is more than that. It's said that it can kill the dizzy monarch at the top and the cunning ministers and thieves at the bottom." Tian Yuqiao said, playing with the sword in his hand.

"No, I don't want to die young." Fang Wenhao smiled and made a surrender.

After the three laughed for a while, Fang Wenhao directly wrote an edict to Tian Yuqiao. He suddenly hesitated when he was sealing the jade seal.

The doorkeeper said coldly, "I don't like sealing very much. It's better for you to do it for me."

Cold words flushed with excitement and took the jade seal with both hands. Then he aimed at the imperial edict for a long time, shaking his hands and dared not press it.

Tian Yuqiao inadvertently noticed that Fang Wenhao seemed to be hiding from the seal, so he couldn't help feeling a bad feeling about the seal.

Looking at the cold words and excitedly covering the seal on the imperial edict, Tian Yuqiao said, "brother Hao'er, isn't there a problem with your seal? Are you sure there's no problem with the imperial edict it covers?"

Fang Wenhao awkwardly touched his nose and pulled Tian Yuqiao aside. Then he whispered, "this jade seal was hidden in the place of grain reincarnation by the supreme emperor."

"Grain reincarnation ~ what?" Tian Yuqiao didn't react for a moment.

"This place of grain reincarnation is actually a toilet," Fang Wenhao explained helplessly.

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