Xiaoyu brought back what Tian Yuqiao wanted overnight, probably two kinds of cotton cloth, linen and cotton with different thickness. I also asked for some soft sheepskin, but the quantity is only small.

The next day, as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Xiaoyu staring at her two big eyes, sitting beside her with her cheeks in her hands and looking at herself.

Tian Yuqiao was so frightened that he almost jumped out of the quilt and shouted, "Xiaoyu, do you know that people can be scared to death? Why are you staring at me so early without going to bed?"

Xiaoyu said excitedly, "Miss, I was worshipped yesterday! They all envy me when they see me sitting in this dragon car. Especially old lady Chen, she was afraid that I would be thrown from the air. You didn't see it. They didn't dare to look at me and kowtow."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. After sorting out her ideas, she said leisurely: "they are worshiping the little broken tail. What does it have to do with you?"

"But at that time, I was the only one in the car. Er ~ will I lose my life?" Xiaoyu immediately flattened her mouth and swept away her excitement.

Tian Yuqiao touched her head and said, "don't worry, you'll live a long life. Go to bed now and help me later."

Xiao Yu gave a cry and went back to her room to have a rest.

"This little girl is so excited. Ah ~ I'm so sleepy. I'll sleep a little longer."

Maybe the noise on her side was a little big, and Sonny was awakened by her. Rubbed his bleary eyes and asked, "what's the matter? Who were you talking to just now?"

"Nothing. It's still early. Go back to sleep. You may have dreamed just now. I didn't speak."

Until sunrise, the sky outside was still overcast, and it was difficult for the sun to show its face.

Knowing that it was getting late, Tian Yuqiao picked up Xiaoyu. After breakfast, the three of them nestled in the small yard and began to stir up what Xiaoyu had brought back.

"These soft sheepskins should be made according to my drawing. Xiaoyu, your needlework is the best, so I'll leave this to you. Sonny, we have to make ten sets today. Tian Yuqiao began to give directions to Jiangshan.

The two little girls are very interested in it. Naturally, Xiaoyu doesn't have to say. Even Sonny stares round.

However, when it came to practical operation, Tian Yuqiao found that his idea was too beautiful. Only Xiaoyu's gloves are still decent. Her hands are stuffy and wrinkled.

Not to mention Sonny, the women over there are not good at needlework. Usually I help my family either to collect dung or to graze.

The situation of Sonny's family can be better. After all, their family is relatively rich. However, her father can make a fortune so quickly. Naturally, he is not a mediocre person, nor can he allow his daughter to do nothing. Therefore, she has high requirements for her, and she has to go out to work every three or five times.

Although Sonny yearned for the life of the lady she saw, the conditions and environment did not allow, so she had to accept her fate. You can occasionally embroider flowers, but if you do it manually, you will scratch the silk thread. Over time, she didn't like doing needlework very much.

Now looking at the drawing in front of her is much simpler than Xiaoyu's. she was still patting her chest at the beginning. But after struggling for half an hour, she had to raise her hand and surrender.

"Forget it, I don't think I'm suitable for this. Not only me, but the women there are like this. Usually, people usually sew animal skins with very thick needles. Such meticulous work, eh ~"

Looking at Sonny sighed, Tian Yuqiao said, "I was going to give you this ability to make money with some women. It seems that I can only sell it. Don't blame me for not pulling you to make a fortune."

"Oh, I want to, but I really can't. by the way, this hat looks very novel. What's the use of things on both sides?"

Sonny asked, pointing to a cotton hat that turned down two ears.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "at ordinary times, those two ears can be turned up and tied on top of his head. If you feel cold, put it down so that you can protect your ears. You can't understand such a simple truth?"

"I understand. I didn't expect such a small thing to have such a big way. You're so smart. It's the greatest luck of my life to know you."

Tian Yuqiao plans to sell the warm three piece suit to Hu merchants, and then let them act as agents. She also has this plan in Horqin tribe. They should need these things most.

The so-called warm three piece suit is her own name. There are cotton hats that can be turned down to protect ears and neck, gloves and stuffy hands. This is one, and the last one is cotton knee pads.

It's cold in winter. Many veterans in Tianshui City have rheumatism and old cold legs.

All these are business opportunities. While helping them improve their quality of life, Tian Yuqiao will certainly have a lot of money.

She didn't know why. As soon as she heard Fang Wenhao say she was short of cash, she immediately opened her mind and thought of a lot of ways to make money.

Finally, she arranged the simplest job for Sonny, that is to let her do knee pads. This knee pad is not a simple cylindrical shape, but an improved one with elasticity in the middle. Such knee pads will not affect the bending of legs, making people feel warm and relaxed.

But even so, sonny only makes facial films. Xiaoyu is responsible for the tightness of the middle connection.

There was no elastic band at this time, so Tian Yuqiao used a kind of soft ox tendon. After special treatment, it became a certain elastic line. It's the best way to make elastic band with this. She uses this in her pants and skirts now.

The three little girls worked hard for four or five days, until after Hao Tianjun escorted those things to Tianshui City, sonny was the first to breathe a sigh of relief.

Said with a smile: "great, I don't have to take a needle at last. Before, I thought it was a good day for those ladies to embroider with a bandage all day. Now it seems that I still like to ride on the grassland with a whip."

"You, well, well, it's not difficult for you. Today Xiaoyu and I have finished the task, and you are still procrastinating. Don't worry, we'll wait for you. When you finish all these things, we'll start." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

As soon as Sonny heard it, he suddenly looked lost.

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