In this way, the days passed day by day, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was close to the root of the year. Because this year is the new year in the west, there are not many New Year gifts to send.

Tian Yuqiao only prepared a very practical annual gift for Tian Dahai, 200 Jin of rice noodles, a cart of green vegetables and 20 jin of eggs.

As for the others, a letter passed and Fang Wenhao was asked to help there.

Tian Yuqiao had to maintain those contacts in the imperial city when he thought that his family would return to the Imperial City in two years and have to fight a lot.

Since receiving the rabbit head hat from Tian Yuqiao, sonny was excited to stroll around the street every day for fear that others would not know that she had such a hat.

But in this way, there are many young girls about her age who are also very interested in her hat. However, it's a pity that her one is limited edition, and there are few in total. It's all for everyone to support the scene in the shop. It's not sold at all.

This time she gave Tian Yuqiao a generous return gift, including two live roe deer, wild pheasants and wild rabbits. The rabbits shoot their bows and arrows directly into their eyes so that they don't hurt their fur.

Tian Yuqiao smiled, accepted these gifts and began to prepare for the new year.

There's no need to go shopping at all. What they sell out is not as complete as their home.

What puzzled her was that the newly appointed county magistrate actually sent her a car of rich annual gifts. It was mainly cloth and snacks. There was nothing special. Tian Yuqiao directly gave it to he ER and his leaders.

It's easier for her to return the past annual gift to the county magistrate. Collecting it casually is a very good return gift. Two jars of ten jin wine, ten jin beef jerky, two complete antlers, and a large basket of green vegetables.

"Joe, it's rare that we are the only family here for the new year this year. Your father doesn't have to worry about going out to socialize every day. We'll have a good time this year and live as we like." Wang said with a smile.

"Well, it's rare to be quiet. Don't think about entertainment. This year is our family reunion year."

Just as the Tian family was preparing for the new year, a large group of people suddenly came outside. Not only people, but also countless "hum" sounds.

"It's not good, miss. Someone made trouble outside, and a large group of fat pigs came. Now our front yard has been conquered by the pigs ~" a little boy came in and said in a panic.

Seeing his face flustered, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help touching the pig killing knife for the first time.

In her life, even if she married a pig, she was planted on the pig every time. This time, it was too much. Unexpectedly, someone came to the door with the pig she was most afraid of.

"That's unreasonable, mother. I'll go out and have a look." Tian Yuqiao said and rushed out with a pig killing knife.

Wulang didn't dare to neglect it. He ran back to his house, took the sheep horn bow that Tian Yuqiao gave him, and ran out with the quiver on his back, followed by two brothers, cold words and cold words.

As soon as he ran to the gate, he saw a woman holding two children arguing with the steward at the gate.

"I said I didn't mean it. These are all annual gifts for the county Lord's house. How can you not let them in and scare these pigs? I really don't blame me ~"

"It's sister Rong!" the little guy shouted first.

Tian Yuqiao breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the guards in the yard, he waved his hand and asked them to rush the big fat pigs they caught to the animal sheds on both sides of the yard.

"Joe, you've figured it out. If you don't figure it out again, I'm afraid it's going to be bad." Zhu Rongrong said with a smile.

"Da Zhuang and Pangya are coming, too. That's great." Wu Lang smiled and ran over to pinch Da Zhuang's face.

"Sister Joel, my father and they all moved here with me."

As soon as the words fell, I saw five people with big arms and round waist crowded in the crowd. It was father Zhu and his four sons, each holding a pig in his hand.

"I'm really sorry. It was our negligence that let these guys break in and make trouble." father Zhu said with a smile.

"That's great. I didn't expect you to come here years ago. Please come inside quickly." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Over there, Xiaoyu had already run back to report to Wang, who personally took old lady Chen out to meet her.

After inviting all the Zhu family in, Tian Dahe said, "Uncle Zhu, it's great for you to come here. It's really hard for you to be alone these years."

"Er ~ is this a big river?"

Tian Yuqiao remembered that the Zhu family didn't know that the river was not dead. So he simply said it again, which made the Zhu family very happy.

"That's great. I was thinking that this year's new year's meeting would be too cold. Now your family is here, which is lively." Wang said with a smile.

"Yes, in the future, sister Rong Rong will settle down here. I've already made people tidy up the yard in the west, and you can raise pigs there. The yard in the East is a place for you to stay, but now there are not so many houses built, and now there are only Yurts." Tian Yuqiao said.

Zhu Rongrong said with some embarrassment, "we've taken advantage of your boss. Let the child's father be responsible for building a house. It's said that he is also an official now, which we didn't dare to think of before."

It's three days before the Chinese New Year. It's really time for the Zhu family to come. Originally, Tian Dahe didn't intend to kill the new year pig, but father Zhu came and naturally wanted to show off his craft.

After a day's rest here, the next day the five Zhus went to the pigsty in the West and caught two big fat pigs.

The pigs' screams and protests were invalid. After only an hour, they became a pot of pig water, two pots of blood intestines and piles of ribs and streaky pork

The two roe deer were also killed. Anyway, there is a cellar here that can hold the meat.

Wulang led Da Zhuang and Pangya to run around in their yard. The two little guys were staggering and liked Wulang very much.

Lan'er watched them making noise in the yard. The little girl couldn't help it. She had to go down to play with them.

Because of Lan'er's participation, those little guys had to move from the yard to the greenhouse to play.

Wulang generously took out his sister's toys and entertained Da Zhuang and Pangya. Suddenly with so many little friends with her, Lan'er smiled happily. She didn't even sleep at noon.

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