Tian Yuqiao stayed at Sonny's house and had a good talk with Eji. As for her intention to set up a chamber of Commerce here, I think the probability of success is not small. Next, it depends on how Eji persuades others. After all, this idea seems a little bold.

No one has been to the other side of the snow mountain. There are rumors that people over there are murderous demons, and others say that there are all evil bandits over there. So businessmen usually don't choose to do business with them. Moreover, the road is rough, so naturally no one is willing to go.

After a day's rest at Sonny, it snowed and cleared up the next day. Although the weather is still very cold, Tian Yuqiao wears like a cotton bun. Naturally, he is not afraid of cold.

"Let's go. I'll take you out and have a good look. Hehe, when you came here before, you had a task. This time the task is easier. Let's have a good time." Sonny said with a smile.

The cotton hat on her head is red satin, and it is women's style. It looks like she is very energetic. One hand is stuffy, and the two are connected by a rope with a thick colored line in the middle, which can be hung directly on the neck, which is very convenient.

"OK, show us what you have here. I've brought enough money this time. Let's make a big purchase." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Xiaoyu jumped twice with joy. The little girl is now a little rich woman. As Tian Yuqiao's money became more and more generous, his reward to people became more and more generous. As her personal servant girl, Xiaoyu naturally gets more rewards than others.

Hearing that the young lady was going to take her to a big shopping, Xiaoyu was very excited.

Before she came with the young lady, it was all sneaky and carried a very arduous task. This time, they are Imperial Envoys and should be respected here.

Three little girls walked in front, followed by many guards. The plain clothes worn by the guards not only protect them, but also act as labor. It is inevitable to help carry things.

This is worthy of being a rich area. There are really many people doing business on the street.

"Take a look. I've brought all these good things from the Central Plains. Do you want to see some beautiful girls? The hairpin is made of pure silver and looks expensive on your head. The eldest ladies of rich families over there use this. Buy one and I'll make it cheaper for you."

"Excellent ceramics. These are all good things bought from a criminal official's house in the south. Look at the antique vase and the mural. Rich masters and young masters, don't miss it when you pass by."

"Good roast pig hind legs. It tastes fat without smell of mutton. You can't stop eating two mouthfuls ~"

There are many businesses on the street, but most people are selling things "imported" from outside. This made Tian Yuqiao a little speechless and suddenly lost interest.

Xiaoyu was also disappointed. Unexpectedly, the price of things that can be bought in an ordinary town has doubled here. And it seems that many Hu people really like it. They even haggled with those vendors.

Different from their performance, sonny looked at the things along the way with great interest, as if he was curious about everything.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu had no intention of buying anything, she smiled and said, "it seems that you don't like these things. After all, they are everywhere in your place. Why don't you help me choose some good things? My cousin's sister is getting married in the spring. I'll calculate to choose some gifts for her."

They nodded and said yes, and then they helped her choose.

I chose a set of dolls made of peach wood and opened the outer layer. There was one inside. Sonny opened the third floor and found that there were dolls in it. She immediately liked it.

It cost her two liang silver for such a doll. She jumped with joy as if she had picked up a treasure.

At the first toy stall in front, Tian Yuqiao helped her pick a waist drum. Sonny clapped his hand twice. He thought the voice was very nice, so he bought it with a smile. The most important thing is that the waist drum is tied with a red silk belt. The drum body is also red. It looks very festive. She plans to add makeup to her cousin.

He bought a rattle drum and a big head doll mask. Sonny planned to give it to the children after his cousin, which made Tian Yuqiao speechless. The heart said that the little girl thought too far~

He went on for a while. There were no small vendors along the street, but neat big shops. Tian Yuqiao couldn't understand the cover above, so he had to look at it one by one.

Fortunately, these are time-honored brands and do not follow the trend. Their shop still sells the things they operated before, which makes Tian Yuqiao breathe a sigh of relief.

When he came to a grocery store, Tian Yuqiao took good care of an ox horn comb and bought several directly. He planned to take it back to his family.

Xiaoyu ran to choose what she liked, squatted excitedly in front of a large box containing headflowers, and carefully selected it.

Tian Yuqiao looked at a bow made of antelope horns. The bow was made of a pair of antelope horns, and the joint in the middle was connected with a copper hoop. It seems to be natural without any defects.

And the pattern on the antelope horn is very beautiful, and the shape is also very standard. Seeing that she liked it, the boss casually took out a bamboo arrow from the side. After the bow and arrow, "whoosh", the arrow directly hit the trunk of a big tree outside the store.

"What's up, little girl? Everything here is good. Although the price is a little expensive, you can't see it anywhere else. Although they all rush to buy goods from the Central Plains, people in the Central Plains don't value those things. I have to be good. There are better things over there."

Tian Yuqiao bought the bow and then picked several tiger and bear skins. I also bought several pieces of musk and deer antler, which are much cheaper than those in the Central Plains. I'm sure I can sell them at a good price when I take them back.

Having made up her mind, she began to search wildly. The first twenty bodyguards who followed to pick up things couldn't take them~

Seeing that Sonny and Xiaoyu were in a daze, sonny said, "how much money does it cost?"

"Not much, not much. I'll give the girl a discount, and then it'll be less than two thousand Liang silver." the boss narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Finally, he took the initiative to bear the cost of packaging and transportation and arranged two ox carts, which helped Tian Yuqiao send things back.

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