After seeing the decoration of the founding silver building and the workshops used to make jewelry, Tian Yuqiao immediately put his heart in his stomach and began to concentrate on designing drawings.

That day, Tian Yuqiao was frowning and designing a brooch in the warm Pavilion. Suddenly he heard the sound of fluttering wings outside. Looking up, it was really a carrier pigeon raised by a wild old man who flew back to report to himself.

In order to distinguish which squares are used for transmitting messages and which are used for investigation, the foreheads of carrier pigeons are dyed into different colors by Yelao with dyes.

The red ones are Messenger, and the gray ones are spies.

Waving to Xiaoyu to open the glazed window, the pigeon fell on Tian Yuqiao's desk. Tian Yuqiao also grabbed a handful of grain from the virtual environment step by step, sprinkled it on the table, and let the carrier pigeon eat it by itself.

When he opened the letter box, Tian Yuqiao's eyebrows were tight first, and then loose.

"Ha ha, I see. It's better."

When he stuffed the note into the bamboo tube again, Tian Yuqiao sent the carrier pigeon to deliver the letter to the palace.

Tian Yuqiao put poisonous insects on every bird he raised in the wild. These insects usually don't appear to be water tight, but they can play a role in positioning at the critical moment.

In other words, Tian Yuqiao can master the small software, which is equivalent to having a super locator in his hand.

The poisonous insects on the pigeons can point out the direction for the pigeons. Therefore, although this pigeon is the first time to the Imperial City, it can also find Fang Wenhao's place.

Because Tian Yuqiao also put a small porcelain bottle on her family and the people she wanted to contact, and there were poisonous insects in the bottle.

The bottle is very nice. It's in my purse. I don't care about it at ordinary times. This is convenient for carrier pigeons to transmit credit, so there is a pager.

Fang Wenhao soon got a letter, so he rode round and round without stopping. It's really a breeze along the way. When the people see Tuan Tuan, they want to kneel down.

That's the mascot of China. Those who see get rich!

Fang Wenhao didn't care much, so he galloped the bear on the street. When he came to the founding government, Tian Yuqiao had some calculations in his heart.

The two met in Wulang's study. Before Tian Yuqiao spoke, Fang Wenhao took the lead in saying, "qiao'er, do you want to sell salt?"

Tian Yuqiao first nodded and then shook his head. This made Fang Wenhao wonder and puzzled, but he still didn't say much, and then waited for Tian Yuqiao's following.

"Now salt is under the control of the government. Naturally, I can't compete with the imperial court for business. But I can find a way to extract some salt, so that our people won't be affected to eat salt, and we can have extra salt to exchange for money on the other side of the mountain." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Oh? Joel, do you have a way to extract salt? That's great. Nowadays, salt is often the most lacking in the army. They usually use a rag bag to soak in the salt for a period of time, and then every time they cook, throw the cloth strip into the pot, twist it twice and take it out. Alas, I've eaten it, and I don't have any appetite." Fang Wenhao frowned and recalled.

Tian Yuqiao was also a little dumb. She didn't expect to be so short of salt in this dynasty. When she was near the mountain village before, it seemed that she couldn't afford salt in the poorest period.

Seeing her suspicious look on her face, Fang Wenhao then said, "there are few salt mines, and only a small part of the mined salt stone can be eaten. Alas, this is actually a worry for me. If I use other things to exchange with them, I naturally have nothing to say. But this salt can't!"

Tian Yuqiao then said, "don't worry, I don't need your salt mine, and I don't need you to provide anything. I'm just going to ask you for a fief. It's the fief next to the seaside, and then arrange some trustworthy people to give it to me. Don't worry, I promise I'll make you drop your glasses."

Fang Wenhao was delighted when he heard the speech. He didn't ask, so he smiled and nodded.

Tian Yuqiao saw the sweat seeping out of his forehead. He said he was willing to send me anything. When it comes to salt, you won't agree. Cut~

"Hao Tianjun's family members are reliable. I don't know how many people you plan to have?" Fang Wenhao asked.

Tian Yuqiao pinched his fingers and calculated. Then he said, "it's enough for a hundred strong men, women and children. I'm just going to try. If I succeed, I'll invest more manpower at that time."

Fang Wenhao smiled, nodded and agreed, and then gave Tian Yuqiao a decree. At the place with the sea nearest to the Imperial City, Tian Yuqiao was designated a county.

The reason is very simple. It's a fief for my sister. Ministers who dare to talk more nonsense is to die!

Tian Yuqiao smiled and helped dry the ink on the imperial edict. Then he saw Fang Wenhao's tangled face and put a jade seal on the imperial edict.

Bohai village is adjacent to Bohai Bay. There are mostly fishermen there, but no one farms. Because most of the land there is saline alkali land. The salinity is too high, what is planted is not long, and seeds are wasted.

Even so, it is hundreds of miles away from the imperial city. Fang Wenhao frowned. He still felt a little far away.

"Qiao'er, why don't you tell me the way to make salt, and then directly arrange the next person to do it, so don't go!" Fang Wenhao said reluctantly.

Tian Yuqiao gave him a white look and said, "come on, sister, I'm going to use this method to make salt to get rich. You are the king of a country. Do you want to compete with me for this little money?"

Fang Wenhao was stunned and then reacted. Why did he forget that the little girl is a little money fan?

"Joe, I don't mean that. I mean, after the salt is made, it's all yours. I really don't want it. I won't touch anything you change with the salt. Do you think it's ok?" Fang Wenhao showed a tone of discussion.

The little eunuchs who followed outside looked like bad thunder. I didn't expect that the emperor's majesty, who is so powerful on all sides, was as docile as a little milk dog in front of his dry sister!

The two soon settled the matter of salt making, but Fang Wenhao still maintained a wait-and-see attitude because they had not practiced it.

He decided that when it was warmer, he would personally accompany Tian Yuqiao to Bohai village. Even if things don't work out, he has figured out how to find steps for Tian Yuqiao. The big deal is to catch seafood in the past.

If Tian Yuqiao knew that Fang Wenhao had helped her think of the way out now, I'm afraid she would roll her eyes wildly towards the sky.

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