As soon as the tianyuqiao family returned to the Imperial City, they went directly into the imperial palace. Because Wang and Lan'er were there, Tian Yuqiao couldn't go to the suburbs low-key, and then waited for the next day to open the city gate and enter the city. That would be troublesome. Just ignore it.

The former residence of her family had been changed, and the words "founding father's government" were written on it, which made Tian Yuqiao speechless. Originally, she was going to go home directly. Unexpectedly, her house was occupied by others. It's really unreasonable.

The whole family slept comfortably without talking all night. Early the next morning, Fang Wenhao ordered people to set breakfast directly at the Longevity Palace. He wanted to eat with his godmother and them.

Wang is not used to being served by palace maids and eunuchs. In particular, she thinks those men who don't have beards speak strangely.

"Sister qiao'er, this is your favorite steamed stuffed bun. I specially ordered the imperial dining room to make it. How about trying it." Fang Wenhao smiled and sandwiched a small steamed stuffed bun for Tian Yuqiao.

Then he said, "is it delicious?"

Tian Yuqiao nodded without answering.

"Hey, hey, I knew you like this. Because I like steamed stuffed buns every morning. Every time I see this white and fat steamed stuffed bun, I can think of you!" Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

The steamed stuffed bun that Tian Yuqiao just bit into his mouth was like a lump in his throat. For a moment, he couldn't swallow it or spit it out. Nima, what do you mean you think of yourself when you see steamed stuffed buns? Sister, am I fat?

Subconsciously put down the chopsticks and pinched them by his cheek. EH ~ well, it's really sensual. But it's just after the new year. Every festival, you need to double your weight! Nothing.

Looking at the way she pinched her face secretly and then turned her eyes to heaven, Fang Wenhao was in a good mood. He was so happy that he ate two more steamed stuffed buns than usual.

"Mom, it's the 15th day of the first month. I'm going to have a big banquet in the imperial palace. By the way, introduce your identity to the ministers' wives, so that all officials can worship you." Fang Wenhao changed the topic smoothly before Tian Yuqiao got angry.

As soon as Wang heard this, she had to let those officials worship herself. She couldn't eat any more.

He put down his hand and ate the remaining half of the steamed stuffed bun and said, "Hao'er, mom, I'm just a female. How can those adults worship me? I can't do it. I want to lose my life."

"Niang, I've become the emperor and have no parents. Now you are the Empress Dowager and should be worshipped. Moreover, I have named Godfather as the founding Duke and ranked first among the dukes. Now the emperor is still alive, so it's inconvenient to seal father, so I can only appoint Qu godfather to be the Duke first. As for Niang, although you are not the Empress Dowager in name, you are a high-ranking Duke Madam, it's certain. "

Fang Wenhao has thought about this for a long time. If you really let Wang be empress dowager, wouldn't your careful thinking be destroyed!

Then he and Joel will be brothers and sisters. How can we do that? His goal is to make her his own queen and the only hostess of the harem. This matter can never be changed. Even if the mountains and rivers change color and the sea changes, his mind will never change.

Looking at the little girl who is still rolling her eyes, Fang Wenhao's heart is full of joy. I really want to let their wives live in the palace, but not yet. The time is not very ripe.

In order to make Tian Dahe come back to the palace banquet on time, Fang Wenhao went to meet Tian Dahe with Honghong.

Led by Jin Jin, the two sides soon met. Tian Dahe took the dragon car for the first time. His nervous appearance was exactly the same as Wang's.

Honghong also deliberately twisted her body twice and let the dragon car wander twice. Suddenly, Tian Dahe's face changed slightly.

Fortunately, Fang Wenhao was nearby and watched him pour himself a cup of tea. In order to hide his embarrassment, Tian Dahe dried it in one mouthful! It was so hot that he quickly spit out the tea and his face turned red.

"Godfather, it's all my fault ~" Fang Wenhao hurriedly took a handkerchief to help Tian Dahe wipe the water.

Tian Dahe waved his hand and said, "it's all right. I'm too thirsty."

Knowing that his godfather was a deliberate excuse, Fang Wenhao would not expose it. Fortunately, the embarrassing scene didn't last long. The two of them soon got to the place.

On the fifteenth day of the first month, the ministers had already taken their families into the palace before noon. Everyone wears very formal clothes. Officials wear imperial clothes. Those women with imperial orders also wear their own imperial orders.

Fang Wenhao has already let out the wind. Today, he wants all the officials to worship the emperor's adoptive mother. No one is stupid. Naturally, we treat this matter as a pilgrimage to the Empress Dowager.

Wang was wearing a phoenix suit with a patch, and he didn't know how many birds were embroidered on it. Wearing a phoenix crown on her head, she blushed in the mirror.

"Joe, I'm dressed like this. I didn't wear such decent clothes when I married your father. Fortunately, it's not bright red, but dark red. Otherwise, I'm really embarrassed." Wang twisted his body and felt on pins and needles.

Under the command of ritual officials, the women first knelt down to Wang at the Longevity Palace. Then someone carried the Phoenix chariot and took Wang into the court hall to accept the worship of all officials.

Things went on step by step, and Wang dared not go out from beginning to end. Even forgot to let the officials get up, but Tian Dahe reminded her in time.

As for Tian Dahe, he first accepted the worship of all officials and had been waiting for Wang here for a long time.

After the etiquette officials said a lot of official words again, it was late, singing and dancing were peaceful, and the banquet began.

Fang Wenhao sat in the first place with Tian Dahe's family, and next to him were Marquis Wu and Prince Jing.

"This is a family dinner. I eat with my adoptive father and adoptive mother's family, so the princes don't care about those useless red tape."

Those who had to remind the emperor that men and women could not eat at the same table immediately closed their mouths, as if their voices were choked by flies.

The vegetables and vegetables for the banquet were obtained from the Tian family greenhouse. Even the food groups were dressed up as mascots and were gnawing at a large bamboo shoot.

Honghong and xiaoduanwei are playing in the newly dug dragon pool in the imperial garden. The water in that pool is all the virtual lotus pond water put in by Tian Yuqiao. The aura is naturally sufficient.

"Ha ha, I'm so happy that I can come out and play openly in the future." Honghong said with a smile.

Xiaoduanwei also proudly waved his tail and said, "yes, I was embarrassed to let people see my tail before. Now it's good! Although this tail is not as handsome as I used to be, it's still very domineering."

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