Tian Yuqiao lived in Bohai village, and the place less than a mile away from her is Bohai Bay. Now when she stayed in the house, she could smell the smell of the fishy and salty sea, and the air was wet.

Lao Jiu asked people to bring a pot of characteristic random stew here, including dried beans and eggplant dried last year, as well as all kinds of fresh seafood.

Originally, people didn't dare to eat crabs, but since haotianjun came, they began to buy big crabs that fishermen didn't want. Now Lao Jiu asks people to bring up this dish. There are crabs and small shrimps in it. The taste of the dish smells good, but Tian Yuqiao doesn't like it.

Fang Wenhao was not picky about food. After eating everything in the basin, he said to Tian Yuqiao, "the dried eggplant tastes good and the beans are strong."

Tian Yuqiao endured helplessness, casually ate a bowl of rice, and said he was full.

The next day, Xiaoyu arrived in a carriage and brought the cook of the Tian family. At this time, Tian Yuqiao was not in the emperor's palace, but ran to the seaside.

Looking at the old fishing boats like fallen leaves in the water, Tian Yuqiao's head hurt. If such a fishing boat goes to sea and encounters such a small storm, I'm afraid it will kill people?

Let Xiaoyu call a fisherman. Tian Yuqiao handed her two steamed stuffed buns and said, "aunt, I want to ask why you live so poor near the sea?"

The woman took the steamed stuffed bun and didn't know where to put it. It's a white faced steamed stuffed bun! I have to sell it for several Wen, and I can't buy it if I go late. I've met a noble man.

She fell down and wanted to worship Tian Yuqiao. Xiaoyu quickly helped the aunt up and said, "our miss is out for a walk. I think you are new in fishing, so I want to ask."

The woman carefully put the two white faced meat buns into her arms, and she was not worried that she would get oil on her clothes. Then he said, "Hey, we are full of saline alkali land here. We can't grow anything, and the food is poor. If you want to eat some food, you have to buy it in the county."

"Why don't you want to sell the fish in the city?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

The woman said, "Hey, you can catch so many fish every day, and if you keep them, they will rot. there are only fresh fish in the city, and everyone is relatively poor, and there are not many fish in those restaurants."

"Can't you eat fish?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

The woman smiled bitterly and said, "little girl, no matter how delicious the fish is, if you eat fish several times a day, it will be tired over time."

"Can't you reserve more fish you catch? For example, they are made into salted fish." Tian Yuqiao said.

The woman said, "well, when it's hot, the fish will attract flies. When it's cold in winter, everyone has no cotton clothes. When it's windy and cold to go fishing at sea, no one wants to go to sea. Moreover, our ship can't do it. We don't dare to go to the deep sea. There's not much difference that these fish will be beaten outside."

As soon as she finished speaking, someone over there shouted to her, "aunt Jinhua, no, something's wrong. Your dog's egg is entangled in your face by a monster. Now you can't breathe ~"

As soon as the woman heard this, she didn't care to say hello to Tian Yuqiao, so she spread her big foot film and ran towards the beach with people.

Her man is a cripple. Her son dog egg is 15 years old. Now she is the main labor force in her family. If something really happens, her family will be finished.

Tian Yuqiao took Xiaoyu and ran with him. At the place of the accident, Fang Wenhao had already been there.

This scene almost made Tian Yuqiao laugh. I saw a huge octopus, which was opening its tentacles and calling on a young man's face.

The tail end of the claw is still winding back and forth, revealing the round suction cups inside. People who don't know it seem to have seen a ghost and say everything.

"God, is this a sea monster? It looks so scary. The Jinhua family must have offended Lord Poseidon."

"Yes, we dare not go out fishing in winter. This dog egg not only dares to go out, but also dares to go further. No wonder it will offend the sea god and send sea monsters to revenge their family."

"Oh, dog egg is the only pillar of Jinhua family. Now how can Jinhua couple live?"

People say everything. At this time, dog egg pressed the smooth body of the octopus with his hand to tear it off his face, but he couldn't do it at all. It was so slippery that he couldn't catch it at all.

When Jinhua saw it, she immediately rushed over and tried to tear the monster off her son's face.

However, at this time, a jet of dark ink was sprayed from the monster and directly onto Jinhua's face.

The crowd was surprised again. The original spectators were scared to escape.

"Mother, this monster is terrible!" people all exclaimed in surprise.

There are only Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu here. Fang Wenhao frowns and carries a dagger. He doesn't know how to deal with the monster in front of him.

Because the dog egg's mouth and nose were blocked by the octopus's body, he now had some difficulty breathing. Seeing this, Tian Yuqiao rushed directly over regardless of the obstruction of Fang Wenhao and Xiaoyu.

Find the octopus's eye and press it directly with your hand. The octopus felt pain and immediately curled its tentacles. The sucker that had been clinging to the skin of the dog egg suddenly loosened. Tian Yuqiao tore the octopus off the dog egg's face.

The golden flowers on one side had been silly. After a while, she went over and hugged her son and began to cry.

"Dog egg, why are you so careless? If you have something good or bad, you can let me live with your father ~"

The cry rang through the sea. Those who hid aside and dared not move forward thought that the dog egg was dead and came to comfort Jinhua one after another.

"Lady Jinhua, I'm sorry. Everyone in the village will take care of you in the future."

"Yes, the dog egg is kind and righteous. We won't see you two lose your way."

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes helplessly, and then took the sword from Fang Wenhao. Poked the octopus, and soon its suction cup was sucked on the scabbard of the sword. It was intertwined and dense. It would be uncomfortable to see it.

He handed the sword to Fang Wenhao and said, "keep this. Let's have dinner in the evening."

Fang Wenhao felt numb all over. At the thought of eating such a monster, he had an impulse to go back to the palace to review the memorial.

The dog eggs over there had slowed down. When the public saw him open his eyes, they ran away as if they had seen a ghost.

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