A hot pot meal made those people feel different about Eji. Although Eji had some status in the past, it was all because of his big business. Now when they look at Eji again, they feel that he seems different from himself.

After all, not everyone can get that good thing. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. Now, in the snow, they can still eat this kind of tender green vegetables at home.

That's all. The big black things taste creaky. They really taste good. They also asked themselves some knowledge, but they had never seen it, let alone eaten it.

It's gray, and the back is full of pieces of things. It tastes delicious and tastes smooth. They haven't eaten that thing. It's said that it's called fresh mushroom. It looks like Ganoderma lucidum.

This fresh mushroom is the most they eat. In their opinion, it is absolutely comparable to ganoderma lucidum. If you don't take this opportunity to eat more this time, you'll lose a lot. Will you wake up crying when you go home to sleep?

After the gang ate until they were ready to vomit, they left one by one with their stomachs in their arms. Eji personally sent it out without saying anything more.

After those people had gone far, some of them remembered, "Oh, no, we forgot to get down to business and patronized to eat ~"

The next day, the silk and cotton cloth brought by Tian Yuqiao sold well in the cloth farm in the rich area of Ejia. In particular, the warm three piece sets are distributed in limited quantities. People are waiting in line. It's a pity that people only sell three sets a day!

As for the beef jerky and milk flakes in the grocery store, they are selling very well. And the tea brick, which has been cut by Eji, is only sold twice at a time.

Because Tian Yuqiao didn't bring many things, in order to attract everyone's attention, advertising is primary and selling is secondary.

Linen and denim sell well in the civilian area. Those Hu people who became poorer and poorer because of the war liked this linen best.

Other merchants naturally have shops in the outer circle. Soon, the shopkeepers of other shops under their control have arranged a small group to come back to inform the news. It is said that the sales volume of Eji's shop fell sharply due to the new items in his shop.

For such a thing, the shopkeepers naturally don't want to bear the consequences themselves, so they sent people to report the reason to the owner. Take out your responsibility first, not because you are not good at doing things, but because your opponent's things have been pushed through the old and brought forth the new.

Those old friends who had eaten in Eji's house before all looked gloomy and wanted to die.

"Hey, it seems that we shouldn't be complacent. Now we have become vassals to the Chinese government, and it's time to change our business mode."

"Yes, look at the food that Eji ate yesterday. Isn't it all brought in from outside?"

"What you said is true. The girl of their family always ran to Tianshui City before. She also brought a lot of things and could exchange a lot of things when she came back."

"I've heard of this, and I've deliberately asked people to inquire about it. They brought back some cloth and the like before, but they didn't have any warm three piece sets."

"And the beef jerky and milk flakes also taste very good."

Those old friends began to talk and sit together. They have drunk tea for several times.

Now they go to the teahouse to drink tea. As long as the black tea sold by Eji's family, the shopkeeper is a little distressed. They drank all the good things. Other regular customers came and wanted to drink. They didn't have anything to drink.

Tian Yuqiao has taken Xiaoyu to Jiedu envoy's house, which is actually where Baji lived before. Although it's not a big brick house, it looks good.

As the leaders of the Hu people, they are naturally not used to living in the stone houses of the people of the Central Plains. Therefore, Tian Dahai now lives in the big yurt. He can vaguely see the traces of blood soaked on the yurt.

Li had nightmares every night since he moved here.

"Old man, I always feel homesick. It's windy and cold here, and there's no hot Kang to live in. It's really uncomfortable. Moreover, I've heard that the leader of the Hu people lived here before. He was killed here by his son. I saw the blood next to the tent and soaked the felt."

Mr. Tian said, "Hey, you, at first I said we didn't come with the fourth, but you had to come. Now you're going home after tossing around for several places. It's so far from our old house. What's the trouble?"

Tian Dahai has nothing to do now. What he needs to do is to understand the people's livelihood here and feed back the opinions of Hu people in time. He is very free every day. He even has time to study and plans to continue to test people.

Now he is receiving Tian Yuqiao in front of him. Tian Yuqiao brought some refined rice and white flour to Mr. Tian and Li this time.

"Fourth uncle, I'm here to convey the emperor's will. He plans to completely open the market here so that there can be smooth trade with us. That's not enough. You should also pay attention to the movements of businessmen here, because I plan to ask them to help sell our things."

Tian Yuqiao briefly explained the matter. She naturally wouldn't make it clear about the specific details.

Tian Dahai thought he had been disguised by the emperor. Now his eyes brightened when Tian Yuqiao said.

"Well, I will live up to my mission. I didn't expect your majesty to give me such an important job. I will do it well this time." Tian Dahai clenched his fists with excitement.

Tian Yuqiao gave him the imperial edict written by Fang Wenhao to Tian Dahai and said some words to appease him. After all, it's too much to leave such a scholar in this simple place.

After receiving the edict, Tian Dahai said to Tian Yuqiao, "Joe, the fourth uncle wants to ask you for help."

"Fourth uncle, just say it." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Your master and your milk are both old. They are not comfortable here. Especially your milk. She misses our old house near the mountain village and wants me to send her back. But ~ you know, the emperor won't let me leave here easily, so I can only ask you to help send your master's milk back."

Tian Yuqiao nodded with a smile and said, "it's easy to do. I'll bring a carriage this time. When I'm going back, I'll come and pick them up. Let them get everything ready first."

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