Tian Yuqiao returned to the county master's house and assigned the task the next day. In all the farms in the West under their own name, but all the women and women who are good at sewing let them join the ranks of making warm three piece sets.

Tell the women's family members of Hao Tianjun to divide them into three shifts and start making beef jerky and milk flakes all the time.

Barbara also got the wind, because most of the things needed in Tian Yuqiao's workshop came from him.

Barbara was naturally happy that the Tian family's workshop suddenly needed so many things. Since he cooperated with the Tian family, he is now more straight in front of his father.

The second uncle, who was still eyeing him, can't be so obvious now. At least he has learned to pretend on the surface.

The coal was transported by the Haotian army to the northwest Hu tribe and handed over to Eji for arrangement. This time, in order to make friends with those Hu merchants, Eji did not sell this batch of coal. After all, it's so cold now that they need it very much.

When those Hu merchants who sent "sincerity" to Tian Yuqiao got the black coal and foreign stove more or less, they were all happy immediately.

This can also be regarded as a bait thrown by Tian Yuqiao to them. After all, it's impolite to come but not to go. If people give her so many things and don't return gifts, doesn't it seem that her boss Tian is too stingy?

Xiaoyu and old lady Chen have become the most face-saving people in the family this time, because they are responsible for training women. Even the cook who knew how to sew was caught to help. Everyone crowded into a greenhouse and listened to Xiaoyu tell them the precautions.

Among these people, there are more than a dozen people who are smart enough to start soon. For these people, Tian Yuqiao gave them fifty Wen a day and asked them to teach others.

The quality of things must be guaranteed, otherwise it will affect the future wealth plan. Therefore, Tian Yuqiao asked these people to strictly check. If something went wrong with their people, it would be deducted from their wages.

Under the heavy reward, these women were all more careful. I'm afraid I've made a mistake and lost this well paid job.

They were used to doing needlework. Now they put down their original work and began to learn to make warm three piece sets wholeheartedly.

Not only these, but also some women were picked out by Tian Yuqiao. These people are duty bound. Teach them some soft sheepskin and deer skin and ask them to sew some leather gloves. Tian Yuqiao set a very high price for this kind of leather gloves, which is a sign of the identity of the rich!

She also specially targeted the little girl of Hu people and asked people to make a rabbit hat from the whole rabbit skin.

The rabbit's head has been treated and filled with cotton. It looks like a big rabbit. Tian Yuqiao tried it on and made Wang laugh.

"Joel, you're like a rabbit on your head."

Lan'er also "ah ah ~" opened her little hand and pinched the big rabbit ear on Tian Yuqiao's head.

The rabbit's two front paws are sewn together. Some of the joints in the middle are made of gemstones, and some are decorated with fruit trees such as carrots and big apples made of cotton and vegetable cotton. They look very cute.

A button loop was added to the rabbit's hind legs. After wearing it, the button loop was fastened to the neck, which covered the head and neck tightly and was quite warm. It was like a rabbit holding Tian Yuqiao's head. Lan'er clapped his little palm.

"Qiao'er, if you have a whole rabbit skin, get one for Lan'er," Wang said with a smile.

"Don't worry, mom. This will be made for her."

This time she also received a lot of fox skin and wolf skin. The fur of the wolf skin is not very soft, so it can only be made into knee pads, mattresses and shoulders. As for the fox skin, she plans to make a good scarf and sell it to the imperial city at that time.

"Make complaints about Hau's brother's brother's harem without a woman. It's so bad that I have no beautiful fox neck to sell." Tian Yuqiao Tucao.

"Hehe, miss, you're so funny. Is it difficult for the emperor to marry more losers in order to earn more money?" Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Don't make fun of me, or believe it or not, I'll marry you to the Hu people! Do it quickly. We have to work overtime. Send the goods to them first. It's called striking while the iron is hot."

"Oh, Joel, you know you're in a hurry to do your work. Come on, don't work too hard. Don't wear your eyes out. My mother steamed shrimp dumplings for you. Try them quickly."

Wang was supposed to help do it together, but Tian Yuqiao refused. Let her concentrate on taking Lan'er. If you really want to help, help supervise the women's work.

Wang saw that the whole family was busy. Fortunately, there were no guests at home, so he cooked himself. No way. In order to earn more money, the cook went on strike and began to learn to make gloves.

Now, as the air commander in charge of summoning, Yelao has been left in the county government to train more birds.

Tian Yuqiao asked him for a haidongqing and sent a letter to Fang Wenhao. Let him find some shops for himself. She wants to sell jewelry. Because this time she brought a lot of drawings and couldn't carry them with carrier pigeons, she had to use the larger haidongqing.

Even the shop's decoration drawings and the required booths were designed, which were all handed over to him. As for the money, Tian Yuqiao didn't give it to him. Now people are emperors. If such a small thing can't be done well, it's not worth investing in him.

Ten days later, the first batch of supplies began to flow towards the Hu people. The motorcade has extended for a mile, and it is very powerful.

Because carrier pigeons have been sending messages to Sonny for a long time, Eji has already brought those Hu merchants out to meet him early.

They didn't come by themselves and brought their own team. I have my own small mind to do so, because I'm afraid Eji will be picky and give them bad things.

The delivery went to big head. He handed over the long divided things to Eji according to Tian Yuqiao's instructions. Then he told Sonny what Tian Yuqiao ordered. Sonny looked at the number on the ox cart and helped to divide the things directly to Hu merchants.

Let them all sign and pay a full deposit before seeing them leave.

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