He ER was very satisfied to see a lively scene outside the hospital. When he was still in his mind, there were snows in the sky.

He looked up at the sky and felt that it was getting late. He left reluctantly.

After returning to the county master's house, he Er told the story with vivid and dancing.

He Shi saw his eyebrows fluttering and immediately helped his forehead and felt that he had no light on his face. Fortunately, I peeped at Wang's side and saw that Wang didn't look down on he er.

"You didn't see that the two men held each other and fought together. Gao's two teeth were knocked out, which didn't affect her combat effectiveness at all. I bit Tian Dajiang's ears with the open teeth. Alas, I dare not eat pig ears in the future, tut tut ~"

Wang finally got free. Then he asked, "what about the winter snow? Are you all right?"

"Er ~" he Er touched his forehead. He really didn't pay attention to this. He patronized and watched the couple perform martial arts. Now Wang asked, he was a little embarrassed. His eyes were rolling around, wondering how to deal with it.

Tian Yuqiao seemed to see his embarrassment, so he took Wang's hand and said, "Mom, uncle, their family has nothing to do with us. The twenty Liang silver this time must be enough for Dongxue's soup. It's inconvenient for us to take care of them too much, so that we won't be stuck by the two old plasters of uncle and aunt. We can't get rid of it at that time."

"Well, that's all right. Joe, don't worry. After all, you're a relative. Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face." Wang sighed.

Tian Yuqiao told he ER in front of Wang's face, "take another 50 liang of silver later and steal it to the old doctor in the medical school. Let him use good medicine and charge less for it."

He Er immediately understood Tian Yuqiao's meaning and took the silver out.

It should be said that the remaining silver money is enough to save Dongxue's life, but I'm afraid it will be very difficult to take good care of yourself. Now, with the fifty Liang silver sent by Tian Yuqiao, if you give her more valuable medicinal materials, she must be able to have children in the future.

But at that time, whether Tian Dajiang can do it or not is not what Tian Yuqiao should consider.

This incident did not affect Tian Yuqiao's mood, because she had planned to set out to organize a chamber of commerce with Hu people.

Haotianjun's family members from Horqin tribe have sent a lot of things from the workshop in a bullock cart. These are the samples Tian Yuqiao wants. With these things, she can talk about cooperation with those Hu businessmen.

Half of the ten carts of goods are green vegetables and off-season fresh fruits. Many other things are linen and cotton, as well as sweaters and blankets with beautiful patterns woven by the workshop.

There are not many beef jerky and milk flakes. After all, they are luxury goods. Tian Yuqiao doesn't think those Hu people can afford them.

I also brought some wine and fresh fruit juice, and black tea bricks also brought 100 Jin. These things are helpful to relieve their boredom. Tian Yuqiao has long heard that these things sell well.

After Tian Dahe helped to check it, he nodded and said, "well, it's good. The preparation is very comprehensive. There are big fish and meat over there all day. There's no other flavor except the smell of mutton. Especially the frozen mutton and horse meat are really difficult to eat. This fresh fruit juice and wine are good things. If only there were some more spirits."

"Dad, don't worry. I'm going to start brewing spirits next year. Then we'll mainly sell the spirits to the border. It's estimated that Horqin tribe and Hu people will like them. Moreover, the spirits can clean the wounds and prevent the wound infection of the wounded." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Fang Wenhao left five hundred heavenly armies. Their task is to protect the county house. Now Tian Yuqiao is going to the Hu people. These people have divided 300 people to follow and protect.

With heavy snow, Tian Yuqiao naturally didn't bother to follow the team. She asked Xiaobai to pull the car and ran all the way to Tianshui city.

Big head entertained her warmly and told her something about the Hu people.

"Joel, you don't know! One of the little girls we rescued was sonny. Her father was a well-known figure in Hu Shang's side. It's said that his words were very effective. He was very business minded. It's said that he became a rich man from a civilian in only a few years." the big head said with a smile.

"Really? That's great."

Tian Yuqiao recalled Sonny, the little girl who dreamed of seeing what the imperial city looked like.

"Her father is also a man who can handle affairs. When we sent his baby girl back, he said he would help us and make the Hu people trust our court and army more. Sonny often runs here. She sent us all the meat in Tianshui city."

As soon as big head finished, a soldier came in and reported.

"My Lord, sonny, the daughter of Hu Shang, has come to send us supplies again."

The big head patted his thigh and said with a smile, "look, I said the girl should come too. I just didn't expect that it was snowing heavily and she came over."

"That's great. I miss her a little. Fortunately, she had such a brave sister to chat with me in those days when I lived underground. It's not so boring." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Big head is a little helpless. I'm afraid only this girl can be so nervous. The normal little girl has been scared out of her wits for a long time. The little girl with a pig killing knife is not easy to provoke!

Sonny came in laughing, not caring that big head was still a man. So carelessly took Tian Yuqiao's hand and said, "great, let's meet again."

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. I feel you are tall again." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"By the way, I also brought you gifts this time. They are all outside. They are all good things collected by my father."

Sunny smiled and pulled Tian Yuqiao out. When he got out of the yard, he saw more than 20 big carriages outside the yard.

"Look, these are antelopes and roe deer that have just fallen from the mountain, as well as several deer. Behind them are highland barley, which is a gift from Hu merchants to their benefactor."

Tian Yuqiao walked along the motorcade with a smile. After seeing each car, he took out a glass cup inlaid with tricolor gems from the virtual environment with a smile.

"This thing is reserved for you to drink. I know that girls there can drink, so I'll give it to you. Hey, it would be better if there were a pair. Unfortunately, the other one was broken, so there's only one left."

Sonny took the glass with a smile, like a treasure, and bowed in the direction of the snow mountain.

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