Tian Yuqiao almost swept the street, which made the shopkeepers along the way laugh.

"Hahaha, if we can meet such a big customer every day, we can just sit at home and wait, and the money can fall into our pockets."

"Yes, last night, the old man Eji talked to me and said that he wanted us to unite and set up a chamber of Commerce. I think this is nonsense. He made it clear that he was fawning on the imperial envoy sent by the emperor. I don't believe that the imperial envoy can really make money with us at a young age."

"No, we have to discuss. We must not fall into his trap."

In a small teahouse, several well-dressed old men were discussing there. They were all rich businessmen in the rich area. It can be regarded as a dignified figure. Now we get together and make it clear that we want to dismantle Eji.

Tian Yuqiao was also a little tired, so he sent someone to send the things back first. She herself roared very boldly: "go, I'm happy today. Please buy you two tea."

Then he took Sonny and Xiaoyu and ran into a clean looking teahouse by the road.

But she doesn't like the tea here because it's too oily. So he asked Xiaoyu to give the tea bag he was carrying to the boy and asked him to make such tea for him.

Some meat shops were ordered for dessert, and the others were taken out of the virtual environment.

Set a table and saw that the waiter and the shopkeeper's eyes were straight.

They have seen these things. It seems that only people in the Central Plains can eat them. And in this season, where do these things come from? Even the emperor of the Central Plains may not be able to eat it!

The shopkeeper immediately came over. Seeing that Tian Yuqiao's dress was different, he said to Sonny, "it's a friend brought by Miss Sonny! I didn't expect you to exchange so many good things with the new town owner of Tianshui city. I'm not talented. I'm a good friend with your father. I don't know if you can sell this thing to the shop?"

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes helplessly, while Sonny whispered something to him. Tian Yuqiao didn't understand very well, but judging from the shopkeeper's face, his heart must be shocked.

Sonny listened to what those people on the second floor said. After she sent the shopkeeper away, she said with a tiger's face: "it's really hateful. Those old people usually seem to have a good relationship with my father, but once they are used, they are watching one by one."

"Oh? You mean those people over our heads?" Tian Yuqiao pointed upstairs.

Sonny nodded and said, "well, those people don't sell you a lot today. They'll celebrate upstairs with tea and snacks."

"What did you say to the shopkeeper just now? I don't quite understand you." Tian Yuqiao said.

"I told him that this thing was distributed to the chamber of Commerce by the Central Plains government. My father agreed to join the chamber of Commerce, so he could get the right to sell these things." Sonny said proudly.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to be very clever! That's right. I was going to ask your father to help give them one by one of the things I brought, but now I've changed my mind. All these things are consigned in your shop. After they are sold, I'll give you three dividends. When they are jealous, they will automatically come to the door and want to join the chamber of Commerce."

Sonny showed her star eyes to Tian Yuqiao, as if Tian Yuqiao in front of her was a shining golden Buddha! How adorable~

"Please, don't be crazy about me. You're almost old enough to get married. Let your father find you a good family." Tian Yuqiao joked.

"Hey, our family is rich here, and many people come to ask for my father's marriage. But the children of those families are not my type at all. In fact, I don't like living here. I'm going to marry you ~" Sonny lowered his head and his cheeks were a little red.

"It's easy to do. In the future, let your father arrange you to contact us, so that you can move around often. When you meet the right one, pay more attention. I don't mind asking my mother to help you as a matchmaker. It's really not a great honor to let the Emperor give you a marriage or something." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Sonny was very happy and nodded frequently, like a chicken eating rice.

The table was delicious, and they didn't move much, except Xiaoyu's cheeks were bulging.

"Let's go. It's getting late and I'm a little tired today. Let's go back to the pot in the evening. It's my treat." Tian Yuqiao waved generously and left with several people.

"Miss, we haven't packed the things we haven't finished yet. These are worth a lot of silver ~" Xiaoyu was a little anxious.

Tian Yuqiao waved and said, "let's go. We don't need that thing."

Xiaoyu looked at the table very reluctantly. Then she gritted her teeth, pinched two apples, and then left.

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up and saw the table full of fresh fruits and snacks. Some of these things he knew, but most of them had never seen, let alone eaten.

The big bosses upstairs are all his regular customers here. With this good thing, although it is left over by others, after all, it is complete and untouched. It shouldn't be rude to entertain them.

So he ordered the waiter to take everything upstairs carefully. After the plate was rearranged, it was brought into the house.

On the street, Xiaoyu asked puzzledly, "Miss, didn't you say that these things are only sent to the chamber of Commerce? Now it's cheaper for them to stay in that teahouse?"

"Hehe, Xiaoyu, we must look farther. Although we can't understand what they say, I can hear their voices. They are the owners of those families I spent thousands of liang of silver today. If they were allowed to taste some sweets first, do you think they would take the initiative to come to us for cooperation?"

"Ah ~ so it is. Let them taste the benefits. If they want to buy and can't buy it at that time, they can only choose to cooperate with the young lady." Xiaoyu suddenly realized and said excitedly.

"Shh, just know it in your heart. Don't say it, don't say it!" Tian Yuqiao pretended to be mysterious.

Sonny was also in a good mood. Originally, she thought that the old things upstairs were deliberately blocking her father's face. Now when she thought that they might come to her father's house in the future, she was naturally happy.

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