In the following time, Tian Yuqiao began to deliver all kinds of seafood to the imperial city. It seems that he has forgotten his original intention and purpose of coming here, but Fang Wenhao doesn't say much about it. Anyway, as long as the little girl is happy.

The newly built mansion in Bohai village has been completed, which is for Tian Yuqiao to come to the seaside for vacation. As for her real Princess House, it was naturally designed by herself, and the homestead has been divided, which is in the county.

Now it's not very warm and spring ploughing hasn't started yet, so Tian Yuqiao can only resist the impulse to swim in the sea and began to pick up his princess's house.

It used to be a rich man's house, because the rich man reselled private salt and his property was confiscated. The house has not been sold by the government. After all, the people here are not so rich for such a large house, so even though it is very cheap, it has been idle for two or three years.

Now it is just given to Tian Yuqiao by Fang Wenhao. The buildings inside are very good. Apart from the replacement of some indoor furniture by Tian Yuqiao, the house outside has not been greatly changed.

Of course, the thatched cottage and bathroom are new, and the glazed shed is also newly built.

Tian Yuqiao hung a lot of processed squid slices in the shed before he could plant vegetables!

Cut the squid from the middle, and then remove all the internal organs, leaving only the fish meat. Even the fish skin outside was removed. After it was done, it was rubbed with sugar outside, and then the woman with a good knife cut the squid meat a little, but the two ends were not cut off.

Tian Yuqiao is going to tear shredded squid by hand. She has bought all the sugar in the county. Now she can only let people buy it in other counties.

Another batch of fresh squid was sent. Tian Yuqiao checked the shredded squid from the greenhouse and left with his hands on his back.

Two big squids were selected from the big barrel. Then Tian Yuqiao tried to make squid to water rice according to his memory of his previous life.

The squid was cut into squid rings and pickled with cooking wine, green onions and other spices for a while. Then Tian Yuqiao cut green peppers and green onions and fried them in the pot. Then he put the squid in and fried them together.

With the sound of Zila, the smell of green pepper and squid came out.

People filled a bowl of rice and poured the fried squid with soup on the rice. Tian Yuqiao laughed: "OK!"

The cook also cut the other two squids. At noon today, everyone's lunch was filled with squid.

After people ate it, they praised it as delicious.

"I'll write this down and let the delicious restaurant make it according to this method. The price is five Liang silver a bowl. Guests can choose spicy, slightly spicy and sweet spicy." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

The cook, who had learned how to make covered rice, took the recipe and silver written by Tian Yuqiao and went back to the imperial city with the two boys.

It's been more than a month since I came here. I see it's spring ploughing time. Tian Yuqiao has sent the seeds left by himself in the virtual environment to his own farm one after another. Even the big head didn't forget to send one.

In all the rice fields, she asked people to raise river crabs. After all, the Xianxiang restaurant takes river crabs as the main food. Now with the seafood supply from Bohai village, Tian Yuqiao can sell river crabs further away.

Tian Yuqiao is thinking of being distracted, but Xiaoyu brings in a cook. The cook asked, "Miss, I found two strange fish in the kitchen. I don't know if I can eat them. I haven't seen them before."

"Oh, take me to have a look." Tian Yuqiao said excitedly.

When I looked over, I found that it was two hairtail fish! The whole body is silvery, and the teeth are like canine fangs. It is said that they bit a fisherman in order to catch these two strange fish.

"Yes, these two fish are good ingredients. Tell them to go down and give ten Liang silver to the fisherman who brought the fish." Tian Yuqiao smiled and ordered.

These two big hairtail fish, each looks very fat and is a palm wide. Tian Yuqiao couldn't bear to eat, so he threw it directly into the virtual environment.

Now Caicai is not surprised at this. Almost every day, new partners join the virtual environment camp, making the whole virtual environment like an aquarium.

Tian Yuqiao suddenly thought of a question at this time. That is, bears are good at fishing. Instead of letting big ash and second ash waste food all day in the virtual environment, they might as well go to work.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuqiao went to Bohai village again and threw out big ash and second ash as coolies.

With the appearance of these two bears, fishermen are trembling every day. I was afraid that I might offend the two big guys. After all, they had seen big ash. Because a fish escaped from his bear's paw, they were so angry that they slapped the rocks on the beach.

All this was ready. Tian Yuqiao lay on the rocking chair and looked leisurely at the top of the shed.

Xiaoyu brought a bowl of lotus seed tea, smiled and reminded, "Miss, didn't you say you wanted to come over to make salt? Now we just get shredded squid and seafood ~"

Tian Yuqiao jumped up from his chair and almost fell to the ground.

"Oh, Xiaoyu, why didn't you remind me earlier? When I thought of making money, I almost forgot about it." Tian Yuqiao said solemnly.

Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing. She said in her heart that the emperor was not in a hurry. What's the hurry of my little maid? The emperor hasn't reminded him yet ~ Hao Tianjun, who originally arranged to be a helper for his young lady, is now catching fish everywhere for money. What a formality!

"Have all the gauze and charcoal I sent over?" Tian Yuqiao asked.

Xiaoyu nodded and said, "well, miss, those things arrived as early as a month ago."

"Oh, so it is. Look how busy I am these days, hehe. Well, tomorrow we'll go to the workshop in the imperial palace compound. The order to prohibit approaching there will be ordered today, so as not to hurt feelings with the villagers." Tian Yuqiao reminded.

Xiaoyu went down and arranged for someone to do it, while Tian Yuqiao thought about filtering salt water in his mind. After countless changes in her mind, she felt safe, so she lay down to rest.

Time passed quickly. Tian Yuqiao slept until the next day! According to Xiaoyu, the carriage outside has been waiting for half an hour~

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