With the arrival of the Zhu Rongrong family, the whole county house was really lively. Those magnificent and murderous big fat pigs opened the eyes of the people in the County Hall as soon as they appeared.

Father Zhu has just killed the new year pig with his sons. The big pot over there has been stewed with pickled pork ribs and turnip bone soup.

The fragrance filled the sky of the whole county house, and soon attracted the Raptors raised by the old man. They kept circling in the sky. With the permission of father Zhu, they flew down to pick up the chopped bones and some ground meat on the ground.

Father Zhu was in a good mood and deliberately cut some meat skins and threw them to the Raptors. Looking at the way they competed with each other, the old man couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

The outside of the county Lord's house was in chaos again, and people shouted and horses hissed. The cold words came in and said that the big head was coming.

The Zhu family all went out to meet, led by Master Zhu, Zhu Rongrong and the two children.

Big head got off the horse, took a big step and ran towards Zhu Rongrong. With a wide grin, he was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Holding a child in one hand, he kissed left and right. Looking at his own child, he seemed to resist him, frowned, and was about to cry. Zhu Rongrong said reluctantly, "hurry in, the child recognizes birth."

"Oh, I'll take them in." big head said with a smile.

Big head didn't bring too much heavy luggage this time, only some good things he got during this time. Some of them were bribed by others, and some of them were booty from his suppression of bandits.

After a few greetings with the people, he took Zhu Rongrong to her rest room.

After closing the door, he took off a small burden from behind. After falling on the table, there was a crash. There was everything in it.

What silver seeds, golden flowers, golden beans and so on. There are also some gemstones and rings with poor texture, and there are also a few silver tickets.

"Rong Rong, I'll help your majesty guard the Hu people and Horqin tribes in the West. Hey, the climate here is not good. It's hard for you to talk to the children." big head said affectionately, holding Zhu Rongrong's hand tightly.

"I didn't expect that my Zhu Rongrong's man is also a big general now. It doesn't matter. These are nothing. I'm not that spoiled. I'm naturally happy to help you. Originally, I had some pigs who couldn't give up my family. As soon as I heard that I could bring them over, I came with my father and them."

After a while, the big head asked, "Dad and brothers are coming to see you off, or are they going to live with us?"

"Do you want them to live with us or not?" asked Zhu Rongrong.

The big head said with some embarrassment, "I naturally hope they can help me here. After all, I'm alone here ~"

"Ha ha, that's good. My father said that killing pigs at home has no future. In the future, he plans to let my brother and his sister-in-law join you in the army. He takes his sister-in-law to help us raise pigs at home. Joe said he would take our pigs there for cattle, sheep and horses. Is there really such a cheap good thing?"

The big head nodded and said, "what joel said should be right. No one over there can raise pigs, and they can't raise them well. Then exchange our fat pigs for cattle and sheep with them, and then transport the cattle and sheep to the south to sell. This time, it will certainly make a lot of money."

"Come on, let's hurry out, or let everyone wait. What's that like?" Zhu Rongrong urged with some reluctance.

Big head tried to resist the impulse to knock down his thin wife, and they went out hand in hand.

Tian Dahe and Wang Shi are in a particularly good mood today, especially Wulang. He pesters big head and wants him to tell himself the story of fighting to kill the enemy.

Dazhuang and Pangya don't know whether they understand or don't understand. They all imitate Wulang's appearance. They hold one arm of big head and seem to become two little followers.

Big head is naturally happy to see that his children are familiar with his real father so soon. He picked out those less bloody battles and told them. As he said, he also danced.

The four brothers of the Zhu family and their sons also gathered around the big head. There were not enough chairs in the house, so they moved a small bench, sat down and listened with interest.

Time passed quickly, and in the twinkling of an eye it was new year's Eve. The women were all ready to eat, while father Zhu took his sons and big head into the county to buy new year goods.

Big head gave Zhu Rongrong a bag of things. She planned to find a place to exchange them into silver. After all, there are so many people in our family. We can't all eat Tian's.

Tian Da he was not idle. He took five Lang to the county yamen, and intended to give Zhu Rongrong their registered residence to move. After all, all the properties in the mountain village were sold by father Zhu, except Zhu Rongrong's second house in the mountain village.

Fengyang County has not been robbed by bandits this year, so every family has a good harvest in Chengdu. When the farmer's harvest is good, naturally he has spare money to buy in the city. This virtuous circle has made the business in the city much better. It can be said to be an auspicious year.

Wang and Zhu Rongrong sit on a bed and cut window flowers, while Tian Yuqiao takes Lan'er and Pangya to finish the sheep abduction. The little girl can't play. She can only throw it around with her hands. But even so, they had a lot of fun and giggled endlessly.

Da Zhuang is running all over the yard, shouting "chatter"! Everyone knows that he is looking for a big head.

"Ha ha, although their father and son haven't seen each other for a long time, it's a matter of blood and bone after all. Look at Da Zhuang. It's only two days since he knows how to find his father." Wang said with a smile.

Zhu Rongrong's sisters in law were busy making purses for Lan'er. They didn't know Tian Dahe was still alive, so they didn't know Wang had a child at first.

After all, they were embarrassed to bring their families, eat people and live in people, so they decided to make some small clothes and objects for LAN erdo.

The Zhus and their sons who first came to Fengyang County were quite satisfied with the prices here.

"Dad, why are the things here so cheap? Especially the beef and mutton we can't eat at ordinary times, it's so cheap."

"Yes, Dad, I haven't seen several pork sellers for so long, and the price of pork is quite high."

Father Zhu smiled and said, "it's good. It seems that Joel has given us another good chance to make money."

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