After returning from the teahouse, Tian Yuqiao saw the chilly Eji coming back from outside in a hurry. The two sides met directly. After greeting, Tian Yuqiao was invited to the front hall.

"Hey, these old foxes are very slippery one by one. Moreover, the habits they have formed over the years are not easy to change, and everyone is not willing to contact new things. My mouth is going to wear out, and I have left several shops that I have made friends with on weekdays. Although those people don't explicitly refuse me, I can still hear the meaning inside and outside."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and comforted, "Uncle Eji, it's hard for you this time. Let's put this matter aside first. There's no need to give them those gifts. You can sell them directly in your shop. Then we'll divide the profits according to 37. Tomorrow I'm going to meet my fourth uncle, the festival envoy here."

"Miss qiao'er doesn't live here for a long time? Alas, I didn't greet you well," Eji said with a bitter smile.

Sonny said, "Dad, I want to go with her. How long will it be?"

"If Joel doesn't mind, you're old enough to go out and wander. Dad won't stop you."

"That's settled. I'll take Sonny away. Don't blame me for marrying her off the shore when I meet a suitable childe." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Eji was stunned. He didn't expect that the little girl from the Central Plains had such a fierce temper.

"Ah dad ~" Sonny hurriedly took Eji's arm and began to act coquettish! This scene is usually very rare, which makes Eji feel very comfortable.

"Well, but you can't sell my daughter! Hahaha, please. Well, I'm going to call some people to celebrate tonight."

When he talked about the party, Tian Yuqiao immediately remembered what he had done after drinking in Horqin tribe. At the thought of that situation, Tian Yuqiao waved his hand and said, "no, no, it's cold, so don't bother. Oh, by the way, I brought the pot this time. I promised Sonny to invite your family to have hot pot tonight."

"This is very good. I've heard Sonny describe it for a long time. Your pot is very delicious. People in Horqin give the way of eating this pot like a baby. I tried to buy a prescription, but I didn't buy it." Eji said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's actually quite simple. Just put some of your favorite meat and vegetables into the pot and cook them, and then add special dipping materials."

Everyone began to unload the car and move all the cloth that Tian Yuqiao had brought to Eji's big shop to sell. Fortunately, he has his own shops in residential areas at all levels. He sells those valuable things in shops in rich areas, while those linen are sold in the outer circle.

As for the warm three piece set, it was distributed to shops in different areas according to different texture.

He moves very fast here, which makes Tian Yuqiao a little stunned.

"I didn't expect your efficiency to be so high. It's really my honor to cooperate with you. In order to open up more money in the future, we must celebrate today." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Eji was busy distributing goods, while Sonny mobilized his family and asked everyone to take back the original goods of the major shops. After all, the storeroom of the shop is limited. If the goods sent by Tian Yuqiao are put on the shelf, the original things of his own family must be taken off the shelf.

Seeing that Sonny was able to command the guys and servants to work, Tian Yuqiao nodded, took Xiaoyu, greeted several women in charge of cooking and walked towards the stove.

Only twenty of the copper hot pots she brought were sold, and two were given to Sonny's family. Today, she plans to get a seafood pickle pot and a spicy health mandarin duck pot.

Two hot pots, one is ordinary, the other is mandarin duck. The workmanship is very exquisite. You only need to boil boiling water for a while to rinse, and you can cook the pot directly.

The most important thing here is beef and mutton, and the weather is very cold, and the meat is frozen hard. Tian Yuqiao asked the cooks to take some frozen meat. After it softened, she ordered them to cut meat rolls.

As for vegetables, naturally she picked them from the void. In the surprised eyes of Hu people's cooks, Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu laboriously moved a large basket of bright green vegetables.

Sonny soon made room for people, and she checked and put those things in the warehouse one by one. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing when she pulled the abacus quickly.

"There's really a way to be a shopkeeper! It's good. Children can be taught."

"Ah, it's so hard today, you know better than I can count, but I don't help you." Sonny make complaints about the action of counting beads.

Eji over there has distributed everything and let the guys take it away. Naturally, the price was negotiated with Tian Yuqiao in advance. Children and old people are not deceived. No one can come. It's someone else's consignment, not his own, so Eji has no right to modify the price.

After working hard and sweating, he stopped. It was already a little dark, and it was time for dinner.

Two hot pots that have been boiling send out different flavors. The steam has made the glazed windows of Eji's house hazy, and they all have a layer of breath.

The five members of Eji's family, together with Tian Yuqiao, were just about to sit together and eat the pot. A boy came in and said, "BAHA, mimon, rocky and other masters asked for a meeting."

"Hehe, they're coming so fast," Sonny said with a disdainful smile.

Tian Yuqiao was a little depressed. The delicious food in front of her. If she was with those strangers, she really couldn't eat it. After all, Hu people are dirty. Fortunately, Eji's daughter-in-law is from the Central Plains. She can still have a common language with Tian Yuqiao, and her family is very clean.

The owners of seven or eight big shops came together, and they really didn't treat themselves as outsiders when they were still in time for dinner.

No way. Although the people here are fierce, Tian Yuqiao and Sonny still went to the backyard to eat with Sonny's a Niang.

Hot pot can only be cheap for those people. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao has a small pot enough for them to eat.

"Xiaoyu, since there are no outsiders here, you can sit down and eat together." Sonny said.

Tian Yuqiao nodded, and Xiaoyu did it with pride. After telling the kitchen to cut some more meat and wash some dishes, they also started in the backyard.

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