Tian Yuqiao eats hot pot at Sonny's house. The fresh and green vegetables make everyone in Sonny's house salivate.

Especially those businessmen who have great oral luck. They came after dinner. Unexpectedly, they caught up with Eji's family making hot pot. And Eji's side delayed dinner because of the exchange, which made the old guys feel right.

"Elder brother Eji, I heard that your shops are selling some novel things today. We want to come and ask."

"Yes, we usually sell everything according to regulations, so that everyone can get higher benefits. Now we are still selling the original things, and your family has changed those three piece sets."

Eji was also stunned. Unexpectedly, these people came to ask questions.

There were eight people, all of whom were prominent figures among Hu merchants. As soon as they were admitted into the hall, an old man with a jujube core head moved his nose and said, "Yo, you haven't had dinner yet? It tastes very special."

Eji saw that these people were fierce and smooth, so he smiled and said, "we're going to eat. Today we got two copper hot pots, so we're going to try the taste. If you don't dislike it, take a seat together."

"We came after eating."

"Since there is delicious food, let's sit at the dinner table and talk," said a portly businessman with a smile.

They are usually friendly on the surface, but now they have something to come to the door. Naturally, they dare not go too far.

Several of them sat down with calm faces, but when they put their eyes on the dinner table, they were all silly.

"Where did this ~ green dish come from?"

"Yes, we can't grow such a dish here, even in summer. It's winter now. Your dish looks so fresh. I said, Eji, where did you get this good thing?"

"You old fellow, hide at home and steal such good food. We can only eat that greasy barbecue, eh ~"

When guests come to the table, people will naturally bring tea first. The water in the hot pot is still boiling, but it hasn't put anything in it yet.

Those people came in from the cold place outside and drank the hot tea made from the tea bricks brought by Tian Yuqiao. They were happy again.

"This tea is also very good and can relieve greasiness very much. We have just eaten roast lamb legs and feel greasy. After drinking your tea, we suddenly feel less uncomfortable in our stomach."

"It's really good, but I'm more curious about what's cooked in that strange thing? Aren't these dishes raw?"

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Eji ordered his servant to add some more clear soup to the pot. After all, it has only been boiled for a while, and the soup has gone down a lot.

The pickled cabbage in the pickled cabbage pot has bubbled, and the sliced pork cooked in it is shaking constantly. It seems to say to people, "eat me, come and eat me!"

There are also small crabs and shrimps raised by Tian Yuqiao in the virtual lotus pond. Now Tian Yuqiao takes them out to eat every three or five times before they grow into an emperor.

It's cheap today. These old guys, who have just eaten enough, smell the delicious pickled cabbage seafood pot and start to secrete saliva when they first eat.

In the mandarin duck pot over there, one side is a red spicy pot, and the other is a milky white mushroom soup jujube health pot.

Fortunately, in order to show off with Eji, sonny told Eji about her previous process of eating pots in Tianshui city. Eji was not embarrassed.

In the face of those old guys' eyes like hungry wolves one by one, Eji no longer hung their appetite. Holding up his chopsticks, he first took a few thin slices of mutton.

Put it in the pickled vegetable pot and stir it slowly, and then the meat will ripen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then he took the meat back very gracefully, put it on the eating plate and dipped it in some dipping material made by Tian Yuqiao.

After finishing this set, he ate the meat into his mouth. Then Eji closed his eyes and gave a satisfied hum.

Several other people could not stand the temptation of fragrance for a long time. They directly imitated Eji's appearance and put the meat slices into the pot in front of them.

According to their own tastes, they chose to eat different pots. However, their unified expression was like Eji, who snorted long.

"I didn't expect that after eating so many years, I was tired of eating crooked mutton. I can still eat it like this."

"Yes, but I'm curious. Is this really mutton?"

"Eji, did you learn this way of eating from the Central Plains?"

"It's definitely not. I heard before that Barbara in Horqin likes to eat like this."

People have different opinions, but Eji doesn't care about them. After all, after a busy day, my stomach has already begun to protest.

He feasted on it, especially the green chrysanthemum, Chinese cabbage and baby cabbage ~ these are good things he can rarely eat, or even can hardly eat.

Here, meat is not valuable, the most valuable is food! Radish and cabbage are not included. This kind of green leafy dish is the most rare.

Those who came to the door with their own thoughts regretted why they had to come over after dinner. They were really angry that their stomachs were not big enough when they saw the odd dishes on the table swept by the wind and residual clouds.

There are also big mushrooms and black fungus, kelp buckles and fish balls. These are things they have never seen before. They can only stare at Eji to eat.

One heart can't help but start swearing. The heart says it's too cruel! Looking at such a big table of good things, it's a pity that my stomach is not competitive.

"Eji, you are also a person with status. Can you gently talk when you eat?"

"Yes, you see, our food is very gentle."

Eji wiped the sauce around his mouth and said: "Hey, I've been busy all day today. I've been hungry for a long time. Unlike you, I didn't come here until I was full. But why are you so polite? I had a special meal before I came. Alas ~ it's a pity that I can only eat so many good things by myself. I can't put it away. I have to finish it today."

Hearing what he said, several people immediately whispered. Finally, they elected a representative and asked, "Eji, do you still have this dish? How much is it? We are willing to pay a high price."

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