Fang Wenhao introduced his adoptive father and adoptive mother to everyone by taking the opportunity of the ministers at the 15th National Congress. This is even a public announcement. Although the title of Queen Mother Wang has not been given, the women's families of officials have privately called Wang queen mother.

The Tian family naturally don't know what others think. During the whole banquet, Wang appeared a little reserved. She always felt that the thing on her head would hit her face if she was not careful.

Seeing Wang's embarrassment, Tian Yuqiao simply ate a few mouthfuls and said he was full. After Wen Hao said hello, he took the lead in leaving the table with Wang and Lan'er, leaving Tian Dahe and Wu Lang with the people.

Fang Wenhao naturally saw Wang's discomfort, so he perfunctorily said a few words to all officials, and the banquet continued.

After the banquet, Fang Wenhao left the Wang family in the palace for another night. He didn't take them back to the founding government until he had breakfast the next day.

This is still the house before Tian Yuqiao's family, but the interior decoration has become more exquisite. Bedding and the like are newly purchased, and the furnishings in the house are also available.

After Tian Yuqiao walked around, he smiled and nodded. Heart said that this is the legendary bag to live, good.

"By the way, Joel, you told me to open a jewelry building before, and I've bought you a good shop. There's only one founding silver building in the name of my adoptive father. There are several large jewelry workshops in the dark, and I've found many skilled craftsmen. The complex style you designed, especially the cutting of gemstones, requires an old craftsman." Fang Wenhao took out several land deeds like a treasure offering.

Tian Yuqiao's eyes lit up when he heard the speech. Regardless of lunch, Fang Wenhao hurriedly asked Fang Wenhao to take him to see the founding Silver Tower.

Tian Dahe shook his head helplessly and said, "Hey, this child is twelve years old. It's time to discuss marriage in two years. He's still so lively."

Fang Wenhao's footsteps were a meal when he heard the word "marriage". After wriggling his lips a few times, he didn't dare to say what he thought in his heart.

Anyway, the future is long. In the future, I have plenty of opportunities to perform in front of my adoptive father. When Joel gets old, it will be much better to mention it yourself at that time.

Fang Wenhao was dressed in plain clothes and was secretly protected by countless dark guards. Gold naturally found the location of those dark guards, but did not give a warning. This is the default of their identity. They are "their own people".

The fresh fragrance hall Hotan Ji fresh fruit, which was smashed and robbed, has now been opened. Dawu and Xiaowu are in charge of the fresh fruit shop, while big bear and Xiaoxiong are in charge of the silver house together with Mr. and Mrs. Chen Jiabao.

They walked side by side and soon came to the most prosperous area of the Imperial City, where the founding Silver Tower was located.

The pavement is not big, but the location is excellent. It is located at the crossroads. The streets are full of rich families. Compared with Xianxiang hall, the location here is better.

There are five shops in total, with two floors up and down. The backyard can be reserved for the rest of the guys or used as a warehouse. And left three empty rooms for the owner to rest and check accounts, while other places were reasonably used.

On the first floor of the silver tower are transparent glass exhibition shelves, which are divided into different commodity sales areas such as rings, necklaces and bracelets.

On both sides of the door, there are two standing columns. We don't know what they are for. There are small claws on the top, all horizontal. This is the shelf Tian Yuqiao plans to use to put sunglasses, but now she doesn't tell Fang Wenhao and plans to keep it for him to guess.

The manpower has been arranged in order. Now I need Tian Yuqiao's design drawings.

Fang Wenhao took her around to a remote place and soon came to the slum in the imperial city. The workshop is arranged here so as not to attract people's attention.

"When we get to qiao'er, the courtyard in front is a workshop that specializes in making gem jewelry." Fang Wenhao smiled and pointed to the courtyard in front.

Just as Tian Yuqiao was about to step in, two more figures came out of thin air, which frightened Tian Yuqiao to step back.

Fang Wenhao took out the token in his hand. The two men disappeared like ghosts and didn't take away a cloud~

Tian Yuqiao, with a black face, turned to Wen Hao and said, "why didn't you tell me there was a dark guard here earlier? If I accidentally went in just now, would they also want to do it to me?"

Fang Wenhao quickly shook his head and said, "that's not true. The order I gave them before was not to kill anyone who can be caught alive."

He glared at him fiercely, and they entered the gem workshop together.

The sound of polishing gemstones is everywhere. There is no cutting machine in this era. It is really difficult for people to cut gemstones by hand.

Tian Yuqiao was relieved to see people divide the gemstones of different shapes into small pieces of similar size.

Playing with the goose egg shaped gem, Tian Yuqiao smiled, nodded and said, "well, it's good. It's powerful to polish it to this extent."

It is too difficult to cut a gem into the shape of a diamond, so it can only be made into a circle, square or triangle. The most complex is the five pointed star shape. No matter how complex it is, it is difficult to complete it.

For Tian Yuqiao, it takes more brains to design more beautiful things.

She didn't let anyone throw away the leftover materials of gems, and they will be weighed and recycled at that time. As for the large goose egg shaped gemstones, there are more. She plans to have people weave more reticular complexes and put the gemstones inside at that time. Hanging on the waist, it looks more luxurious than a jade pendant.

After making up her mind, she didn't intend to stay here because the noise here was too loud.

After the steward here reported his work to Fang Wenhao, he went in a hurry again. Looking at his appearance, Tian Yuqiao knew that Fang Wenhao had arranged a eunuch to supervise!

From here, I went to another humble house. There is a place to make jewelry. There are separate rooms in it, which are prepared to avoid disturbing each other.

From the appearance, the house is very ordinary. But the interior decoration is very comfortable. There are foreign stoves in each room, and there are little apprentices waiting next to them. Some have steaming kettles on the stove, while others have potatoes and sweet potatoes on top, and the smell is baked out.

After checking here, Tian Yuqiao left with Fang Wenhao with satisfaction. She is ready to go back to design more jewelry drawings immediately. All this is because she wants to look at money and thickness!

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