In the new year, Tian Da River even went to disturb the county master, and let him run the registered residence for Zhu family. It's not that he uses force to oppress others. It's entirely because after the new year, he will leave Fengyang County for the imperial city on the third day of his junior high school.

When the county magistrate saw that Pingxi Hou came in person, he naturally dared not neglect it. He rushed to help Zhu's registered residence to be done well and then to eat the rice in Tian Da he was rejected by Tian Dahe.

The Zhus bought a big ox cart, which they thought was very cheap. However, when they proudly showed off that they had bought a bargain, they were poured cold water on Xiaoyu's truth.

"They must see that you are from other places and deliberately ask such a high price."

"Yes, these things here are not so expensive at ordinary times." Wang also said with a smile.

The fourth member of the Zhu family scratched his head and said, "maybe it's because today is the Chinese New Year. It should be more expensive."

"Hehe, let's go. It's getting late and the food is ready in the front hall." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

The Zhu family took out all the snacks they bought and said they were for the children's tooth sacrifice. Five Lang then skimmed his lips and said, "today's new year, there are so many delicious things at home. Who eats snacks? I want to eat fried meatballs, big meatballs and fish balls."

Everyone was amused by his words, so they all walked towards the front yard.

Due to the large number of people in the Zhu family, Tian Yuqiao ordered the people to place three big tables in the main hall of the front yard.

Men, women and children sat separately. Only Lan'er was in Wang's arms. Even Da Zhuang and Pangya were dragged to the child's table by their cousin.

Tian Dahe took the lead in standing up, holding up his wine glass and said, "I'm really very happy to spend the new year with the Zhu family. On behalf of our family, I've brought a welcome to father Zhu and the Zhu brothers."

Everyone also had a drink. Then father Zhu stood up and said, "now the big brother of the Tian family is a senior official. My old man is lucky to be here again. I'm really embarrassed. On behalf of the old Zhu family, I thank you for taking care of the big head!"

After a while of greeting, the hot pot was brought up.

The Zhu family usually eat large pieces of meat. They seldom eat this hot pot, but the Zhu children like it very much.

After giving the children the hot pot, Mrs. Chen specially asked, "be careful. It may be hot. You must be careful not to get too close."

The little guys were eager to try one by one. Wulang patted his chest like a little adult and said, "don't worry, I'll greet them with me."

One table is still two pots, pickled cabbage seafood pot and mandarin duck pot. This time, there was no pork in the pickled cabbage pot, because Tian Yuqiao knew that the Zhu family must be tired of eating pork. So she deliberately fished out some small river crabs and shrimps from the virtual environment, as well as the small shrimps she put in before. Now they have become palm long shrimps.

The combination of freshness and fragrance makes the little guys eager to try.

"Well, well, don't just watch. Start eating quickly." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

When they heard the speech, they moved their chopsticks one after another. Because they had washed their hands before, the children grabbed the green vegetables and threw them into the pot.

Fat Ya saw everyone throwing vegetables in, and she couldn't help trying. Xiaopang grabbed a handful of chrysanthemum, a total of three or four, and threw it directly into the mushroom soup pot. She was so happy that she giggled.

Dazhuang doesn't show weakness. He holds a prawn and bites it from the middle. He eats it down xiaopang's hand.

Wulang really looked like an elder. He quickly took a handkerchief and wiped Da Zhuang's face. After a while, he helped Pangya peel the shrimps. He was very busy.

Seeing that his son was so model, Wang couldn't help laughing and said, "Wulang has really grown up."

Tian Yuqiao strongly demanded to sit at the same table with women this time to announce to everyone that he is 12 years old and an adult.

The Zhu family's grandchildren and grandchildren were like little tigers. They didn't give in to each other when eating. Soon they ate up several plates of beef and mutton.

When Wulang asked someone to add meat, he didn't eat half of the table.

When father Zhu saw him, he said with some embarrassment, "hehe, these kids are really losing face for me. I don't know. I thought I had treated my grandson badly. Smelly boy is really the one who lost me."

Tian Da River: "this is not another house. We are not here anymore. Here has the final say. Now, there are so many things to eat in your own house."

"Yes, Dad, it's a blessing to be able to eat. The reason why our business is so good is that our pigs can eat as much as they can. There is no limit. The reason why children can grow strong is the same." the eldest brother of the Zhu family said with a smile.

Father Zhu smashed the chopsticks directly and scolded, "there is no comparison between raising children and raising pigs. I think you drink too much wine. Forget it, don't drink. Drink that juice instead."

A meal was very lively. All the brothers of the Zhu family were beaten by Master Zhu. It was really wet and wet. Each of them has vegetable leaves on his forehead. The worst thing is brother Zhu.

Father Zhu ate happily and drank even more happily. After three rounds of wine, he took Tian Dahe's hand and said: "Burp, I was in the city just now. I heard that the Hu people and those people here like to light a fire to celebrate the new year and dance around the fire. I think since we are going to live here for a long time, we should do as the Romans do. Well, we don't make dumplings at night. I just bought a whole beef and mutton. Let's learn from them."

Tian Dahe nodded and didn't say anything more. Wang said angrily, "really, why do you spend money here? We don't lack frozen beef and mutton here. We haven't finished what was sent from the North last time."

"Hey, you can't say that. There are dozens of people in our family. There's no reason to eat you instead of shopping during the New Year!" said father Zhu.

He was a little drunk, so he was supported by the eldest brother of the Zhu family to go back to rest. Others also went to rest. Wang explained that he asked someone to prepare wood for the campfire, and asked someone to deal with the cattle and sheep with spices first.

As soon as Wulang heard that he would order a bonfire for tonight's new year's Eve dinner, he immediately told the grandchildren of the Zhu family what had happened when he was in the Horqin tribe.

"Uncle Wulang, speak quickly."

Originally, everyone was almost the same age, and even the children of the eldest brother of the Zhu family were older than Wulang. Everyone was not willing to call him little uncle. But now people have stories to tell, and they are very unprincipled. The long and short uncles have become sweet.

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