Tian Yuqiao took the lead in getting to Tianshui city. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Sonny to send materials to big head. As soon as the two little sisters met, they were as close as old friends and soon chatted together.

Tian Yuqiao's former yard is still there, and big head is always kept for her. Now she lives in the inner room with Sonny, and Xiaoyu is waiting in the outer room.

After looking at Sonny carefully, Tian Yuqiao found that her small hands were red with cold and even cracked.

"Sonny, how did you get this hand? I'm afraid it's not all frozen?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

Sonny said indifferently, "it doesn't matter. The herdsmen there are like this. In fact, my hands are ground with whips. Now it's winter, and the wind blows like this. Our business is mainly to sell those cattle and sheep to you, and to the north. But everyone doesn't want to go there. The people there are too tough."

"Hehe, you say others are tough. Look at your little hands. How can you do this? Don't you all wear gloves?" Tian Yuqiao asked.

"Gloves? What's that?" Sonny asked curiously.

Tian Yuqiao helped her forehead, and she didn't have gloves around her, because she didn't need them very much. She usually held the stove.

But when I think of the herdsmen, they really lack gloves. So she suddenly had such an idea, that is to make gloves with five fingers separated, and the hand stuffy son with thumb and four fingers separated.

"What are you laughing at?" Sonny asked puzzled.

Tian Yuqiao came back and quickly explained, "in fact, it's nothing. I'm going to go to you this time and ask your father for help."

"Oh, it's easy to do. Let's go back together at that time. I mentioned you to dad before, and he praised you very much. This time, if you can go back with me, he will be very happy. Maybe he will specially prepare a large celebration party for you, ha ha ~" Sonny said excitedly.

"But I'm going to stay here for a few days. The caravan I brought is behind. I came here first. If you're not in a hurry, wait for me here for a few days. I happen to have a gift for your father and them. You can help me get it at that time." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Ah ~ what gift is it? Can you show it to me first?" Sonny's eyes lit up.

"This is not good, because I haven't got it. I need to wait. I need to get it now."

The two little girls talked for a long time before they fell asleep. While Sonny slept, Tian Yuqiao crept out of the house.

The small broken tail injury is almost good. Tian Yuqiao plans to let it move, so that the newly connected tail will not adapt.

After calling out xiaoduanwei, Tian Yuqiao covered xiaoduanwei with the dragon car inlaid with precious stones that Fang Wenhao compensated her.

The one she customized for Honghong was changed into a special fund for the emperor by Fang Wenhao, which made Tian Yuqiao very unhappy. As a result, in order to please her, Fang Wenhao asked people to get a more valuable but not so warm super luxury dragon car overnight.

Instead of going back in person, she asked Xiaoyu to go back to the county master's house overnight with what she wanted to use.

Because of the heavy snow, people slept very early that day, and the little broken tail was not found at all. Soon we arrived at the county master's house. There was a platform over there, which was specially renovated for the emperor.

The little broken tail stopped on the open space of the platform. It seems that there is still a red smell there, which makes it very happy.

Let xiaoduanwei find a place to rest, while Xiaoyu can only wake up old lady Chen who is in charge of the warehouse.

In the middle of the night, old lady Chen was really scared to death. After lighting the light, she slowly came out with a bolt and asked, "who is it? It's midnight ~"

"Grandma Chen, it's me, Xiaoyu!"

Mrs. Chen was relieved when she heard the speech. She put down the bolt in her hand and opened the gate outside.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing when you come back in the middle of the night?"

"Oh, it's urgent! The young lady asked me to come back. Here is the young lady's letter. All the things she wants are written in it. There is no Tianshui city. I need you to prepare all these things overnight. It's hard to do at dawn."

Old lady Chen saw clearly what she wanted in the weak light, and nodded her head and agreed.

Don't mention that there is Tian Yuqiao's seal on the letter. Even if there is no seal, she will give it to Xiaoyu. After all, Xiaoyu's identity is special. She is a big red man in front of miss.

"I just want some cotton cloth and cotton. It's no problem. I can open the warehouse for you to get it." Mrs. Chen said with a smile.

"I'll trouble you. In fact, I should tell my wife about it, but it's too late. I'm afraid I'll wake up the little lady." Xiaoyu explained.

It's really bad to wake up an old man in a cold day. She has to explain.

Mrs. Chen smiled and said, "it's all right, it's all right. My old lady can live such a good life today. It's all given by her boss. Since these are the meeting gifts that Miss Hu wants to give to Hu Shang, I have to choose thicker cotton cloth."

"It's hard for you. Call a few more people to help and move the things to the dragon car at the back."

"What? Dragon cart? Is the emperor back?" old lady Chen's footsteps were a meal.

Xiaoyu quickly shook her head: "no, no, the Emperor didn't come back. The car came back. I came back in the dragon car this time. The young lady asked me."

"Oh, you are so brave, and you are not afraid to fall from that high place. The dragon car is not something that ordinary people can sit on. It will offend the Dragon King ~" old lady Chen began to chatter.

Xiaoyu didn't distinguish with her. After receiving something, she entered the Dragon cart in the envious eyes of the servants. They also smiled and waved goodbye to them outside, which frightened the group of people. They all prostrated on the ground and knelt down to worship the dragon.

The little broken tail didn't call, because it was afraid of waking people to rest, so it took off low-key, and then flew in the direction of Tianshui city.

"Aunt Chen, the Dragon just now seems different from the one of the emperor's majesty."

"Yes, the car is different."

Mrs. Chen frowned and said, "don't talk too much. You come to the Tian family to work. Try to talk less and work more. If anyone talks nonsense, I won't drive you out."

"Yes, we dare not."

The little broken tail flew in mid air and happily shook his tail. Although it was not very flexible, now it can master that tail.

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