Tian Yuqiao got a county seat near the sea as a fief. As the emperor's sister, it's nothing for her to have such a fief. Who makes Fang Wenhao's relatives as few as rare.

This time it was also a low-key trip. Fang Wenhao secretly arranged the manpower Tian Yuqiao needed.

After some time, she had designed the drawings of bracelets, foot chains, rings, hairpins, hairpins and other accessories. The marked places are also described in detail.

As for size models, Tian Yuqiao is divided into children's models, women's models and men's models. Men's jewelry only has a finger and a ring. Of course, Tian Yuqiao also launched a big gold chain! She doesn't know if men will like it. Just try it first.

Fang Wenhao personally came to the door that day and said that things had been arranged in Bohai village. Tian Yuqiao put down the charcoal pen in his hand and was ready to start with a smile.

The next day, in Wang's reluctant eyes, Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao took the same bear, that is, the mascot Tuan Tuan. So swaggered and disappeared at the end of the official road, which naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

"Qiao'er, don't you want to keep a low profile? How can you let the group travel now?" Fang Wenhao asked suspiciously.

Tian Yuqiao said, "do you want people to think that we are going to do great things? I asked Tuan Tuan to come out just to make people think that his majesty took his sister out to play."

Fang Wenhao helps her forehead. Well, what she says is what she says, as long as she is happy.

Just after leaving the Imperial City, Tian Yuqiao found a place where no one was and threw Tuan Tuan into the virtual world. Then there was a whistle, a long cry in the sky, and then the golden ring fluttered its wings and circled down from the air.

They jumped onto the back of Jin Huan. The distance of more than 100 miles was nothing in Jin Huan's eyes. In half a day, Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao have arrived at Bohai village.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't wait to go to the seaside to play. She missed the sea for a long time.

A lame old man was directing the people by the sea to build a house. It's warmer here than the imperial city. Now there are signs of spring.

"It's uncle nine!" Tian Yuqiao glared.

Fang Wenhao nodded and said, "that's right. Now he's going to live in seclusion. Now he's the village head of Bohai village. This house is built for you. I'm in charge privately. Don't you mind?"

"If you don't mind, it depends on your design. If it's not beautiful, I'll be angry." Tian Yuqiao said deliberately.

Fang Wenhao smiled, took the little girl's hand and walked towards Lao Jiu.

At this time, Lao Jiu, who still has the style when he was in the dark guard! It seems like a dirty little old man, holding a cane in his hand, waving it in the air from time to time, pretending to frighten the Haotian army who came to help.

We all know the identity of Lao Jiu. We are naturally respectful to the old man, so no one dares to say anything more.

As for the aborigines here, they already know that this is a fief given to their sister by the emperor, and they are exempted from taxes for three years, so they are naturally very happy.

Tian Yuqiao is now the princess of fortune. Just because Tian Yuqiao doesn't like the word "fortune", he thinks it's too realistic, so he won't let people call her that.

Old nine saw Fang Wenhao and Tian Yuqiao at a glance. He limped over to salute them with the cane in his hand.

"Uncle nine doesn't need to be like this. Please get up quickly." Fang Wenhao quickly bent over and helped old nine.

"Your Majesty is coming in person now. I don't know what's the big deal?" Lao Jiu asked with a frown.

"This is a big secret. Next, a two meter high wall will be built here. No one is allowed to get close within a mile." Fang Wenhao ordered.

When the old nine heard the speech, his eyes suddenly burst out two pure lights! Originally some rickets of the back, at this time even vaguely become straight a lot.

Since he was seriously injured, he has no ambition. He just wants to live a life of mixed food and death. I didn't expect that now I can help the new emperor do a great thing. This life is enough and I can die without regret.

Seeing the excitement in Lao Jiu's eyes, Fang Wenhao whispered, "don't hide it from Uncle Jiu. We're going to try to make salt with seawater."

Old nine smelled the speech and suddenly showed a lost color on his face.

"Hey, I've been here for some time. At first, I heard that the sea water was salty and tasted it myself. But it was bitter and astringent. It couldn't be used as salt." Lao Jiu said bitterly.

Fang Wenhao patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, uncle nine. Now we are rich. The princess says she has a good way. I believe her."

"Oh? It's Princess Facai's meaning? I think it's feasible. She instigated the stuff contained in the small porcelain vase before. If you really have the method of making salt, it's really lucky for everyone."

Fang Wenhao seemed to look at another person. He didn't know when the ninth uncle began to become so compassionate. In the past, Lao Jiu didn't blink when he killed. I heard that he even ate the enemy's body when the Army food was burned~

"It's too cold outside. Your Majesty's palace has begun to take shape. Most of it is sandy, so you need to buy wood and stone from outside. But now there are three houses in shape, and your majesty can live temporarily." Lao Jiu said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao went to the palace mentioned by Lao Jiu. At the moment after seeing it, Tian Yuqiao was a little excited. It was built according to the house of the mountain village. She thought it was moved here.

But now there are only three rooms to live in. Fortunately, only yourself and Fang Wenhao are enough.

"Is this what you call design? It's true to copy my creativity." Tian Yuqiao said silently.

Fang Wenhao said, "Hey, hey, I'm afraid you're not satisfied! If you say you're not satisfied, I'll let someone tear it down and build it again."

"Forget it, if I say I don't like it and don't value it here, won't I deny myself? It's too much. Alas, it's really the first grade of the official university that kills people."

Seeing that the little girl walked into Westinghouse with her hands on her back and closed the door from inside, Fang Wenhao finally showed a smile.

The little girl is so cute. Even when she is angry and shriveled, she is so playful. However, seeing that she is a little angry, I still don't want to do so in the future. Seeing that she is angry, my heart will be so uncomfortable~

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