Hu merchants came to the door several times. Eji nodded and agreed with Tian Yuqiao's sign.

"Hey, I'm also annoyed by you. There's really nothing I can do. Let's do this. When I meet boss Tian over there again, I'll tell him what you mean. I'm not sure whether people are willing to let you join or not." Eji frowned and said.

Hearing what he said, everyone was relieved.

"Elder brother Eji, you must discuss it with others. We'll prepare a generous gift when we go back, and let you take it there. There's a saying over there. Why don't you reach out and don't hit the smiling face."

"Yes, there is another word, that is, it's no wonder that many people are polite! You must help tell others our apology and our sincerity to join the chamber of Commerce."

They all left Eji's house happily, and the next day they sent a lot of gifts. Some benefits are given to Eji, and most of them are given to boss Tian with his help.

Tian Yuqiao didn't explain her identity, so she has become an old image in the hearts of Hu merchants.

"Hehe, boss Tian? It sounds domineering." Sonny said with a smile.

Xiaoyu also said, "yes, originally I thought the young lady didn't speak out as an imperial envoy, and I didn't understand it. I didn't expect to make them all jealous in this way. The effect is better."

"Yes, although we are obedient to the heavenly courtiers, these people still regard you as enemies. If you really ask them to join the chamber of Commerce as Imperial Envoys, I'm afraid the effect will be greatly reduced." Sonny said.

Tian Yuqiao also nodded and said, "yes, so I have to take my time. If you want to make those old thinking guys obedient, you have to cook frogs in warm water."

"What do you cook in warm water? What is a frog?" Sonny asked curiously.

Tian Yuqiao then told the story of boiling frogs in warm water to the two curious little girls. After returning to the taste, they immediately showed their worship to Tian Yuqiao.

Before leaving, Tian Yuqiao left with gifts from Eji and Hu businessmen who wanted to join the chamber of Commerce. I didn't forget to pick up old Tian and Li. Fortunately, the two old men didn't give Tian Yuqiao any trouble as soon as they heard they could go home.

In Tianshui City, the two sides parted ways. Tian Yuqiao arranged ten Hao Tianjun as guards, and also used thunder to "send" Tian Dajiang's family back to their old house.

With their family by Li's side, Li must no longer bother to find trouble in their room. Let them fight together. It doesn't save Li's boredom at home.

"My Lord, milk, now my uncle has married two concubines. They all want to serve your second old man. From my filial piety, your second old man will forgive him for his mistakes."

Tian Da Jiang also said, "yes, mother, son knows wrong, now my little yard has already sold. There is also the medical expenses for Joe snow to winter. There is a little left, plus almost one hundred and two, I will give it to you. After that, I will return to the old house, and you will be the boss has the final say. Do you think so?"

Li glanced at him and said, "well, I won't quarrel with you this time. But now you have said everything here in front of Joe. You need to make a written note. If you dare to bully us two old people like before, don't blame me for taking that written note to the county yamen to sue you."

"Hehe, don't worry, madam. Our wife and young lady have said hello to the county magistrate. If the elder dares to disrespect you, the county magistrate will beat them. If you are willing, you can send them to prison." Xiaoyu agreed with a smile.

When Li heard the speech, he smiled proudly. After receiving the silver notes and silver coins handed over by Tian Dajiang, Li shuddered. He looked around with vigilance, as if his children and grandchildren were thieves.

Tian Yuqiao personally wrote a note and smiled in his heart. He said that if there was such a note, Li Shi would have sufficient reason and confidence to hold the big house family.

Looking at Gao's face, which was still swollen like a pig's head, Tian Yuqiao was in a good mood. At the beginning, these two people wanted to sell themselves. Now let them feel li's "love", which can be regarded as asking for some interest for the predecessor of the body.

After sending away the old house and his party, Tian Yuqiao returned to the county house. However, when she went back, she found that except for her own family, the other two families had gone to the Imperial City in advance.

"Father and mother, didn't they agree that everyone will spend the new year here this year?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

"Alas, it was the emperor who asked people to repair their residence again. A letter was sent over there saying that they were asked to send people back to see if there was anything missing. The emperor had bought them all the furniture ~" Tian Dahe said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. Unexpectedly, Fang Wenhao would really win over the people.

"Your Godfather and godmother, they are also really embarrassed. They say that they are generous. It moved them away and let your father go back after the new year." Wang said.

"Hey, I sent all my milk back to my old house. They are not used to living here. If we can, let's live in the imperial city." Tian Yuqiao said.

She didn't know why she wanted to live in the Imperial City, but she just said it directly without thinking.

Is it to see that cunning smelly boy like a fox?

The next day, Tian Yuqiao came to Wang's house early in the morning and called old lady Chen.

"Mom, I'm going to set up a chamber of Commerce in the Hu people's side to let them sell things for our family. Then we can give them some share, and our family can sit at home and count money. Maybe this can help brother Hao'er open the business routes in the West and North."

Wang nodded and said, "OK, I heard you got a three piece warm-keeping set. It doesn't seem to sell well in the south. It's so cold here. Many people must like it."

"What my mother said is right. The things I brought before were sold in the shops of Sonny's family, and they were sold out in a few days."

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