After Tian Yuqiao arranged things for xibianer, he took the specialties here to the imperial city. After only two days of walking, she felt a little bored.

After discussing with his family, Tian Dahe finally decided to take the team slowly and let Wang and the children go first. After all, Lan'er is still young. It's a little bumpy to travel all day. Tian Dahe can't bear to suffer for his little girl.

At night, Wang took Lan'er in his arms and got on the dragon car with the help of Xiaoyu. Tian Yuqiao took Wulang and felt the little guy's hand trembling with excitement. Tian Yuqiao smiled and comforted: "it doesn't matter. Don't you often play with the little broken tail?"

"Elder sister, I'm not afraid. I'm just a little excited." Wulang quipped.

The incense burner was lit before the dragon car. It was warm and fragrant as soon as it went in. This makes LAN ER in Wang's arms can't help but smoke her small nose twice. It seems that the little girl likes it here very much.

Wang's first ride in the dragon car was tight from beginning to end, as if her breathing rate was higher, it would lead to an imbalance of center of gravity and let the dragon car fall.

"Mom, you don't have to be so nervous. The dragon car is very stable. It's like staying at home. Don't think it's in the air." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wang did not dare, but moved his ass and sat numb.

Wulang took Lan'er and said to Wang with a smile, "Mom, lie down and sleep for a while. We'll be there soon. We'll call you when we get home. Don't be so nervous."

Seeing a pair of children saying so, Wang shuddered and lay on the soft bed. How can she sleep? It's flying in a very high sky. If you're not careful, you'll die~

Wang's eyes widened. Even if he was lying there, his muscles were tight.

Xiaoyu brought a bowl of Anshen soup next to her, and Wang drank it in a few mouthfuls. Then I felt more comfortable. After all, I got up so hard just now. The dragon car didn't seem to respond. It didn't seem to skew down.

Looking at Wulang running around in several rooms, Wang nervously reminded him, "Wulang, it's far from the ground. Don't run like this. You'll miss the car at that time."

"Mom, it's all right. It's like a house!" Wulang said with a smile.

Seeing that he had to look out of the window, Wang was so frightened that he hurried over and pulled Wulang back.

"You child, how scary it is. Be honest, or my mother will never let you take this car again."

Tian Yuqiao motioned to Xiaoyu to open the window, and soon a cool breath blew in along the window, which relieved Wang's nervous nerves.

"Mom, come and have a look outside. It's all right. When I didn't have this dragon car before, I stood directly on the back of the small broken tail, so I'm not afraid of falling, not to mention now." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wang's face turned white when he heard this! He fished the two children over and said seriously, "no, mom can't let you pass. It's too dangerous. There are so many of us standing here. Mom always thinks the car will deviate."

Tian Yuqiao was a little speechless. He thought that he would have a chance to practice courage for Wang in the future!

Soon, the little broken tail came over the imperial city. Honghong had heard the cry of the little broken tail and had already flown up to meet it.

The eunuchs who served Honghong were worried that the dragon would fly away and not come back. This is your Majesty's treasure. If they fly away like this, they are worried that their head will be lost, so they quickly spread their feet like an enclave and ran to report to Fang Wenhao.

Fang Wenhao was overjoyed when he heard the report from the little eunuch. Without worrying about dressing, he wrapped a quilt and ran out. Frightened, the little eunuchs hurried out with their cloaks. Along the way, two eunuchs accidentally fell down ~ the scene was chaotic for a moment.

Before going out far, Fang Wenhao's thigh was hugged by something! Round and round "Angang" shouted, this is to add food!

Fang Wenhao ordered the people next to him to take carrots for Tuan Tuan to eat. He shook his head reluctantly and continued to run to the place where the Dragon chanted.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao came down from the dragon car, Fang Wenhao smiled and greeted him.

Those eunuchs and palace maids were all silly, blankly pointed to the sky and said, "God, there are two divine dragons!"

Fang Wenhao gave a password to keep them quiet.

"Great, Joel, I knew it was you." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

At this time, he saw Wang, who was following behind with some soft legs. He hurried over to give Wang a gift, and then helped hold Lan'er with his own hands.

"Niang, why did you come along? It's late and it's too cold outside. I'll let someone arrange for you to rest in the palace."

Wang did not expect to arrive at the palace as soon as she got off the bus. For a woman like her, it can definitely be said that she just got out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's nest!

Before, on the dragon car, she was worried that she would fall. Now she went directly to the palace. She thought she was just a mountain woman. How good is this?

Seeing the strange expression on Wang's face, Tian Yuqiao knew Wang's mind.

"Mom, there's no one in the harem. Brother Hao'er hasn't married a daughter-in-law yet. Let's live here secretly. As long as it doesn't spread out, it should be nothing." Tian Yuqiao whispered.

Fang Wenhao ordered everyone who saw the Wang family tonight to shut up, or they would die!

The gang trembled with fear. They all knelt down and kowtowed, claiming that they didn't wear eyes and ears today and would never talk nonsense.

Fang Wenhao arranged the Wang family to live in the place where the Empress Dowager lived before. Originally, he intended to let everyone live in the Queen's palace, but Tian Yuqiao refused.

There is no airtight wall, not to mention the palace. Once today's news comes out, it will be said that the adoptive mother of the emperor came and lived in the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

If you live in the Queen's palace, it's different. If you don't keep it well, you'll cause some gossip.

She also has big plans. She doesn't want to push herself to the forefront as soon as she comes back.

Wang looked at such a big palace. He couldn't help touching the columns and looking at the vases. His eyes were not enough.

"Mom, if you like it here, you'd better live here in the future. Anyway, I'm the only one in such a big palace. It's strange to be lonely." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao glared at him and said, "that's not good. We can't all rely on you! People can make money by themselves."

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