Tian Yuqiao left Jiedu envoy's house after discussing trade with Tian Dahai. After going to the rich area and looking in the street, she found that all the things she had put on consignment in Eji shop had disappeared.

After asking Xiaoyu to inquire, she knew that all those things had been sold out in the two days she left.

And this is limited every day. If it is not limited, I'm afraid it will sell faster.

"Hehe, miss, our things are selling so fast. I heard that the young masters of two rich families fought to snatch the last set of warm three pieces." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Come on, let's go find sonny." Tian Yuqiao said and left first.

Xiaoyu followed her, feeling that her young lady was so powerful. Every time she has an idea, she can make a lot of money.

After arriving at Sonny's house, he found that Eji was entertaining guests. This time, there were more guests than last time. There were forty or fifty.

When Sonny found Tian Yuqiao, she ran over with a smile and pulled her and Xiaoyu into the next compartment. Then she whispered, "all the things in our shop have been sold out. In fact, it should be said that they have been robbed. At first, others were still watching, but later they couldn't sit still. Those people took the initiative to come to the door and asked to join the chamber of Commerce, just asking my father to share them."

"Very good. Your father agreed when he was not happy?" Tian Yuqiao frowned.

Sonny shook his head proudly and said, "my father is not a fool. How can he agree to them so easily. My father spent so much time before, he almost cried and begged them to join the chamber of Commerce. The benefits have been said before, and they don't believe who can blame? Now my father has used a move to call it hard to get and deliberately tempt them."

Tian Yuqiao nodded with a smile and said, "your father did the right thing. You can't make them too comfortable. After all, the easier it is to get something, the less they will cherish it."

"That's right. Let's hide here and eavesdrop. Usually my father doesn't let us be there when he receives male guests. I'm shameless and said to make tea for the elders. I barely listened."

"I don't worry about your father's work. Let's go and talk in the back." Tian Yuqiao smiled and took Sonny's hand and walked towards the backyard.

It's as if this is her home. It's really not polite at all. However, sonny has a forthright nature. For Tian Yuqiao, she naturally doesn't think she is a guest, but that Tian Yuqiao doesn't treat herself as an outsider, which makes Sonny feel very good.

The two chattered, and occasionally Xiaoyu could say a few words. Several little girls were chatting with each other. Especially when Sonny talked about the scene of how his shop was selling hot, Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu couldn't close their mouths.

"You don't know. It's the old man who quarreled with my father in the front yard. He didn't let his son come to our shop to buy the warm three piece suit. As a result, his son secretly asked someone to buy it. He was limited to three sets a day. As a result, their servants fought with the servants of the family selling bows and arrows on the street ~"

"Really? I thought outsiders were talking nonsense. Hehe, it's just for a warm three piece suit. By the way, the three piece suit can be disassembled and sold in the future, so that more people can buy it." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Sonny patted himself on the chest and said, "Oh, why didn't I think of it? In that case, the three piece set can be changed into nine pieces to sell. Oh, really, I'm happy to patronize."

"Your goods are gone. Next, I'll go back and arrange it. I'll have someone deliver them to you in a few days. The three piece warm suit needs someone to make, and it will take some time. But beef jerky can be delivered directly from Horqin tribe."

"But we were enemies there before. Would it be ~" Sonny wondered.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "the golden knife was given to my brother by their princess. Now I'll lend it to you. When you let your father take it as a keepsake, they will naturally hand over the goods to you."

Sonny looked at the glittering dagger handed over by Tian Yuqiao. He took it and looked left and right. He couldn't put it down.

"This thing can't be given to you. If you like it, I'll ask someone to bring you another one tomorrow. After all, this is a keepsake given to Wulang by Princess Keya. It's not easy to transfer it to you." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Sonny felt a little embarrassed, so he said, "I'll let my father keep it well. You saved me before, and now you give such a good thing to my father. I don't know how to thank you. Now I can't spy on your golden knife, but there's one thing I have to say. This golden knife is for your brother. Maybe the princess wants to recruit him as his son-in-law."

"Hehe, my brother is still young this year. It should be considered that two children give gifts to each other. In the future, I will try to return the golden knife. However, if my brother really likes the princess in the future, I won't stop them." Tian Yuqiao said.

"You really don't know how shy you are. You haven't married anyone, so you want to choose a daughter-in-law for your brother. Ha ha." Sonny immediately laughed.

In the front yard, the atmosphere of negotiation is already tense.

Those ordinary businessmen who followed to make soy sauce kept silent one by one. The main force of this negotiation with Eji is less than 30 people. Their meaning is very clear. They hope to join the chamber of Commerce and get the right to sell those fresh goods.

"I've talked to everyone before, but you didn't agree at that time. Later, people changed their mind and said that they only let me sell. It's against the contract for me to distribute things to you." Eji made a very painful look.

"Then please tell the man. We are many and powerful. After all, in such a big place, your shops alone are certainly not as good as ours."

"Yes, we didn't discuss what we sold before. Now we are allies with Horqin tribe, and the newly established Chinese dynasty is willing to protect us. Now it's different from before, and we need to change it."

"Hey, we didn't react at that time. We're old! I'm old and my brain turns slowly. When you came to me that day to talk about things, I just drank too much wine and my brain was not clear!"

Everyone regretted his refusal to join the chamber of Commerce, which made Eji feel very comfortable because his goal was achieved.

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