Tian Yuqiao became an imperial envoy, and her authority could not only take full charge of business affairs, but also mobilize local troops. The Hao heavenly army has now been promoted to the emperor's personal guard, and they are naturally at the disposal of Tian Yuqiao.

Fang Wenhao left after another two days, because as soon as he succeeded, he came out to leave, which would inevitably provoke criticism in the court.

Fortunately, the censors dared not speak disorderly one by one, which made Fang Wenhao's life relatively comfortable. Otherwise, the mouth of the censor will be enough for him to drink a pot.

He left with the Dragon cart and took a large cart full of vegetables, melons and fruits in Yuqiao's house. He had planned to go to the southwest Grange to take some river crabs, but Tian Yuqiao strongly opposed it.

"No matter how clean the river crab is, there will be some smell. It's my car. You've made it stinky. How can I use it in the future? You really think it's yours?" Tian Yuqiao pretended to be angry.

Fang Wenhao could only recognize the planting, bid farewell to the others, walked into the dragon car and left with a very high profile.

This time he chose to leave during the day, which was different from when he came. Many people saw it this time. The people all pouted their hips and worshipped the Dragon Lord one after another!

The red limelight completely overshadowed him as an emperor, which made Fang Wenhao a little unhappy. However, looking back at the local specialties he searched from several chuangs of the Tian family, Fang Wenhao felt much better.

In fact, he doesn't care much about material life, but because these things are planted by her family. If you eat these things every day, you will feel like you are still with her.

In the County Hall, Fang Wenhao's departure made many people breathe a sigh, as if they had unloaded a heavy burden.

After all, there was a rumor that the servant was killed by the emperor. Although we didn't see it with our own eyes, no one dared to doubt the authenticity of this matter.

Wang Shi was relieved to see all the people at home. In fact, she felt much more relaxed.

These days, the people in the family all look down on their faces. The rules are very big. They don't dare to look up and walk one by one. They move forward inch by inch.

"Hehe, Niang, although we don't buy these people from big families, as soon as brother Hao'er comes, they will all become small jasper." Tian Yuqiao joked with a smile.

"It's not why. My mother feels uncomfortable when she sees them so low browed." Wang said.

"Mom, Brother Big head has arranged for someone to pick up sister Rong. She will spend the new year here this year. Now Brother Hao plans to let Brother Big head guard the border, so sister Rong can only move. Let's let her live here and take care of each other. After all, it's still very chaotic there. Our family didn't build a house in Shuicheng that day." Tian Yuqiao said.

Wang nodded, then frowned again and said, "Joel, your sister Rong can only raise pigs, but there seems to be cattle and sheep. I'm afraid she won't get used to it when she comes."

Tian Yuqiao's eyes lit up when he heard the speech. She said, "that's better! Let sister Rong raise pigs here at that time, and raise them in large quantities. Use pigs to exchange cattle, sheep and horses with Hu people and Horqin people. I know how expensive beef sellers are in the imperial city. And mutton, too. The price difference here is very large and the profits are very rich."

Wu Lang said, "yes, brother Hao'er has just become emperor. He doesn't have any money in his hand. I'm afraid he can't do anything. We can't let people go out with gemstones. We have to think of ways to help him make money. When we have enough shares, we'll buy his position as emperor. Maybe."

"Hehe, you smelly boy, do you still want to be the emperor?" Tian Yuqiao smiled and pinched the little guy's face.

"Ah, sister, and pinch! The faces of the other people are not fat, they are all pinched by you." five Lang can not make complaints about it.

The messenger came in and said, "madam, it's not good. There's a man outside who claims to be miss's aunt. He's been making a noise at the door for a long time. He said he wanted to see Mrs. and miss."

Wang's eyebrows immediately frowned and said, "take her to the concierge to get warm and don't freeze people. We'll discuss it for a while before we decide whether to see her."

"Yes!" the boy said and turned and ran away.

At the gate, Gao was carrying a broken baggage. Now her money and valuable things were cheated away. She came to the county Lord's house to ask for help.

"Hey, I'm really your county leader's aunt! Now I'm in trouble. It turns out that your county magistrate here is still the fourth brother of my man. Just let me in. Then I'll ask my big niece to give you a reward. I'm wronged. The money was cheated away. Now they can't watch me freeze to death in the street ~" Gao said with his mouth tilted.

"Madam, now the county magistrate has been promoted to minister of justice and has gone to the north. My county leader doesn't care about political affairs, so if you complain, you should go to the County Yamen to beat drums and complain about your grievances." the young man said.

"Don't mention it, little brother. Why don't you know how to be flexible? I'm such a big man. Can you make fun of this? I'm really a relative of your county leader, the kind of direct relative."

In the backyard, Tian Yuqiao said with disdain: "Mom, I heard my fourth uncle say that my aunt had a big fight at my uncle's wedding banquet, and both of them fought seriously. Before, she didn't correct it well, stole the money for my milk and ran with my uncle, and then my uncle dumped her. Hey, come to us, we can't promise."

"Hey, it's not that I'm soft hearted. Now our family is not bad. The big deal is to give her a bite to eat. Your uncle really doesn't know the North once he has two money. He has married two concubines. Your aunt is really pathetic enough." Wang sighed.

Although she hated Gao's previous evil deeds, Wang felt a little softhearted at the thought that she was a poor man abandoned by men.

Tian Yuqiao will not be soft hearted to those who intend to sell her.

"Mom, you don't have to take care of this. I'll send someone to send her to my uncle later."

When Tian Yuqiao finished, he asked someone to find he ER and handed Gao over to him.

He Er is most willing to do such things, especially without airtight walls. He has heard something about Tian Dajiang.

Now he can send Gao to Tian Dajiang's house, which will naturally lead to a chaos. When he comes back, he will have first-hand gossip!

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