Tian Yuqiao joined the brigade and left with sonny. The two teams are all connected together, and the team looks mighty.

The so-called is to come but not to be rude. Tian Yuqiao naturally wants to take something back from sonny. This return gift is more than ten carts of coal. Giving them this coal at this time is definitely a timely gift.

Along the way, she sat in her carefully refitted super luxurious and comfortable carriage, while Sonny sat and lay down for a while, enjoying Tian Yuqiao's comfortable carriage.

"Hey, you can really enjoy it! The carriage is so comfortable. It's not bumpy at all. There's still a bed in it. But you can use two bears to help pull the carriage. It's too windy. By the way, can't you sell the bear?" Sonny chattered.

Tian Yuqiao said reluctantly, "this bear can't be sold because you can't control it at all. They have a big temper and eat a lot of beef jerky every day. According to the price sold to you, your family may not be able to afford it."

When Sonny heard the speech, he immediately leaned against the hellokitty pillow next to him like a deflated ball. I was so comfortable that I wanted to bury my face in it and make a comfortable hum.

"Hey, hey, don't get saliva on it."

Tian Yuqiao looked at her with a smile. It looked like an ostrich. His head was buried in his pillow and his ass was pouting at Tian Yuqiao.

She patted her ass twice. Tian Yuqiao joked: "Oh, it feels good. You know it's a good one at a glance."

"Ah ~ you're so annoying. How dare you say anything?" Thornton blushed and pulled his head out of his comfortable pillow.

"Hehe, it's nice to say that I'm like you. You're so presumptuous in other people's carriages."

After they had a fight with each other, they calmed down.

All the way, the three girls laughed happily and soon passed.

Sonny had a clearance token in his hand, so no one questioned too much. As for the soldiers who were arranged by the big head to help maintain law and order, naturally, they also know the death free gold medal in Tian Yuqiao's hand.

She didn't intend to use the imperial sword easily. I'm afraid she didn't know these big soldiers when she took them out. But fortunately, the leaders of those soldiers are veterans selected from Haotian army. They all know Tian Yuqiao.

After teaching the recruits that they didn't have eyes, they came to say hello to Tian Yuqiao. There were many such old acquaintances along the way. Tian Yuqiao greeted them one by one, and gave them each a small bag of beef jerky, a set of warm three pieces for each person.

The veterans of Haotian army who got her gift were all smiling. In the envious eyes of the recruits, they proudly put away their things for fear that they would grow wings and fly.

Finally came to the depths of the grassland, which is the residential area of civilians. Further on, there are continuous snow mountains. Although there are some Hu people over there, they are relatively poor people.

Those people had no cattle, sheep and horses, so they had to go to the mountains to hunt for a living. These people's status is low. They can even sell their children to rich Hu merchants at a low price in exchange for food.

Sonny's father is a middle-aged man. He looks about the same age as Tian Dahe. In addition to the color of the eyes, other places dress up very much like the people of the Central Plains.

"Is your father a hu man?" Tian Yuqiao asked in a low voice.

Sonny gave her a white look and said, "naturally, but my mother is from the Central Plains. My father wears it to communicate with your businessmen."

Tian Yuqiao smiled awkwardly. At this time, Shuangyi was very close.

Eji took the lead in greeting Tian Yuqiao and said, "welcome to us, my dear imperial envoy."

Tian Yuqiao was a little stunned and said, "Hello, uncle Eji. I'm Sonny's good friend. You don't have to be polite to me. In fact, I'm not here for business this time. I just want to visit the uncle's family."

When she said this, ejitton laughed and invited her into his brick house.

Not many people can build such houses here. Most people live in yurts. However, rich businessmen like Eji, who have seen the houses built by the people of the Central Plains, have the ability and financial resources to afford such houses.

Tian Yuqiao walked all the way and found that it seemed to be a circle layer by layer. Eji lives in the Second Ring Road, and the houses outside are getting worse and worse.

After entering, she found that the pattern here was similar to that of her Tian family's old house in the mountain village, which also had main houses and east-west wing rooms.

After the guests and hosts were seated, sonny sent all the things Tian Yuqiao brought to the backyard.

"Dad, sister Qiao brought a gift this time. I made it myself."

"Oh? You girl, it's good not to make trouble." Eji smiled and looked at her daughter.

Xiaoyu took two servants of Eji's family and took a set of things they brought this time. As for the things loaded on the cart, there are documents.

After Sonny's translation, Eji's face looked more and more excited. Especially after he tried on the warm three piece suit himself, he stood outside in the cold wind and was reluctant to enter the house.

Tian Yuqiao and Sonny smiled at each other and looked helplessly at Eji who kept trying to bend his legs and fiddle with his cotton hat outside.

When he was excited enough, he came in with a smile. Someone over there has sent hot milk tea. Tian Yuqiao naturally doesn't like this kind of tea, but he can't refuse others' kindness.

"Uncle, I'm here to discuss with you something that is very beneficial to both of us."

"Oh? Come on, uncle, I'd like to hear it."

"I'm going to ask you to help unite all the capable businessmen here and let's make a fortune together. Because my plan is very big and special. It's difficult to achieve my goal by relying on one or several businessmen alone." Tian Yuqiao said solemnly.

Eji heard the speech and sat upright and deep in thought.

After a while, he patted his thigh and said, "well, if you plan to sell these things with us this time, I believe we will make a lot of money."

"I not only want to sell these things in your hu people's side, but also hope you can help me sell these things to further places. For example, in the north and West, there is also a large market at the other end of the mountain."

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