Octopus was found on the beach. For fishermen who have not seen it, it looks too terrible. They treat it as a monster one by one. Tian Yuqiao rescued the dog's egg from the octopus's claw, which made Jinhua grateful to her and knocked three heads.

"Thank you for saving my life. My dog egg has nothing to repay, but ~"

Tian Yuqiao's head is like a thunder suddenly exploding. Jin Hua must not go on. What if she wants dog egg to promise herself?

She quickly waved her hand and said, "it's all right. It's just a small effort. This thing is actually a disaster in the sea, and I'm here to help you catch monsters according to your Majesty's edict."

All the people were stunned, and Fang Wenhao stepped forward and said, "yes, this monster is so hateful that you can't catch fish near the sea, so in the future, if you catch this thing, you must send it to the new house not far away. That's the residence of the rich princess. You can use this monster to exchange food or money."

Tian Yuqiao gave Fang Wenhao a knowing look, which means you know each other very well. Fang Wenhao's heart pounded. It seems that he has understood it right this time.

Just now I saw the look of the little girl when she saw the octopus. Instead of being afraid at all, she looked like seeing gold. When Fang Wenhao heard that she was going to have an extra meal tonight, he understood that the monster he was carrying could be eaten and should be delicious.

Under the "collusion" between the emperor and a greedy princess, these simple fishermen naturally believed it. Some people scolded the damn monster for scaring away their fish, while others praised the benevolence and righteousness of the rich princess.

A farce affected Tian Yuqiao's mood of watching the sea. However, seeing Fang Wenhao carrying a lump was not enough, her mood was better. There's no need to eat stewed crabs and shrimps tonight. She's going to get a spicy fried octopus.

This big octopus is definitely enough for them. When they go back, they put it in the basin. That guy took the whole wooden basin. Some virtual lotus pond water was added to it, which made the withered Octopus alive again.

After a while, someone outside reported that a woman who claimed to be a golden flower came with her son carrying a basket of seafood to thank her grandfather.

"Hehe, it seems that people know the identity of the young lady." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Hey, just know. It's nothing."

Let the golden flower mother and son come in, and they put down the bamboo basket.

"The little woman doesn't know that the girl is the princess. Please don't blame us for being rude." Jinhua said and knelt down to Tian Yuqiao with dog eggs.

Tian Yuqiao helped the forehead and quickly asked Xiaoyu to show them a seat.

"These are some fresh seafood from our family today. I hope you don't dislike it."

Tian Yuqiao looked. There were some shellfish, two hairtail, and some shrimps in the bamboo basket. In short, there is a mess of everything. It looks very rich.

"Your family is not rich either. I can't take this." Tian Yuqiao said.

"If you don't accept it, you can give it to the guard around you." Jinhua looked at Fang Wenhao and said.

Tian Yuqiao held back his smile and nodded to let people accept the things. When sending the mother and son away, she specially asked Xiaoyu to give them 100 Wen to buy these seafood.

Xiaoyu came back and said, "the mother and son are still unwilling to accept the money. They are almost too poor to wear pants. They refuse to accept our money. It seems that they are really grateful to the young lady."

"Did you give it at last?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

Xiaoyu nodded and said, "of course it's given. People are so poor. How can we take their things for nothing? But aunt Jinhua said that these things she sent were not worth so much money. She said it was only ten Wen. Later, I said it was better to buy your bamboo basket and fish basket. She reluctantly accepted them and looked embarrassed."

"Hey, I'm the king of a country. I'm regarded as your guard. Do you still have to pay me?" Fang Wenhao sighed with his chin.

Tian Yuqiao said, "well, escort Fang, the salary you'll get today is that lump." she said and pointed to the big wooden basin not far away.

Fang Wenhao couldn't help getting goose bumps again. He shook his head and said, "forget it, won't you say that the little woman doesn't want to repay ~"

Tian Yuqiao glanced at him, and then took out several ious from the virtual environment. Smiling, he shook in front of Fang Wenhao and said, "Hey, do you have anything else to say?"

Fang Wenhao shook his head and said, "Hey, I'm speechless."

Seeing that Fang Wenhao was shriveled, Tian Yuqiao held his stomach and began to laugh. She thought of Fang Wenhao's face like a seven color board when Jinhua said that Fang Wenhao was her own guard.

Tonight, Tian Yuqiao's dinner at the temporary princess's house is spicy fried octopus and fried clams. She also asked people to prepare an extra large iron pot and put an open curtain on it. On the curtain was the shellfish she wanted to steam, and below was a pot of rice porridge.

Seeing this way of eating, Fang Wenhao was also curious. Looking at Tian Yuqiao constantly directing the women to put every different on the curtain, Fang Wenhao's stomach shouted twice in protest.

Tian Yuqiao looked at him with a smile. As a result, he turned the emperor red. He looked like a shy big boy. He was very cute.

I don't know when it began. Tian Yuqiao actually liked the feeling of bullying the emperor. Especially seeing him embarrassed, why is he in such a good mood? Now she even wants to sing "good days".

As the lid of the pot was opened for the last time, Tian Yuqiao announced, "well, you can have dinner."

The crowd immediately shouted and gathered around. Whether Fang Wenhao or Lao Jiu, they also completely ignored their identity at this time. Because the taste of seafood porridge is too fresh, especially after it is integrated with the aroma of Japonica rice porridge, it can't help but hook up everyone's greedy insects.

Xiaoyu didn't care whether she was superior or inferior. Tian Yuqiao just asked her to eat together. She took the bowl and dared to grab the porridge with the emperor.

Where did she get her courage? This is definitely from my miss!

A large pot of seafood porridge was quickly robbed by these people. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao had reserved a bowl for herself in advance, otherwise she would be hungry again tonight.

After the porridge, everyone began to eat seafood again. Tian Yuqiao was the only one who ate the octopus, and no one robbed it. The others were divided up by those people.

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